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Everything posted by BuffaloRebound

  1. In defense of the Booth, Indy was out of timeouts and stopping the clock without being sure that it was a close play would’ve helped Indy.
  2. Wish we had bigger defensive ends. If we aren’t gonna sniff the QB, at least be able to stop the run.
  3. Only question is if he touches him when his knee is still down
  4. This is on the defense. Allen has to be the hero. I don’t blame him. The defense doesn’t deserve to win.
  5. Throw the ball to Beasley!!!! Brown hasn’t caught the ball when he’s wide open.
  6. Keep throwing to Beasley and RB’s. There’s 5-7 free yards every play. Keep taking it and then go over the top.
  7. I hate our defense. Nobody can make a play. Bunch of JAG’s.
  8. Make them prove they can stop Beasley. He was heating up that drive then you run the ball 3 times. Bad play calling.
  9. Can’t relax because we’re up. Unacceptable 1st half. Gotta bring it in the 2nd half.
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