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leh-nerd skin-erd

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Everything posted by leh-nerd skin-erd

  1. Why the flippant response? You responded to me, I just responded back. What did I say about Sammy that was the least bit controversial? I understand you think his comments have been taken out of context, I'm not even fighting you on that. Maybe he was misquoted. I just scanned the vairous responses for anyone calling for his head on a platter and I don't see it. You really see it as unfair to even question his remarks?
  2. Dude, what did i say that was any different than what Sammy said? I think my comments are fair. Besides, I like Sammy. I don't think the Cat placed this in the Ray Rice category, and I certainly don't, it's just a simple in-season observation. If they come back and provide an unedited quote where Sammy said something different, I'll take my medicine. Exactly. My goodness. You see any of this as evidence that Sammy should be run out of town? And, you throw stones at folks with different opinions than yours and accuse them of throwing stones? The irony is delicious.
  3. I'm with you BC. I guess it would be the equivalent of EJ saying it was different when Mike Williams caught the long touchdown pass against the Texans, as opposed to Sammy allowing the dback to knock the ball away in...crap..Miami? Or, Chandler catching the ball on the sidelines while being arm-barred, and Sammy dropping the pass on the first series last Sunday. Both catches are both different. On the other hand, he's a kid, so, pretty much whatevs. Although, with Kyle Orton in the huddle, what does a vet like that say in the huddle after you allow the dback to knock a well thrown ball away...or when you drop a pass you should catch?
  4. I don't see the Texans game as "under pressure", I see it as felonious assault with intent to injure. I have less issues with the Texans game (jesus, he looked like tom brady back there!)than I do with the body of work thus far. Good call to sit the guy. The offense is struggling, the season is still able to be salvaged, and you have a pro on the bench to go to.
  5. Right. What's with callng the guy a bum? Seems to me a fan who goes out of his way to target a role player on a 53 man roster by calling him a bum is silly. I'd agree if he choice was between Hogan and Michael Crabtree (or our own Sammy Watkins), criticism of the hogan choice would be appropriate. I'd bet even Hogan would question that call. But decisions to keep this sort of player on the roster are made by all 32 teams. Then again, maybe he should send a strongly worded letter to Doug Whaley about Hogan so the bills get this all sorted out the right way.
  6. Give him a job, bring him into the team, whatever. Or, allow him access and treat him like a beloved member of the family. Do the same for other former Bills. Build a legacy of pride and respect for that part of our tradition. You don't need ownership rights for any of that.
  7. And the booing, ban the booing too. It's rude and disrespectful and you can barely hear yourself think. It's a distraction is what it is.
  8. If you're going to take poetic license, it helps to be a poet. Seems as reasonable as anything else to believe.
  9. Amazing how things changed in a few days. From preseason offensive woes, to EJ floundering, to rehashing the mgmt blow-up, to THE stiff arm, to Pegula closing the deal.
  10. Probably just me, but it seems you're working double-time to be an EJ hater after this particular game. He made some nice plays, had a decent game, and in the end got the W. I think most reasonable Bills fans hoping for a win today would take that. Where you came off the rails was right here: "His lifelong lack of Touchdown inexperience was pathetically on display with his immature bootleg TD celebration and behind the LOS pass that CJ took to the house." His celebration was next to nothing by NFL standards. He didn't dance, shimmy, cha cha, kiss his own bicep or kneel to honor the Lord. On the road, after THIS preseason, all the criticism directed at him---say what you want, but his celebration appeared to be little more than...a celebration. The funny part about this all is during the game, I'm as negative a bills fan as there is. When things are going well, I'm fine. When they turn---I'm dropping f bombs, calling for heads on a stick, blaming everything on blown/missed calls. When it's all over though---I'm always back to "maybe next week". It's gotta really suck to be pulling for the guy to revert to suckage within an hour of an opening season win. Say it with me..."I....hope....EJ....does.....well....next....week....!". It's liberating.
  11. Establish the run, offer reasonable if not world class protection, hope for progression from season one to season two. I don't like to generalize, but the trend seems to be when the O does play well, it takes a while to get going. With only 60 minutes to play, that's an issue. At the same time, with the defense, I realize Schwartz isn't Wannstadt, but I was at the Pats-Bills game when Wannstadt ran the d. First half was fun and games, second half looked like a Pats scrimmage ("No contact fellas!") where for kicks they put 11 on O and 6 on D. I still have nightmares. Of course, our creative-outside-the-box D got bulldozed in game 2 last year, too. Both games sucked, they just both sucked better different.
