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leh-nerd skin-erd

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Everything posted by leh-nerd skin-erd

  1. all i can assume is that if ralph follows the same philosophy on estate planning as he does on picking coaches, he chose an attorney from the back of the phone book who's given him a 100% chance of not losing more than 57% of the money they should be able to keep.
  2. thank you, mr. clavin. (i lash out because i'm petty, it's me, not you)
  3. good lord, don't let them make me do it. don't make me point out that the great satan belichick had injuries out the wazoo during that first super bowl year and made it work. don't make me point out that dj's job is to build a team, consider the need for backups, and make a go at it. a reasonable fan can justify a lost season due to injuries, and we gave him that pass already. it's year 4, and injuries suck, but his master plan turned out to be to put an inexperienced offensive line on the field, and that he has done. on defense, we might well be 2-2 if our offense had any production last week. we might even be 3-1 if the offense travelled with the team down to miami this past weekend, but i don't want to be unreasonable, we're in the midst of a recession. maybe it made sense to leave them in buffalo and suit up the local semi-pro team instead. what sucks for me is that i'm finding thinking there is zero passion on that team. they just are not any fun to watch.
  4. and, during that time, our offense was posing for that milk carton photo.
  5. um---the raider's exec took gannon's commentary that they should "just blow up the building and start over" and brought in a 9/11 comment on it? tacky, very tacky. shows why the raiders are who we thought they are.
  6. i thought he's been on the roster since the late 90's? he is pretty clearly stoked though.
  7. each year, for 48 hours minimum, you carve time out of the day to watch the Bills play football. you invest time, money, effort all because you love the game. maybe you go to training camp, maybe you spend countless hours (some on the boss's dime) reading and reviewing everything you can find. maybe you visit two bills drive and the stadium wall. maybe you live in Australia, maybe it's England, maybe it's Albany, NY. when i'm being rational, i realize it isn't personal, these wide rights, home run throwbacks, "just give it to them" and mckelvin fumbles. dick j is responsible for a ton of things on game day, he has no personal animosity towards me, and is trying the best he can to win football games. i bet he wants a SB win as much as I do, and that's substantial. when i'm rational, i don't curse him, i don't yell when no one else is listening, i don't develop stabbing pain behind my eyes, i don't stew all night, unable to sleep, wondering why my father didn't move to more SB-friendly climes from my beloved WNY after coming back from the war in '45 like so many others. now, when i'm not rational, which seems to be a lot of the time, i kick the furniture, i yell at my wife, and have even considered throwing the remote through my waited-forever-to-buy plasma tv. when at gillette stadium a couple weeks back, even when i knew that an 11 point lead against the pats in their house was simply not enough and that moss would likely catch a pass in the end zone as time expired after our boys went 3-and-out, as leodis dropped the ball, i screamed something along the lines of "rother-rucking-mock-ducking-son-of-askitch-hold-on-to-the-clucking-ball!". fortunately, like a tree alone in the woods, there was so much crowd noise my son didn't hear me. anyway, dj's probably a pretty good guy. he's done some good things here and perhaps missed some opportunities. as far as i am concerned, rationally speaking, all is forgiven if he wins. the game really boils down to that for me. win. win a lot. make the playoffs. fan is short for fanatic. the league relies on that like bill clinton relied on interns. dj will be ok.
  8. i'm no doctor, but i've seen enough "Emergency Room Stories" on Discovery to know that when your lower leg wraps around itself, your chances of playing football on a professional level might be done for a year or so. Horrible video, wish the guy well. Go Bills.
  9. Hey there. I'm a WNY'er (Kenmore) transplanted in Albany 20 years ago. Clifton Park is 20-25 minutes north of Albany, a nice community. If you're in Albany proper, Jillian's sports bar is the place to go. Many screens, plenty of space to see the game. My son and I have watched many a bills game there, and you'll find some Bills fans there on most days. Have fun! I'll be at the game...
  10. absolutely. i'll be in the stands with my son, a couple true beleiver's in a sea of heathens. i had to laugh at this comment: If Buffalo can execute quickly and effectively to keep Belichick from changing personnel groupings it could be a big edge for Buffalo. that would be edge number 1...historically speaking anyway.
  11. I see Bill Cower as the next Bill's head coach, by week 3, in fact. Oh, and Maybin sacks Brady 9 times and Brady quits football to go bang a super model. Chris In Syracuse
  12. oh crap. dick jauron quote on the walker situation: "I wasn't even thinking about thinking about cutting Langston last week, and wasn't thinking about cutting him two weeks ago. Now, after last season, I did think about switching him to left tackle, after thinking about trading Jason Peters. Once I started thinking about thinking about it, I clearly made my decision and think it's the right one. I was thinking about having Turk give him the news, but remembered thinking that I let Turk go last week after thinking about that.".
  13. YES! Case in point. Drew Bledsoe, perhaps the only NFL player in recent memory that a clubfooted lesbian could beat in a foot race...bring him in and give him zero support at the O-line. A pocket passer minus the pocket. Edwards, year three, totally revamped o-line and whatever else you think---on a clusterflick of an offense this pre-season. It's a qb graveyard, the Ralph is.
  14. i think Ralph should pay me the $260 i'll be shelling out to see a new death-stare head coach with a new OC on a no-huddle team play one of the better franchsies in the history of the nfl next Monday night. if he wants to hold back on the gas money, that's fine, but the ticket price should surely be refundable. this is laughable, and has 'free-fall" written all over it. word from the game last night was after another rough night for the offense, dj was heard to comment in a slighty-louder-than-normal voice "oh my. i think turk blows chunks".
