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leh-nerd skin-erd

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Everything posted by leh-nerd skin-erd

  1. I’ll repeat, but expand a bit for clarity. Woodward’s story about what someone told him about someone else might be true, or it might be false. Woodward might believe what he was told, but the person he spoke with might be mistaken or lying. Woodward might be embellishing or making up his version of the facts to sell books. Woodward’s narrative might be true re: Trump, true regarding Biden, true regarding Trump, false regarding Biden, false regarding Trump, true regarding Biden, and false regarding Trump and false regarding Biden. That’s the nature of books, stories, authors and people in general. I shouldn’t have to tell you that, but I’m happy to be your north star here. What we do know for certain is that when the Kremlin tells you what to believe, sometimes you believe.
  2. Question--does the govt cap tax on the fair market value of goods and services, and/or if gouging does occur, refund the ill-gotten gains collected?
  3. She's got some big mitts on her.
  4. A Starr is Born says when he takes 120 million taxpayers, considers 160 million filings and divides by 75% he always gets the same answer: Billions in foreign aid aren't really billions at all, and even if those billions were billions, 1% of anything is way less than 25-30% of the same number. How did you make out with the storm?
  5. Thanks. I should have known that but I always carry the ‘s’. Starry Starry night has chosen to take the absurd “that money don’t count when counting money”. It’s a tad silly but he’s upset because the complaints are being lodged during the Harris/Biden admin.
  6. That's an odd statement. Who accused you of that?
  7. You live in a strange world where historical events are reimagined in a completely new way. Next up from Tibsy: "Trump lead us into conflict with North Vietnam."
  8. I allowed for the possibility that abject incompetence lead to the situation in Crimea and Ukraine, but who really knows? There's always talk about the war machine and those who profit from it, Barrack and Michelle are living a pretty good life these days. Waterfront property, amazing views, etc. Trump wasn't president when all that went on, Tibsy, so blaming him for votes you cast seems small, petty and unsporting. Come to think of it, Hamas launched their attack on our ally Israel when Biden was in office, too. Yikes. If Harris gets in, do you suppose one of our enemies attempts to anschluss Nova Scotia?
  9. Which brings us back to the costs associated with government program(s) with their sacred ox...oxs..oxeses..oxi?
  10. The government controls the market, Frank. They set the rules, the pricing, the coverage limits, the requirements for insurance when a mortgage is secured. The 'insanity' as you describe it is very consistent with other government programs that theoretically provide a helping hand to those in need, with no real emphasis on moving past the helping hand stage.
  11. Look Tibsy, you can rage like a suburban soccer mom who got a bad haircut, but the facts are the facts. Russian interference flourished on Barrack's watch. All the actions, real or alleged, occurred when Barrack and Joe were running the country. Perhaps he was busy negotiating with Netflix or planning the Martha's Vineyard china pattern, but that's a fact. What did he do about it, proactively? Nothing--though he expelled Russian nationals as he was leaving the WH, creating a situation with an incoming admin that should have taken place much earlier, designed to create stress and tension for the opposition who prevailed at the ballot box. Kudos to you for the emotional bravery to acknowledge he "did not handle Putin well with Crimea". That's the equivalent of suggesting the Titanic didn't handle the iceberg well, but only if you're Crimean I suppose. That was back when you didn't care about Crimea, or Ukraine, or Barrack's actions because it didn't matter. So, we know Obama didn't handle Crimea well, and we know JB was part of all that, so he was 0-fer. Then, Trump gets elected, nothing. Then your boy Joe gets in...gets rolling...and 13 months later Putin moves in Ukraine. Mind you, for the 1461 days Trump was in office, he stayed out. Now to be fair--I cannot say whether or not Biden partnered with Putin to gin up the war machine, or if Putin waited until a weaker adversary was in the WH, but either way, it was all on Biden/Harris. As for the removal of Russia from the G8, here's the reality. Putin got over 10,000 sq miles and all that comes with the peninsula, Obama's line in the sand was running in the safety of the crowd with other world leaders and telling him he could not sit at the cool kid's table anymore. I'd hope it was simply incompetence, but you never know. The Putin recap: Obama/Biden....he takes Crimea. Trump...he stayed at home. Biden/Harris...he invades Ukraine. Harris/Walz...what country falls next, Tibsy?
  12. The original “stooge” rolled by Putin was Barrack Obama, per Joe Biden in Woodward’s book. That seems obvious when looking at the facts as they played out. Thereafter, Putin stays home for 4 years, and a new stooge takes over. JB, obviously neutered by Obama even with all his foreign policy chops, is now THE guy. Almost by design, and not long after Biden takes office, Putin moves on Ukraine in a horrible way, knowing JB better than he knows himself. Of course, if Harris had the skillset to partner with Biden to avoid the crisis, the world would never know. The obvious next question for free nations in the region should Harris win is “Are we next?”. Besides, it’s 4th singing the praises of the Kremlin and their honesty, not me.
