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leh-nerd skin-erd

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Everything posted by leh-nerd skin-erd

  1. After 4 years of JB being handled, guided, moved, directed about (and stumbling, tripping and falling when he wasn’t), it’s ironic you call a simple political appearance a puppet show.
  2. I see it differently. Your base didn’t like her in the least just 4 years ago….she got the initial bump because Biden was steamrolled so badly in the debate. As time settled, she reverted to the same unlikable politician she was before.
  3. The impact of a thousand paper cuts can make a difference, Frank.
  4. Whiny Fergie: “Ad hominem attacks!” 🙄 Hypocritical Fergie: “My attacks don’t count!”🤫 Confused Fergie: “Smart people trust but verify, except when they don’t!”🧐 Ad hominem Fergie: “Your response is long-winded”🙄 Change the subject because he’s been outted as whiny, hypocritical, confused and Ad hominem Fergie: “I don’t really care one way or the other, I’m just worried about the living wage for the people at my golf club…”👌🏼
  5. Ah, I’ve upset you. That wasn’t my intent, and what you perceive as an attack or insult was neither. I simply pointed out the parallels between your positioning, the interaction we see here, and the larger issue of Trump/Harris/McD. If you feel it’s uncivil to point out that posters here (you included) regularly question the credibility and bona fides of other posters, you should refrain from questioning the credibility and bona fides of other posters. I don’t doubt you worked at a Holiday Inn, and agree it’s irrelevant whether I believe you or not. My first job was working on a cleaning crew and while I can’t tell you much about dried egg yokes, I can tell you that cleaning bathrooms and resolving issues that arise from improper disposal of hygiene products (wet, dry or in-between) brings challenges as well. Your thoughts on Trump’s appearance at the McDonalds may/may not impact voters, and I already addressed that. With regard to all you smartums out there, you just typed a couple comments about the inability for Harris to offer proof of her work experience, going so far as to offer thoughts on your experience. Yet, you suggest the smartums follow the “trust but verify” process. Regular folk like me simply point out the disconnect there, and remind you that in this case, you’re simply trusting, and not verifying whatsoever. Still, it’s interesting that the simple act of a political candidate connecting with a local business that serves everyday Americans has created such a fuss. Maybe we all need to step back, take a deep breath and swing by the local McD’s for a McFlurry.
  6. You’re not running for President, so your experience is not relevant. At the same time, our little social experiment here likely reveals that some posters might not necessarily believe you. There’s been a lot of back and forth between you and other posters about credibility, education, occupation etc that is perpetually unresolved. In that regard, it’s not unlike the issue Harris faces with McDonalds, Trump faces with his statements, and even JB faced with his statement that his uncle was consumed by cannibals. You trust her. Others don’t.
  7. No, Scraps, it’s not a criminal trial, it’s the court of public opinion. She doesn’t need evidence, she needs to convince voters who care about such things that she’s telling the truth. You don’t care because you’re Krazy4Kamala, great. We’ll add it to the list of things folks in your camp don’t care about. As for her, she doesn’t have to do anything. Maybe the issue goes away, maybe it doesn’t. However if it chips away at her support with undecided voters, that she seems to be pandering, it’s a win for Trump. As for what she can say or do, she could provide a timeframe when she worked there, the location of the restaurant, perhaps a name or two of the people she worked with or a supervisor. The problem there, of course, is that people can check those things these days with amazing accuracy. Look what happened to her running mate, Tiananmen Tim. Claimed he was in China during the uprising (Wow, how about that!), turns out he was actually at Big China Buffet in Eden Prairie, Minnesota (Wait, that’s not the same thing!) and just got his wires crossed a bit.
  8. Everybody loves something, 4th, and love is love. Let it go! She’s a politician and people have every reason to doubt her. It’s her claim, she should be able to handle something as basic as this.
  9. Trump’s McD event has awoken a sleeping giant! @Gene Frenkle is looking into unconfirmed reports that campaign ads are not, in fact, spontaneously created content by well-intentioned passers-by. Stay tuned—this story could break at any time!
  11. Kudos to you for recognizing that you supported a candidate whose mind was gone. I’m not sure why you did that, but you did. Why do you trust people who told you that Biden’s mind was sharp and he was presidential, when by your own account his mind was “gone”? Sounds to me like you are easily manipulated and a bit of a dum dum.
  12. It’s true, Frenx. As we speak, 60 Minutes is preparing an EXPOSE and I can confirm DJT did NOT, in fact, apply online or in-person for that job. It’s an October Surpfries!