  15. than why suspend him at all? he did two full seasons...goodell is a paper tiger.
  16. right. on the other hand---if you allow me to remove my nearly 47 years of buffalo bills heartache from the equation, coupled with the fact that i'll be in New England opening night with my son who only has 14 years of heartache----it sure would be nice to say that vanilla v. vanilla is totally irrelevant. if we're practicing XXX during training camp and never run it, hard to say XXX is a bad thing. one other thought---i have seen the bills in new england 2 times in the past few years. in both games, i felt comfortable i was going just to have a good time and support my team during a loss to a better team. no shame there. in both cases, we had 'em on the ropes but it wasn't so much we couldn't finish, we just got really conservative and simply seemed not to want to finish.
  17. heard the seahawks coach speaking on espn this very day. his comment was bascially that they run vanilla o/d and don't sweat it too much. they work on specfic schemes during practice, specific game plans during practice, and want to hit the ground running for the first game. here's where i'm at on this. if everyone runs vanilla, we don't know what will happen on Monday night, but when push comes to shove----crappy vanilla tastes worse than good vanilla.
  18. not to be a grammar nanny, but i think it should be "douchebagEDness". it's first person possessive. this thread has made me nauseous, because it brings back all the cazy things that happened all those years ago when one of greatest offensive teams in the history of the game showed up a bit flat. my own unbelievedness also lasts a lifetime, it would seem.
  19. here's the thing. when i'm sitting in a seat in satan's basement during that first monday night game, if maybin can get to brady and put his a$$ on the field made from the crushed bones of innocents, all is forgiven.
  20. wrongo. the bills honored the contract negotiated in good faith with three years remaining on it. jason peters violated the contract that was negotiated in good faith. that's why fines accrued. his behavior was pretty much the opposite of what the bills did to him. we'll have to wait and see how quickly the eagles rush to the table to renegotiate his contract next year when he feels he's being cheated again to really figure out if the eagles might have a different attitude about him.
  21. agreed that peter's wasn't solely reponsible for the bills collapse, but i think it's fair to assume in any team sport that you expect your all-star players to lead the team. my personal opinion is that missing all of training camp---and i'd think you agree that the consenus among coaches and players alike is that training camp is a huge part of the nfl season----and taking 5 games more or less to play into shape hardly represents 'lead by example'. additionally, out of all the abused soles in the nfl last year, my recollection is only 2 sat out for an extended period of time. so, of all the great players playing throughout all the inadequate contracts in the league, good old jp was one of two out of 1700 that had a line in the sand to draw, and he ahd a boatload of time left on his deal. it has nothing to do with a perceived slight---it has to do with the obligations the guy has to the team. if you're comfortable that he brought it all and laid it all out in 2008-2009---i respect your right to your opinion. for me, he failed in his part of the equation. my point above was simply to talk about the 5 game run and the collapse thereafter as it you had no part of the overall result is pretty hypocritical. finally, there's a ton of great players in the nfl who could argue they should renegotiate every year or two due to rookie salaries, new deals made by other players, etc.
  22. bullsh*t. is tom brady sitting over in new england now that manning is paid better? is tom brady holding out for his new contract because the one he signed last year ain't as pretty as the new one's being signed? your comment takes into account the player's point of view but neglects the organization's need to look at things as well. what i take away from peter's comments here is that he's pretty much looking for everyone else to elad the charge. to talk about the fact that we started off hot and then cooled down without mentioning "Oh, by the way, I wasn't ready to play football until 33% of the season was completed" speaks volumes about his own work ethic.
  23. but taking the argument to the logical conclusion, isn't crabtree's agent doing what's best for him, and isn't what's best for him to squeeze every nickle out of the game for him? what about crabtree's family and his desire to what's best for them? wouldn't you want to financial guy to actually be a douchebag? it's really gotten pretty pathetic...first preseason game in the book and guys still not even frigging signed.
  24. i disagree with your assessment about the players creating the dollars. the 'system' creates the dollars. the money funnelled into the program by the owners creates the dollars. it's why walter payton can be an all-time great, carve out a name for himself and play with honor and dignity------and when he leaves the game, it goes on with nary a blip. if albert haynesworth never plays a snap in washington, he's a dominant player who never played a snap in washington and the game goes on. as talented as the players are in the nfl---and i'm a believer that they are among the most gifted athletes in the world right down to the special teamers we don't hear so much about, i don't think for a second that if all these guys stopped playing tomorrow that the system wouldn't find the next 1700 or so guys to step up. that said, the guys who raise to the top deserve to get paid based on the market they can command. the system is now set up to reward rookies early and often, at least through the the top rounds of the draft, and i can't help but think that hurts a ton of players in the short term, though it may drive up salaries for the collective good (of the players) later on. i don't disagree that the owners are part of the issue and the desire to make money and keep money drives everybody and everything in the organization. put another way---the player's job is to see to the end of his reach. it's a rare player who sees not only what happens to him, but happens to the team as well (i hate to say it, but it seems tom brady is that type of guy). the owner's job is to see to the end of the organization----revenue, personnel, league obligations, staffing, public relations, travel scheduling, etc. using the union analogy--who really deserves the the windfall, especially since it's the owner's money to begin with???
  25. yo d-h '67...you lay out a reasonable thought process if dick thinks the way you think he thinks. if i am dick jauron, i'm pretty sure i'm a very conservative, compassionate man who probably thinks "to err is human, to forgive divine, but let someone else deal with that dog-killing ex-con--i don't need that action on my team."
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