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leh-nerd skin-erd

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Everything posted by leh-nerd skin-erd

  1. Some might say "Stolen Valor" isn't a lie, it's just something that someone made up. Btw, my list was not all inclusive, but I would put that under "puffery". I can understand your perspective, and why you feel the way you do. I try to be mindful about what I say and how I say it, because in spite of our differences, you have the same right to an opinion as I do. Somebody is right, I'm just thinking it's probably me.
  2. By any reasonable standard, of course he was.
  3. I still don't know Trump's sister, Fergie, and refer you back to my original response. In the bigger picture, a snippet from the article you posted is below. It's been 4 years, and we seem to know allegations of a shadowy intellectual named Shapiro were apparently discredited (who lied about him, do ya think?): The provost, Wendell E. Pritchett, replied to Orts on July 20 that “we certainly share your concerns about these allegations and the integrity of our admissions process. However, as you suggest in your message, we have determined that this situation occurred too far in the past to make a useful or probative factual inquiry possible. If new evidence surfaces to substantiate the claim in the future, we will continue to be open to investigating it.” Maybe they didn't actually mean "Joe Shapiro", perhaps is was actually a Jimmy Shapinsky?
  4. I don't know Trump's sister. Until today, I didn't know he had a sister.
  5. We have one now. We’ll have one again. We’ll survive. Oh…and more reasons people lie. Addiction. Munchausen by Proxy. Mythomania. Humor.
  6. People lie for a variety of reasons. Money. Fame. Anger. Revenge. Sympathy. Self-gratification. Political expedience. Puffery.
  7. Highly unlikely it happened as the book’s author suggested. Great fodder for a book tho.
  8. Frank, it’s been said you ain’t seen nothin til you’re down on a muffin. I believe that, fa realz. Have we used “fixer” lately? It was popular for a bit.
  9. Thanks for the response, and before I go on, I think you're a thoughtful poster and probably a decent guy. That doesn't matter really one way or the other on the board, but it points to one of the biggest challenges we have in the country today. Of course, you wouldn't tolerate it. However, using the office analogy one more time, based on your rationalization of divisive rhetoric on one side only--and the thought that introspective democrats are the true heroes because they grow and learn from earlier transgressions--it seems you might be comfortable with a supervisor trashing the guy/his family etc in the next cubicle over because he gave you an extra bonus last week, or allowed you to park in the employee of the month spot. You support one, refer to the other side as 'brain washed'. As for dem voters casting the occasional liberal heathen (the one who doesn't evolve spiritually and emotionally) out, that's complete hogwarsh. Joe Biden is career bare knuckles politician, has made incendiary racial remarks, has acknowledged inappropriately touching women, threatened to beat a guy up behind the library, tough talks constituents and so much more...and he got 81,000,000 votes. In spite of his obvious flaws, he was THE guy for you. He's also the guy that declared Republicans wanted to enslave people, but most liberals believe he meant it in the nicest way I suppose. Hillary Clinton...same. Refers to citizens of the other party as deplorable and irreedeemble (but only 30,000,000 or so to be fair) and so, rages 30 years ago about a 'vast right wing conspiracy' and so, so much more...is chosen as the heir apparent post-Obama and gets nearly 66,000,000 votes. Kamala Harris...spearheads the attack on Kavanaugh, and so, so much more...and you're going to line up and vote for her. Oh, and of course the litany of dems referring to the election of Trump as 'illegitimate', implying or stating treason was afoot, and questioning the integrity of our elections for several years. Yeah, that's civil. I don't think you want civility, I think you want to win. There's no shame in that, but pretending you are perched on some high ground is silly.
  10. It’s interesting that you posed questions to me—and really Andy, you sounded sincere in seeking answers to hypothetical scenarios that might occur in my workplace. I responded, returned the favor and asked the same question, and you have nothing to offer. I can only assume that you would be comfortable with the rhetoric in your workplace, with comments being made to your friends and coworkers as long as there was something in it for you. That makes you an outlier of sorts. Trump will come and go, this is really about you and your support of ugly rhetoric in certain scenarios yet finding yourself completely outraged in others. Imo you’re not that far off from a faith-preaching evangelical with a side hustle, Andrew. Now, someday when you find your way and really want to talk it out, I’d agree 100% that the political rhetoric is out of control and destructive. I’d gladly support moving toward civility, but until that time arrives on both sides, we might as well be honest and civil about the reality of what we face.
  11. I’m disappointed, but your answer was about as I expected. You don’t want to deal with the nasty and ugly rhetoric from your side, so, you pretend it doesn’t exist. That’s ok Andy, your indignation is noted.