  12. Good post. This summarizes the whole problem with message boards. Things play out a certain way, a backstory is filled in to meet someone's opinion on things, it gets repeated, and what really amounts to some dopey guy's opinion gets repeated as fact. 14 years of futility and mostly a lifetime of pain will do that to you. According to some, the Bills started the season with TL and JT, follishly rode them all the way to the end and finally, in a moment on panic as pre-season ended, they threw the kitchen sink at them. So, while you can't say "The Bills are cheap", you do get to toss out Cheap's ugly and equally unpleasant cousin--Panic. "The Bills overpaid because they panicked!". On the other hand, there seems to be credible reports (or at least as credible as "They rolled the bones and then panicked!" that the Bills were pursuing Orton, who rode the wave, skipped the practice in 95 degree heat with 97% humidity, waited for things to play out and ultimately signed a pretty nice deal for himself. On still another hand (this is the Chernobyl hand if you're keeping count), now that they have what most reasonable folks would consider a reasonable backup, the issue isn't the reasonableness of the back up, it's the cost to get him. Here's hoping EJ comes out and does a good job so we buy at least a week of "Maybe we're on the right track".
  13. Eball has to be feeling vindicated after seeing this. It pretty much proves his original post was not a flat put troll post. Whether or not it was a deuce tempered bingo seven troll post remains to be seen. I wonder if some of these bloggers ever reflect on what they wrote and feel dirty later on. I realize they guy is not reporting news, but what the heck is the point of writing the blurb to begin with? Ej isn't captain...so that means maybe he's viewed poorly by other players, or maybe not? You could write something about every situation and add absolutely nothing new to the dialogue. For instance---FJ is voted captain. Do we know if he was a unanimous choice? If he wasn't, does that reflect conflict I'n the locker room? It just might.
  14. Agreed--the type of play where if he let's up---the play stops when they go out of bounds---or, the runner breaks free and makes him look like a chump. It definitely was an eye-catching tackle and would draw the flag most every time.
  15. "punt" was funny. "lol punt" is subtle and exceptional. i also really like the hand drawn buffalo. good stuff.
  16. I guess a reporter can always argue the right to print what he sees fit, but this strikes me as tabloid journalism at it's finest. Let me summarize.....During a glorious moment. Kelly "snapped". A healthy Jim Kelly knocking the lolipop out of the hand of a baby is fair commentary and relevant news. JK dealing with the emotion of learning he's dealing with a whole 'nother level of cancer/pain and hardship and making an off-handed comment during a glorified dog and pony show is not. I'm not a TG basher, I recognize what he does, but I lose respect for him as a professional when I read something like this.
  17. Homey- It's plain silly to dump the pain and suffering on EJ from 14 years ago. He was in like 3rd grade when that all started. Yeah, sure, he was 6'3" and looked way older, but cut the guy a little slack. Feel free to toss remotes at the TV relative to the Bills in general though. I always thoughts it was "Homes", as in Home Boy. Or Homey D. Clown.
  18. It's all about seeing the subtle shades of grey in a black and white world, my man. I'd skew conservative, but no more want chemically tainted water than you do. I'd skew conservative, but no more want to see a child with a critical illness be left out in the cold without access to health care. i'd make the argument that a liberal crusader like albert farnsworth gore is no more/less connected to 'corporate entitlement' than any robber barron capitalist that one might toss out to buttress the 'conservatives are married to money' argument. on your thoughts re: frackalackin', i'd take you at your word that you believe what you say. on the other hand, i'd trust but verify. if we disagree, so be it.
  19. I think the disclaimer was a good call here. Legally, you've covered all the bases. And assuming this Bulldog fellow actually signs up here, how would you even know it's him? He would have to make up an identity and most of the good ones are already taken, and Bulldog is out--no anonymity there. It'd be like: TheDingoAteMeBaby: Ok, I'm here. OC: What? TheDingoAteMeBaby: Let's do this? OC: Excuse me? TheDingoAteMeBaby: Come on, it's party time. OC: I don't know what you're talking about. TheDingoAteMeBaby: Let's dance. OC: ......Bulldog?? TheDingoAteMeBaby: Um...NO!...I'm TheDingoAteMeBaby! It'll never work.
  20. ominious. babies afraid, doesn't like dwafs/ves, global warming. i don't know about this, not at all.
  21. ...and because of this you're required to visit the White House for a 5 minute photo op?
  22. i'm admittedly getting old and cranky, but i have no issues with a guy not wanting to attend the wh meeting. whether it's social anxiety, political differences of opinion, or you're meeting friends on Chippewa to hit on Canadian chicks--who really cares. on the other hand, the thought that somehow your news is better than someone else's news seems kinda silly, especially since my news is better.
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