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leh-nerd skin-erd

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Everything posted by leh-nerd skin-erd

  1. If the President has no control, then why are you suggesting he has to produce? He would simply have to educate, and you would probably do well in the class because you already know the answers.
  2. Hmm, so voting for the status quo was the elaborately complicated and thought provoking solution brought to the table. And, “Citizens, your President is completely fine!” was actually the greatest con of all time.
  3. You raise an excellent point here regarding Special Counsel Smith and potential wrongdoing. Members of the House have requested that he retain documents and records related to his investigation, and I’m sure there will be some interesting information in there should he comply. I think we all would agree that complete transparency is in order—notes, texts, court orders, witness interviews and interrogations. It’s also important to know , if possible, who leaked what to whom, and any efforts to find and punish leakers should they exist. With luck, everything was above-board with no impropriety and the country can finally put this ugliness to rest. If, instead, concerns are raised, they should be addressed. I don’t wish it on anyone but how ironic would it be if armed agents served a warrant on SC Smith’s house or Merrick’s place. Beyond that, we know the recommendations of Robt Hur as it relates to JB removing/possessing classified docs over his many decades in office. @ChiGoose has offered up that in spite of wrongdoing on the part of JB, the law allows for “special rules for electeds” presumably meaning some prosecutors would look the other while others might not. Now that we’re here, is it possible to re-evaluate the circumstances and press forward with prosecution when JB is out of office? If rules can be suspended, doesn’t it make sense that they could be interpreted differently by reasonable people? Thanks Tibsy for bringing this up—
  4. eBay. Pawn shop. Strip club. Chuck E Cheese. It’s a big world and there is room for all!
  5. Makes sense that Roundy and Comrade Kay T Perry wanted to see some bulldozing of the burbs, even with ecofriendly bulldozers powered by wind. Now what? If this Derek says it, take it to the bank. Other Dereks, who really knows?
  6. I believe it was Frankish who wrote about the reliable Mainstream Ecosystem and the Alternate Scum Ecosystem. Either way, “ecosystem” makes everything sound pretty sciencey.
  7. Seriously, with the celebrity/billionaire endorsements they had…they don’t have the cash for expenses associated with elections? Kamala gotta sell some heels and earrings.
  8. I didn’t “suffer” through Biden, Andy, I went about living a good life. Yes, I was hoping for a change but try not to sweat that stuff. I was prepared for a Harris/Walz win, though admit to being a bit worried that Tim is suffering from PTSD from almost being at Tiananmen Square during the uprising—it’s unreal and scary that he was there a few months earlier at the Ho Lee Fuk Happy Buffett and could have been in harm’s way were time travel possible. You are absolutely correct on the pendulum, it damn near swung your way for to the democrats based on the razor sharp margin of victory for Team Trump. I mean, have you ever considered if Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee was one big state? Illinowamisskenessee might have taken 35 votes off the Trump board and placed them in the Harris tally. Trump only would have won by 16 EC votes! Crazy, right? For now, I’m good with this.
  9. Excellent point Tibsy: Landslide brought it down.
  10. Oh my goodness, the takedown of the guy claiming an increase in hate speech on his twitter feed was absolutely brutal. Simple, elegant, direct, and passively confrontational. Reminds me of an @Irv post.
  11. My goodness, the hubris of this lady. I especially love the family counseling angle and advice to go to a foreign country if children are in the plan. She may be Tibsy's sister.
  12. Frank says he's a Bernie bro.
  13. That makes sense, though Putin hijacking tractor-trailers and dumping ballots north of Des Moines is a lot better story.
  14. I understand what you're trying to say, but you're simply missing the much larger point.
  15. Dear SectionC3, I think the intoxicating allure of counting your benjamins has you all hopped up like a meth head. Instead of slap fighting the air, consider sharing more of what you have with those less fortunate. 💝 Warm regards and fondly, Leh-nerd
  16. We can come back to this at the appropriate time. In the meantime, I'm reminded of the song "Turn Turn Turn" and the thought-provoking lyrics: To everything turn, turn, turn There is a season turn, turn, turn And a time to every purpose under Heaven A time of love, a time of hate A time of war, a time of peace A time to dunk A time to re-frain from said duh-nking
  17. I tagged you because you made the claim that no minds are changed or thoughtful dialogue occurs here. I didn’t mock you, wasn’t trying to enrage you and didn’t consider your comments in that regard in the same category as some of the other dopey stuff you post. I do have to laugh about the “dumb old fat ass” comment. As I’ve said previously, I’m an optimist generally, work to stay positive emotionally and physically. My old dumb ass found that’s the best thing to remain healthy, keep the excess pounds off, stay engaged and live a full life. I understand you’ve had challenges that I haven’t faced, but we’ve all faced challenges, trials and tribulations in life and I’d think it incumbent on each of us to manage our way through. Quite a few years ago, not long after I started a business, I was feeling the crushing weight of what I was up against, negative and worried about how I was going to provide for my young family. I reached out to a mentor to vent and get some validation for what I was feeling. His words, plus or minus, were “Respectfully, Leh-nerd, I’ve listened to you talk for 10 minutes about all the negative things going on, and I’m wondering if I’m hearing it, maybe your team is as well? How do you think that impacts them?”. * He is was right, and I’m telling you sure as the sun shines I’m correct now. Out of respect for your feelings, I’ll cease tagging you or replying to your posts. * After this conversation, I was driving and watching a hawk soar with a beautiful blue sky behind it. I felt….I don’t know…like a weight had been lifted and I was somehow…free, yes, free. Like a bird. I wrote down my thoughts…and…well, now you know the rest of the story….
  18. Excellent, though I have to wonder how many party goers went straight to the voting booth for Trump/Vance after the political dissertation on the good old Chairman Mao days from a certain snake-haired lass with the cool eyes and smoky smile. @4th & long While she may have implied that I’m fat and smelly, Comrade Kay has provided some excellent feedback in the vast drudgery of her prose. I’ll check up on the Brigid Alliance a bit later, doing my best to avoid the bias stereotyping evident in CKA’s post.
  19. I believe you should probably file this under “Elections”, a new subcategory of “Special Rule for Electeds”.
  20. I believe @Andy1 is trying to say something, but it is hard to hear him down at the card table with all those children playing. It sounds like something about “blurder“ and “Fliz Flainey”? Could be my hearing.
  21. So melodramatic. World traveler. Tilling Soil. No one understands problems like the world travelling soil tilles. You should consider a name change to BringMetheHeadofOneofTheKardashianSisters. I done my book'learnin too, Ron.
  22. Oh...look...L has money. 🥱 Oh, look, L mentioned his money again. 🥱
  23. Excellent product placement by Doritos, though. Top notch ad buy.
  24. If you didn't know her platform targeted supporters of the other party as nazis, garbage, and fascists, or that she didn't eviscerate a SC nominee with claims of sexual assault, or participate in a pattern of political persecution over an 8 year period, and...wait, where was I? Not horrible, not particularly unifying or conciliatory, but on the bright side...her hubby didn't seem to be overcome with rage.
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