  12. No, you’re incorrect. In imaginary land deals involving wetlands in Tallahassee, I’d never sell out to Big Development. Couple ton a gravel, a dozer, 80 feet of corrugated pipe and sixxer of Coors Light gets it done.
  13. Action like those we saw on the Biden withdrawal plan, and the kids on the line blown up? The action of Biden talking about shifting the focus from those soldiers who died on his watch and their grieving parents to his story of the death of his son under hospice care in a hospital in Delaware at 50something? You really love this Biden fellow, huh Frank?
  14. But people sell and buy land in Florida all the time, don't they? I get the whole "I've got some oceanfront property in Missouri for sale", but sales of land to interested parties are a pretty common occurrence I would think. Nothing odd or unusual about this sort of real estate transaction. I mean, if you and I were talking, and you said "If you believe that, I have some land to sell you in Florida", I guess my response would be "I'm not looking to buy land in Florida, but thank you.". I'm not sure where you go from there. Even in your follow up, you know, cheap, damp land, maybe you get a deal on wetlands, rent a machine, move some earth, put down some gravel, a little drainage pipe and bing bang boom you have a nice piece of property. In the spirit of the Olympics, I just feel like you had a couple bobbles in the performance and failed to stick the landing.
  15. Ok, on this I’m intrigued. What’s the hook on “I got land for sale in Florida for you” reference?
  16. No Tibs, I get the point. As you have pointed out, HRC won the popular vote and absent the Electoral College, would have been President. Rumor is people on the left were outraged OUTRAGED I tell you, and calls for abolishing our electoral system followed. She was mad popular. That’s one example. Biden threatened to take DJT behind the library like the old days, and only two things happen behind the library, most assume he was threatening with physical violence, not the other thing. It was Biden who suggested certain the Rs were going to enslave people, and that non-believers are a threat to democracy. Harris is all about derisive and divisive language, as previously pointed out. As for whataboutisms, I answered Andy’s inquiry and offered context based on his question to me. Mean-spirited and harsh rhetoric is a part of life as inconvenient as it may be for you here. Prayers for enlightenment.
  17. What will happen in November will happened in November. History has shown us the polls can be accurate or not, that some issues are hot button and others or not, and things like the Dean Scream can derail a campaign overnight. X is just a platform, she does it or doesn’t.
  18. Or on X, a platform with massive reach and one of the most popular platforms on the planet. She could sit for the interview, explain her agenda and speak to Trump’s cognitive issues and stroke. Having partnered with Biden during his obvious decline over the past few years, she’s uniquely qualified to explain what she witnessed and how she dealt with it. When she confronts EM on his change of perspective on issues, he can ask her to explain hers. From my perspective, I’m more concerned with that sort of thing than the thoughts of a private citizen.
  19. Seems like a reasonable offer. It would give Team Harris the opportunity to explain how her agenda might be different than Team Biden to address inflation, the border etc in real time.
  20. Please, call me Leh-n. Only my mother calls me….wait, that’s not right. Never mind. To answer your question, no, I wouldn’t tolerate that at my place of employment. I’d think a derogatory comment on that level results in HR involvement and punitive action, a supervisory rebuke, or in some cases a punch in the face. However, the national American political arena is completely different than most workplaces, with different rules of conduct and vastly different outcomes for participants. You might as well ask me if I’d tolerate a co-worker launching himself at me like Terry Tate, office linebacker, you know, like the NFL workplace. Andy, in your workplace, would you tolerate an individual referring to you and members of your family as “irredeemable” or your mother or sister as “deplorable” because they had different points of view than your co-worker? Would you tolerate an individual in your workplace ruminating on claims you were involved in sexual assaults as a high school senior? What about the co-worker who suggests you are a threat to democracy? Or, that if you get promoted, you’ll put certain people back in chains? That sort of political hostility will get you canned and referred to a therapist to work out the ugliness in you these days. Politics isn’t real life as far as you and I are concerned….and sure as ****, you’ll be wondering how “Republicans…tolerate” as you enter the ballot booth to cast your vote for the pristine souls that exist only in your mind.
  21. What does the top of the GOP ticket have to do with Clinton speaking to the adoring masses at the Dem convention? The “vote for an abuser if they support your view” crowd did that with W Clinton twice, and his wife was very popular as well. Theres no moral decency standard here. That ship sailed a long time ago. I simply would have thought the Dems would foster the illusion they weren’t hypocrites for the base. Joe Biden as a speaker.…sure. Limit him to 5 minutes, guide him on, guide him off and off into the sunset.
  22. @JaCrispy and, Harris believed the women who made allegations against Biden for inappropriate touching/fondling. This of course was during a pivotal time when accusers were encouraged to share their stories of pain and heartache--then opted to partner with him when given the chance to elevate her position in the party.
  23. Those who can, do. Those who can't, Tibs.
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