Went to the Nov 1981 game against the Patriots with my brother and my dad. I was 11. Freezing cold/rainy sleet and I think I left part of my 11 year old butt cheek frosted to the metal bleacher in the end zone where it is probably still to this day. We gave up just before the final drive (just too cold and they were losing), were making our way out of the stadium, and then ran back in with a bunch of others just in time to see the Hail Mary at the end.
The fandemonium game and the goal posts after.
Camping out for playoff seats in 1988 and going to that Bills/Oilers game (the first one, not the comeback game). 80,000 pompoms.
And seeing The Who there in 1989 with my high school buddies just before going off to college.
Winter Classic. Couldn’t see much but it was classic/awesome!
I’ll be sad to see the ol’ girl go. So many memories