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leh-nerd skin-erd

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Everything posted by leh-nerd skin-erd

  1. If you think JB was voted out of office, you’re precisely the one “…with the problem over realizing the FACT of who lost”. You’re planting seeds of silliness and harvesting the crop of dumbness all in one statement! As for respect, I never suggested I didn’t respect you!
  2. Even assuming @Tiberius doesn’t read the news/watch the news/hear someone talking about the news when he’s going through the tunnels on his birthday at Chuck E Cheese, have a radio/cell phone and/or ever go into a convenience store, it’s really hard to imagine how he came to the conclusion that Biden was voted out of office.
  3. That’s a heck of a tradition. Enjoy!
  4. It's said that your attitude determines your altitude, sir. If you're constantly engaging then storming off, you're consistently going to end up in the same place--revealing a fundamental misunderstanding of what others say or suggest, and tilting at windmills that exist only in your mind. It's your call, but I'll keep a good thought for you. Happy Holidays!
  5. You're confusing dialogue you're uncomfortable with or unwilling to have with 'spin'. Of course that's happened. If the last few years have taught us anything, it's that different rules are applied at different times depending on the target and who's calling the shots. Of course, lack of evidence frequently intersects with lack of criminality, and it sounds an awful lot like you seem to think lack of evidence is evidence of guilt. That's pretty consistent with your crowd. Yes, an Ethics Committee in this case is a group of individuals, collectively and individually widely distrusted by the American public regardless of politics, making largely symbolic statements and in some cases, publishing a report, while in others keeping results secret. As for the DOJ, I'm not sure what you're struggling with. Yes, I believe the Biden DOJ would have prosecuted Gaetz if at all possible. That they did not is quite telling to me, just as your Spidey senses seem to be telling you that the fact they didn't is evidence of his guilt. It's a dog and pony show, as these things usually are. Whatever your feelings are on Matt Gaetz, he's been removed from the equation. That's a good thing--we agree on that. Of course, we have an acknowledged groper in the WH now, your second choice oversaw the character assassination of a SC nominee and was richly rewarded for it in spite of acknowledging she believed Biden assaulted a number of women, and she ran on a platform with Bill Clinton pimping for her--so you really can't walk too far without tripping over a POS in DC. These are just the facts, Jack. Ah, 8 years of democrat silliness on everything from Russians to doors kicked in to slippage to novel theories of prosecution to corrupt prosecutors in Georgia to Biden's ties to China to Russian laptops but suddenly...as if by magic---political connections!
  6. I would never question your love for your children, nor your feeling generally about those who hurt or prey on others. My perspective based on your posting history generally is that you are a left leaning liberal who declares independence from political affiliation for whatever reason that is important to you. Given that, and since you offered the one guess— I think you would avoid offering an opinion on the actions of the Biden DOJ, or rather the lack of action, because in doing so it raises the likelihood of additional questions you prefer not to answer.
  7. This is…interesting in depth, breadth and scope. Be honest—-is the egg nog flowing early this year, Frank?
  8. Orlando asked the question, but it is sort of interesting that you’re not more vocal on their perspective here.
  9. You were polite, this is true. As for Gaetz appointment, it seemed there were some concerns expressed by members of the GOP, and that they were not actually all set to appoint. I think it's also understandable that in the highly charged Washington environment where morals and ethics are just slogans, some would support him as the DOJ and other law enforcement agencies apparently found no illegal behavior. Regardless, he's gone and we have to keep moving forward in an attempt to heal this nation. With luck, Bondi is quickly and unanimously concerned.
  10. Johnson. We'll add Johnson to the list of things that you fear.
  11. I don't know about all that, after quickly perusing the report, seems law enforcement/DOJ investigated these allegations and chose a different path than the committee. I wonder why that is. Still, I think we ultimately agree here--Gaetz was the wrong choice for AG and it's a good thing that Trump moved past him when he did. Onward to Pam Bondi and less chaos.
  12. Hey Mup! I dropped some Talking Heads lyrics the other day, and it offered an opportunity for Fergie and I to virtually break bread for a half a second. Hope you’re doing well, healing nicely and Felize Mupidad!
  13. Well, it’s almost heaven-Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River—so it sort of makes sense. Life is old there. A lot of people think Florida, but no, it’s West Virginia.
  14. I have you marked down as a fervent supporter of the industrial military complex.
  15. It’s good that you want to see this war ended, Tibsy.
  16. The pressure is always on, and the political cycles change based on where the country is at any given point in time. It’s not long ago extremist liberals were celebrating the arrest of opposition party members, certain their candidate in the WH was sharp and up for the job, believing all sorts of fanciful stories of Russians in our midst, from the WH to laptops and anything else. They claimed the price of goods operated independently of whomever was in the WH, that it was always someone else’s fault, and that Team Biden was the team that needed to be in charge. In retrospect, how ****ing bad did they misread the tea leaves? How wrong were they about…just about everything? In the end, the cycle changed and enough people became tired of Jack Smith, Fanni Willis, the weaponization of the government, the absurd illusion that Biden was a-ok, after that, that Harris was actually who they really wanted, the mishandling of illegal immigration and the price of eggs. The fate of republicans rests in the ability to make enough Americans believe they are better off in two to four years, and that the smart choice forward is conservative guidance. You can never underestimate the potential for a political party to f that up, so we’ll see.
  17. She should get the camera closer to her face, so her audience can see her better.
  18. You’re not alone. These people are off their rockers.
  19. Yes, but more casually than some friends of mine. I think most of us in that general age range know that song and the video that went with it. Never saw them live, but it’s always cool when someone catches them on the way up. As for a shut down, I don’t really think much about it one way or the other. I hate to see people impacted by furloughs, layoffs, disability or whatever. On the other hand….something has got to give. Status quo ain’t getting it done.
  20. There’s always political theater. Regardless, you’re welcome, Tibsy.
  21. See? You were all gummed up worrying about Elon, his input, the implosion of the government and zombies running through the street munching on cheerleaders. In the end, the lights are on, the toilets still flush and some beneficiaries made scoodles of money. You’re going to get frown lines with all the worrying! Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down Letting the days go by, water flowing underground Into the blue again, after the money's gone Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground Same as it ever was, same as it ever was Same as it ever was, same as it ever was Same as it ever was, same as it ever was Same as it ever was, same as it ever was
  22. Suburbs. Cars. Elon. Trump passing away. Vance inexplicably declining to take office in the event of the death of the President, one of the most important roles of the VP job. The Germanic peoples, and, you know:
  23. Suburbs. Cars. Elon. Trump passing away. Vance inexplicably declining to take office in the event of the death of the President, one of the most important roles of the VP job. Your scaredy cat list is getting longer by the minute. It might just be easier to be scared of the drones to be honest.
  24. I think he was talking about activists in the media scamming vulnerable Americans citizens.
  25. I don’t know what the rules are, but we just went through 4 years where the geniuses selected a man in steep cognitive decline to hold the top job, declared confidence in his fitness in spite of obvious signs of advancing decline, and were a horrific debate performance away from signing on again. When that all imploded, the geniuses pushed forward with the VP who was complicit in the scam, and thankfully the adults finally pushed back and corrected course. A mentor of mine used to say this: If you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got. There are crazier ideas than this, maybe.
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