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leh-nerd skin-erd

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Everything posted by leh-nerd skin-erd

  1. “Your hope for me is indeed the hope I hold out for you, friend.” -Me, circa today
  2. It’s truly Tiberian to mention China 2x in a story about a presidential elections after the ascension of China Joe B and his family business to status of King. As they say in Hong Kong, “You crazy man!”.
  3. Ten, not trying to be argumentative but that doesn’t matter. JB was laughed out of his first couple attempts at presidential runs by the parents/grandparents of the generation of dem voters who felt Joe was the man to save the country. They bounced him because while JB had a tough guy charisma, he made declarations that were easily disproven, and blustered while doing so. He wasn’t a serious candidate and the blue collar voter of old knew that. That didn’t change, the voter changed. The days of hard-working blue collar democrats looking for good schools, common sense laws to protect citizens, and protection of American jobs has been replaced with a generation of voters who think they got screwed by….someone…when they made their choice to receive an education. I think the Dems of old would have said “Wait, you drove past 5 community colleges, three SUNY schools, 4 reasonably priced private colleges on your way to paying for a $250/hour college to get a $35/hour job, and someone else was responsible?”. I will say that if you can convince someone that they are the victims of their own decisions, you can convince them that a previously unelectable candidate is The One to save democracy. See Biden, Joe.
  4. This is accurate imo. There are clips of Biden uttering gibberish pre-2020, explanations that he was just stuttering, and he was immensely popular with democrats. Harris was so unlikable/unelectable she was a nonfactor in the race. 4 years later, had Biden stayed in the race after coming apart at the seams in the debate, his supporters would be following the same script. Nothing mattered to them—his relationship with China, lies about being involved with his sons family business, partnering with the intelligence community on the laptop, pilfering/holding/sharing classified documents over a couple decades, and everything else. When directed to like/approve of the previously unelectable KH, they complied. That’s not going to change regardless of the obvious disconnect between what she says the country needs v what she actually delivered as a critical part of the current admin. BB did the heavy lifting of an interviewer and she didn’t handle it well. You can see the reaction from her supporters here, in the memes shared, targeting BB v KH reaction. If the GOP can present Harris as dangerous to the well-being to the typical independent voter, Trump wins. If they can’t, Harris wins. There seems to be a strong feeling nationally that many Americans think Trump is better suited to run the economy, so that’s the point they should be hammering home.
  5. Why is this important? This stuff happens all the time, and he’s a Kennedy for Pete’s sake. I think there’s something in the family credo that mandates this sort of action, and I think keeping it all virtual is probably a net gain for the environment?
  6. Roundy’s manifesto for government excellence is pro-food m-f 8am-2:20pm, save vacation days, days of religious observance, carve outs for teacher meetings/district events, snow days and those days that would have been snow days had it snowed on certain days when it didn’t snow. It’s sort of a long campaign slogan but you’ll get some votes.
  7. Why not just give every child cash and cut the middleman out entirely? That’s got to be way easier and cheaper still.
  8. When everyone is worried and panicking, scrambling and whispering….is anyone ever really worried, panicking, scrambling and whispering?
  9. First, I don’t think you’re a know-it-all at all, I think you’re an intelligent guy and a good poster on many subjects. I think you’ve had some bad takes, too, and some seemed a bit out of character for you based on your posting history. Second, “flame war” just sounds odd to me. Very Nathan Lane, and while a great actor, a little over the top for me. Third-I’ll read what you shared and now’s a good time to acknowledge (again) that there are precious few heroes in the political class when it comes to illegal immigration. The pain, suffering, death, victimization, cartel enablement etc is a national disgrace on both sides of the border. That’s a shared problem and imo, one of the reasons a guy like John McCain should burn in the firey pit next to a guy like Ted Kennedy. The problem can be addressed, of course, but with power and money comes corruption and this is the result.
  10. I think what Frankish is trying to say is that while gangs may be present in large(r) numbers than decent law abiding citizens might prefer, on some level people probably respect the effort that goes into assimilating into a blood-thirsty gang in a land where you do not speak the language. This is the kind of work that many American kids simply won’t do.
  11. Maybe they believe they weren’t wrong, they were just a different version of correct? Correctly being wrong has to have a place at the table!
  12. This is an interesting take, though it seems rather preposterous. They did their level best to shield Biden and his decline, and Harris partnered with him willingly along the way with the big reveal an implosion on the debate stage? Much more likely that they knew their base would vote for him regardless of his mental acuity, felt he had the skills set to bluster his way through the debate against another blusterer, but Biden didn’t have the horses that night. I think any sensible citizen witnessed the obvious decline of Biden pre-2020. Dems became comfortable with the president by committee approach, and ultimately his agenda matched their needs and they lived with it. As for hypocrisy, that’s the nature of the political condition. Change the facts, change the target, you’ll change who’s outraged about just about anything.
  13. Admittedly, Catholicism is an obscure religion and though Whitmer has been a staunch advocate for freedom of religion for the past 25 years, she may have never actually heard of it or the traditions held dear by Catholics.
  14. Seems like a pretty reasonable take to me.
  15. That sucks. The true nature of people comes out during times like this—the good and the bad. I hope you and yours stay safe and get through this sooner rather than later.
  16. You lean toward a vision of a car-less citizenry, if I recall correctly?
  17. Golfing is a sport of the elites, and a huge contributor to climate change. Typical Kremlin mishmash--accusing another of that which you do. Plus, I think you're projecting. I'm declaring you're projecting.
  18. It was a declaration, but to be fair to you both words end in "tion".
  19. When people tell you who they are--as you have, here, it's best to believe them.
  20. Another Kremlin kid weighs in!
  21. I can read, I read something about your mom just the other day. (Yes, I went full Irv)
  22. I’m a realist, 4th. What I’ve offered on this issue is pretty basic logic and based on sound reasoning. Everything associated with this book is based on generating book sales—subject, cover, press releases, reviews, media appearances, release date…everything. When money is involved, it’s best to be mindful of that. I can understand your absolute belief in the allegations, again, that’s why a book like this will sell. That’s the point. I’m less certain why you’re pushing talking points from the Kremlin. That seems inconsistent with other positions you have held, but I could be wrong.
  23. As I recall, your posting history suggests you’re not even certain on key facts of your life. Still, I have updated my notes to reflect you are not a fan.
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