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Everything posted by BuffaloRebound

  1. These are the fluff articles written about guys right before they get cut or traded.
  2. Yeah. Mission already accomplished by Pegula and NFL. The leaked 100% publicly financed ask already has lawmakers on their heels and admitting a portion will be publicly financed.
  3. I agree with almost all of this, but I think a Niagara Falls NY stadium is the only option that won’t be a complete money pit. Niagara Falls is by far the best thing WNY has going for it. It was once a must see destination and could be again with the right investments. Downtown Buffalo doesn’t have the corporate/business base and nobody vacations in Buffalo. There is even less reason to build something new in Orchard Park.
  4. I disagree. There’s no LA out there anymore. An Austin or St. Louis move isn’t a jackpot for Pegula. Increases value of Bills by $1B at most. Then subtract from that all the investments Pegula has made in WNY which will basically become worthless. Then factor in that he and his family will become the most hated people ever in WNY and among Bills fans all over the country.
  5. Then don’t build a new stadium. Nobody’s asking for it other than the NFL owners. Is the NFL really gonna jettison one of its most passionate fanbases for an extra $100-200m in luxury seating when it makes $20B overall and it’s TV contracts are already set for next 10 years?
  6. What a chicken little BS article. NFL loses way more than it gains if it leaves Buffalo. Plus there is no obvious relocation candidate like LA was for 25 years. The TV and media contract accounts for large majority of NFL revenues. If you go by Forbes, the Pegulas $1.4B investment has increased by $900m since they bought franchise. Being from WNY we know to never get over-confident, but government/taxpayers hold most of the cards in the stadium negotiations.
  7. Billionaires don’t need to sell assets to cash in. They borrow against their assets and best thing for them is they no pay taxes on what they borrow. I believe NFL recently raised limit that owners can borrow against their franchise to $1billion. So the increase in franchise value due to new stadium is absolutely going into the Pegulas pockets whether they sell or not. https://www.businessinsider.com/american-billionaires-tax-avoidance-income-wealth-borrow-money-propublica-2021-6?op=1
  8. Right. So shouldn’t Pegula pay for the stadium or at the very least the bump in what Bills will be valued at with new stadium? That’s the government’s negotiation side and hard to argue with. The only leverage Pegula has is threatening to move the team.
  9. MetLife got zero public money but your point still stands. This is a once in a century opportunity for Western NY. Between all the infrastructure money that will be looking for a home and NFL owners applying pressure for new stadium, the region could be beneficiary of a game changing investment.
  10. Agreed when it comes to Buffalo. Put it in Niagara Falls with some nice hotels and with the Canada side, you have a venue that could land a super bowl and compete for a lot of high level events. Every new stadium built in the last 15 years came with the promise of a super bowl. That should be the barometer on whether a new stadium is worth throwing tax dollars at. If NFL won’t commit to hosting super bowl there, don’t put taxpayer money into it.
  11. There’s basically zero economic benefit to anyone other than Pegula/NFL to building a new stadium in Orchard Park. And the Bills aren’t going anywhere so that threat is hollow.
  12. That’s the only place in WNY that could come close to justifying building a new stadium and the price tag that comes with it. Nobody is clamoring for a new stadium in Orchard Park other than the NFL owners. The Bills aren’t going anywhere. Pegula and NFL have zero leverage. The Austin rumor tells you how bad their negotiating position is. Any taxpayer money spent on a new Orchard Park stadium is just asking the current people going to the game to spend more money when the vast majority are happy with current game day experience.
  13. It’s not about Niagara Falls being much of a city, it’s that it’s a destination. The Canadian side is already Super Bowl caliber in terms of hotels and attractions. You spend $1billion on the American side and you’re talking about a world class destination and that stadium would have high profile events year round. Put it in Orchard Park and it’s the same thing as current stadium except higher prices for people who were already attending the 10 Bills games per year.
  14. Spending a billion for an Orchard Park replacement is absurd. Put it Niagara Falls and you’d get a Super Bowl and compete for anything that Detroit and Minneapolis get in their stadiums. If we’re talking a billion dollars and public funding, building something new in Orchard Park is a complete waste of money. Let Pegula and NFL pay for new stadium in Orchard Park.
  15. In terms of leverage, it’s pretty much all on the govt negotiators side. Bills fan base has elevated their game to legendary status. NFL would take a huge hit moving team out of WNY. The problem with spending that kind of money for something new in Orchard Park is that it provides minimal revenue upgrades over the current situation. If your gonna spend close to a billion dollars on a stadium in WNY, the only way it could ever make any financial sense is putting it in Niagara Falls.
  16. This article by a Carucci provides great perspective. It’s really the only leverage the owners have in negotiations for public money. Not defending Pegulas, but not ready to bring out the pitchforks yet either.
  17. Agreed about it being a negotiation tactic, but it’s not a good look for the Pegulas. Bills mafia/fan base has reached legendary status nationwide. Don’t mess with a fan base this loyal. Stop listening to Jerry Jones.
  18. I also saw Bruce during his playing days at the old Pier waterfront bar. Didn’t look that tall but dude was built like a tank. Barrel-chested would be an under-statement. He was there with Ted Washington who was one of largest human beings I’d ever seen.
  19. Yeah. If 18 guys aren’t vaccinated and it’s reasonable to assume the huge majority of those 18 feel comfortable about making the 53 man roster, that 80% number dips in a hurry come cut down day. Hey at least we’re not in Washington’s boat, but latest numbers were half the teams with 90% vaccination rates. For a team with legit Super Bowl aspirations, it’d be a lot better to be in the 90% plus crowd.
  20. Jeez. Barely at 80% with a 90 man roster isn’t great because you know the bottom of the roster is most likely vaccinated or they’d already be gone.
  21. Surprised how much they passed the ball. Mostly screen passes and quick hitters over the middle, but outside of that it surprisingly resembled modern football. Put on a tape of NBA basketball at the same time, and it doesn’t even look like the same game.
  22. He’s probably got decent trade value if he’s willing to play for $7m this year. Bet New England could get a 3rd for him if he’s not demanding a new contract from acquiring team.
  23. Can’t see Bills trading for a guy who wants to be paid $20m+ per year before they deal with Josh’s contract
  24. I think we dodged a bullet when he chose KC. He got his big payday and hasn’t had a productive year since 2017.
  25. I’m sure he wants another crack at an NFL gig, but throwing your former boss under the bus even if true isn’t the way to do it.
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