  13. You’re reinventing history, Tibs. By most accounts, Harris outperformed Trump in his second debate (her first). Of course, Trump performed so well in his first debate (she was not present of course), he forced Biden to drop out of the race. This was something Biden said he’d not do—word of a Biden, of course, and next thing you know he’s off to Delaware. Trump changed the course of history. I think most voters see that as a wash, and based on how tight the race seems to be, a 3rd debate for Trump, 2nd debate for Harris is a non-issue. As Frankish says…no one cares.
  14. I respect your right to your opinion, in spite of the fact that Trump has done more debates than Harris.
  15. Had the dems been a bit more respect for their own process, the first candidate would have debated twice, or the new, different second candidate would have debated the first and second time. Either way, DJT debated twice. That’s plenty.
  16. I think the word you're looking for is "trueindernationaldiprezzim". If not, it certainly sounds like it should be.
  17. We've covered 60 Minutes and agreed it was a tactical decision. I'm not sure what the hubbub is with CNN, but the network is sort of a running joke at this point. The Saudi's...however: https://www.state.gov/u-s-relations-with-saudi-arabia/ Bilateral Economic Relations The United States and Saudi Arabia enjoy a strong economic relationship. The United States is Saudi Arabia’s second largest trading partner, and Saudi Arabia is one of the United States’ largest trading partners in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia is the third leading source of imported oil for the United States, providing about half a million barrels per day of oil to the U.S. market. The United States and Saudi Arabia have signed a Trade Investment Framework Agreement. Saudi Arabia launched its Vision 2030 program in April 2016, laying out plans to diversify the economy, including through increased trade and investment with the United States and other countries
  18. They do sound hideous to be sure, Chi. But to be fair, KH made it quite clear that their type was not welcome there. What she meant exactly is anyone’s guess but some felt she was going with a Deep South 1950s vibe. Some probably felt that mentioning “The Lord” was über-disruptive. That lady in the Titanic movie said something like “A woman’s heart is a deep ocean…” , and that’s probably true. Best to report the story and let people make up their own minds.
  19. You eavesdropping SOB, that was a private conversation in a public forum! Anyway, welcome! “All else follows…” indeed.
  20. Has anyone confirmed that this individual is actually a Doctor of Cognitive, and that it is actually the mugshot of the real John Francis? The Russians often deploy fake Cognitive Doctors, or CogDocs if you will.
  21. @Starr-Bills will be reporting on nextThursday that the young man who ran the fryer at this location 2014-2015 regrets leaving for college in August, 2015 thereby allowing people to think that Trump was fantastic at frying fries today.
  22. I think the Holler is one of those institutions that people of a certain mindset can count on to prescreen news/media/entertainment/politics for truth and accuracy. The sports journalism department originally broke the story about Pro Wrestling being scripted. Wasn’t it BillSy who used to say “Trust the Holler, for news you can Swoller!”.
  23. I’m not certain how you get where you got, but I’m confident in my ability to navigate the journey (treacherous as it may be to other people) between entertainment and reality. For example, I enjoy watching Denzel Washington in The Equalizer but understand he didn’t actually kill any of the movie characters in the movies. I like most Leo DiCaprio movies but recognize he’s not actually a police officer under deep cover in Boston, or a guy killing off family members in that dreadful movie about murders of wealthy indigenous people in the 1920s. I used to enjoy DeNiro movies, but I was rooting for anyone but The Irish after watching the absurd flashback scene where an 80 year old DeNiro was supposedly curb stomping a thug in the street. I use a similar skill set when considering the relative importance of a guy from the entertainment industry pouring his heart out long after the show is off the air, a couple weeks out from the election, so caught up in his angst that he thinks somehow his reality show changed the world. It makes me wonder what the studio execs of the 50s would say about “Leave it to Beaver” and its impact on the politics in the 1970s. However, I understand you might feel better with someone previewing televisions shows, actors and studio execs for content and message points. Godspeed on your search, Starr.
  24. Tibsy doesn’t like this question, Ja. It’s inconvenient.
  25. I recall a couple of those Tommy Hearns fights. He threw some bombs and was an exciting guy to watch. Good to see he’s still around! God bless the studio executive who retroactively expresses regret for making boatloads and boatloads of money on a reality tv show featuring one of the most recognizable people on the planet. Our family enjoyed the show. Now, how does he feel about studio execs, starlets, the casting couch, drug abuse and the cutthroat entertainment business?
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