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Everything posted by cgang

  1. Went to the Nov 1981 game against the Patriots with my brother and my dad. I was 11. Freezing cold/rainy sleet and I think I left part of my 11 year old butt cheek frosted to the metal bleacher in the end zone where it is probably still to this day. We gave up just before the final drive (just too cold and they were losing), were making our way out of the stadium, and then ran back in with a bunch of others just in time to see the Hail Mary at the end. The fandemonium game and the goal posts after. Camping out for playoff seats in 1988 and going to that Bills/Oilers game (the first one, not the comeback game). 80,000 pompoms. And seeing The Who there in 1989 with my high school buddies just before going off to college. Winter Classic. Couldn’t see much but it was classic/awesome! I’ll be sad to see the ol’ girl go. So many memories
  2. Terrible. Horrible. Crap.
  3. Such bs. Btw why a flyover if it’s a dome?
  4. Born September 1970 and parents had me in a little Bills outfit. 6 days later Bills lost their first NFL game and started their first 4 game losing streak. Then the 4 Super Bowl losses. Then the 4 Chiefs Playoff losses. So it’s all my fault guys. Good thing we’ll beat them next year when we meet for the 5th contest!
  5. Totally understand what you are saying Einstein. I recall a similar debate back in the day when the bills lost its last Super Bowl and after the Sabres lost the Stanley Cup and screwed the pooch the next few years in the playoffs. At the time I thought the same way. But then the drought happened (sabres drought still happening of course) and I think that pain was/is much worse than the familiar feeling I am having now (I’m feeling like a horse’s a@@ for believing that we were gonna win).
  6. Thankfully the 48 years of heartbreak had prepared me for this. Shame on me for thinking this year would be different. It was a great and unexpected season. It’s the same old story but I’m grateful to have spent it on this board (thank you all!) and attending that crazy 49’ers game this year. I’d love to say that I’m done with the team and am moving on but that would be a lie- I can’t see myself rooting for any other. I’m not going to say better luck next year, too fed up and that crap gets old, so all I’ll say is… see you at the draft and looking forward to the opener.
  7. I’m going to need some serious rehab after this game- win or lose.
  8. Bills Mafia caravan to the tailgate. Huge shout out to Bills Backers of KC and all mafia that made the trip!!
  9. Too much time all week. Was feeling really good about the game until I made the mistake of watching First Things First and then Gruden’s assessment this morning. I really learn a lot from Gruden and respect his opinion so now I'm fighting an internal battle against being pessimistic. F it. I say our D will get 2 turnovers, Bishop sticks on Kelsey, we have a big run game, josh takes control in the 4th,and we win by 10.
  10. Bishop for president! C’mon Cole! Hyde’s been practicing with him all week so hopefully he’s giving the kid good advice.
  11. Allen head?! So stupid. It makes no sense. Why don’t we talk about how all the talking heads are saying the bills are overmatched and can’t do sh.t until they prove they can. And about how they are crowning Mahomes as the best qb in the history of the nfl. And about how the bills are only here because the ravens f’d up. Let’s talk about that. F them.
  12. Love Marv Levy. Still kicking ass at 99!
  13. I don’t understand why Hollins went thru the metal detector. He isn’t wearing anything. Lol
  14. God I wish I was there. I know Bills Mafia will bring it today (last home game of the season!). Goal is to force 3-5 false starts. Stay safe and answer Josh’s call! live cam of Hammer’s. Lot opened officially at noon and it’s almost entirely full. LFG!!
  15. Curious- Is there a lot of snow in the aisles and underneath the seats at the stadium or has that all melted? At the San Fran game I almost fell on my back with two beers and a few other things in my arms going down the aisle. Two fellow mafia propped me up and prevented me from sliding all the way down to row 1.
  16. Marv Levy
  17. The only similarity is that the bills lost to the bengals and ravens in the regular season. That’s where the comparison ends. I think the Bills and Ravens are different than they were in week 4 from both roster and execution perspectives. I said this in another thread but I really think turnovers is going to be the key to the game. It’s going to be cold. And we excel at forcing turnovers and INTs. Lamar has been great at reducing them this year but I think that ends Sunday.
  18. Bills d #1 in turnovers this season. Lamar great this season at reducing them. I think he will regress to his mean. 1 interception, one fumble, Bills win.
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