  13. You said this yesterday, but thank you for making extra sure you were heard.
  14. The Russians cherished during the Obama years became the Russians Obama expelled about 15 minutes before he left office became the Russians who were disinformation experts who became the Russians who upended our elections became the Russians who propped up DJT became the Russians who caused an illegitimate President to be named became the Russians who Trump didn’t conspire with became the Russians who partnered with Tucker Carlson to spread more misinformation became the Russians who created the Hunter Biden laptop misinformation story became the Russians who actually didn’t create the Hunter Biden misinformation story have now become the Blue Check Russians who tell the truth and no longer seek to intervene in our elections and are beyond reproach. The circle of silliness is now complete. The pinky swear Russians have won over 4th with Tibs riding shotgun.
  15. You would have to address Irv 'parsing' his words--I generally follow what he says. As for foreign aid, you believe what you want. I'm not against providing aid and assistance to other countries, but those dollars are measured in billions, and billions would go a long way toward people in need here. To feign outrage that people would complain about assistance locally, and costs globally, seems pretty lame. It happens every time. Change the president, people complain, they just identify with another political party.
  16. Everyone needs a good laugh now and again, 4th, so I’m with you there. You believe the rumor mill as reported by Woodward, and that’s great. I’m not sure why you’d want a Harris presidency after the acknowledgment that they f’d up the handling of Ukraine, but perhaps you just don’t care about that part of the world. Either way, it ends up Harris or Trump as President. Either way, I get up and keep moving along with family, friends and a good life. I hope the same for you.
  17. Well, there is already concern with liberal assassins milling about, and now with the FEMA Crips on the prowl I say "No way.".
  18. This is why you probably feel like everyone is always fighting with you, you operate in extremes. R. Woodward is an author intent on selling a book, nothing more, nothing less. His story goes that he spoke with someone who said something about someone else. It could be true. It could be false. It's up to the reader to decide, and bias creeps into the conversation. In the same book, the author states that Biden has raged at Obama for completely mishandling the Russian incursion into Crimea, in essence stating that they f'd it up. Stepping away from the need to be force fed drama and book sales, it seems pretty clear that Obama f'd up Crimea, and Biden f'd up Ukraine. I think that because Putin advanced when Obama/Biden and Biden/Harris were in charge of the response. I think that he knew the response would be manageable and had a pretty good feeling on how Biden would respond. He had 50 years of intel on him. That said...what R Woodward said someone else said could be true, or it could be false. My general rule of thumb is that when someone says they spoke with someone about someone else, and in some way profits from spreading the tale, it's reasonable to be distrustful of what someone said about someone saying things about someone else. I learned that when I was 12 or 13.
  19. “Regular people” when she sits in with multi-millionaire supporters on the View, Leslie Stahl and Howard Stern? Did any of them get into the Unrealized Gain conversation and how much they were looking forward to contributing on a fair share basis? How are you going to handle it, since you’re a reg-per like the richy riches of the world?
  20. Even if you’re right, Biden was mentally diminished and it worked for you just fine. He’d still be running if they told you he was the guy. Just because you have a pinup of octogenarian Leslie Stahl in a bikini in doesn’t mean everyone has to sit with her for a chit chat.
  21. “….new book says…”. 🤔
  22. I don’t speak for Irv or his parties, but I’m not sure what you don’t understand. The complaints that she’s a key player in a government that directs massive amounts of money to foreign entities at the expense of tax paying citizens here? That Biden isn’t much more active during a major catastrophe? That she appeared with a media member with a long history of controversial behavior as described? Or that she’s focused on one voting block at the expense of others. For context, Stern has suggested that certain people should be denied hospital care if they don’t align with his beliefs, and worse. This is all standard fare.
  23. He debated 2x, and it seems silly to enable the democrat party that couldn’t figure out whether to run with an increasingly senile old codger or the West Coast liberal. Your people shouldn’t have tried to force the geez on the country when he was clearly not able to do the job. No, better to run on what is already known and let the people decide. Morley Safer is gone, Leslie Stahl is in the equivalent of a journalistic retirement home and there are more efficient ways to transit the message points. Part of the problem—besides being on network TV—the institutional arrogance. Trump doesn’t want to go, report it and move on. Simple. He isn’t doing it because he sees no benefit to it. If the local Baskin-Robins demanded a candidate sit down for a chat, doesn’t compel anyone to attend.
  24. Look, you might enjoy a a quick look at the TV Guide, a cup of Earl Gray and a hearty dose of "Murder She Wrote", but just about everyone else is on to the game of legacy shows like 60 Minutes. Carefully edited news shows are relic of a bygone era, likely like your receding hairline. Be happy--you probably had a good run.
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