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leh-nerd skin-erd

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Everything posted by leh-nerd skin-erd

  1. Excellent word play with “furor”. I’m not certain there was any mass generalized excitement for Gaetz, but he was the nominee of the president-elect. Regardless, I like what you did here. Gaetz is no longer the nominee, so time to move forward. You’re good with Bondi?
  2. 4th on other important topics of the day:
  3. Thank goodness this is in NC. In NYS, they maybe haul those folks down to an innocuous medical facility and test em all for rabies.
  4. I think for many progressive voters, Bondi is the wrong type of woman. She also is probably conflicted, obviously.
  5. I've only been to Europe once--Vienna with side trips to Salzburg and Prague. I enjoyed the history and some of the beautiful buildings dating back 100s of years. Good trip but I was ready to come home when we left. Our next trip that way will be Italy, I believe. I don't have a burning desire to see much of Europe, but think that would be pretty cool. I'll read up on Lisbon--thanks for the scoop.
  6. First, I think you're probably upper middle class and may actually have a mansion. 5500 sf overlooking the ski slopes at some as-yet-undiscovered-by-the-masses mountain. Probably called Pecunious Mountain, or something ribald...Snowsnatch, something like that. As for Portugal, I've never been but it looks pretty awesome. Again, we probably agree on Portia thought she seems to prefer her chili dogs to be served without the dog.
  7. I think a lot of middle class liberal voters see a bit of themselves in this couple, and if the could flee their beachfront mansion and fly a charter to their mansion in England, that what they would do.
  8. Well, it is interesting to me that out of all these egregious allegations, and supposedly credible allegations of criminal activity, that no charges were filed against him. Like, You can indict a ham sandwich, right? Now would be a good time to remind the listening audience that Biden groped a number of women, Harris believed them all, and 214 million people voted for that team. Politics is a sleazy game. Also, I bring up Schumer’s dark narrative on the intelligence community and the “six ways to Sunday” they can get a person. This may be what he was talking about. Anyway, he withdrew so time to move on.
  9. She’s “dowdy”?? What kind of freaky assless chaps sh*t is going down in Frank’s world?!
  10. Ah come on! That’s a perfectly legitimate dodge!
  11. That’s a sensible take. You don’t agree with the plan and want to see compromise. I’m not convinced the tariffs are a bad idea, at least when considered in the context of the state of our government and spending historically. However, I should point out that I simply indicated I wondered how devastating the Harris plan would have been, which still seems like an interesting question given so many millions of people supported it.
  12. I don't understand why you wouldn't understand. The election was a couple weeks ago, your people still run the show and really, anything goes at this point. You brought up a point about Target maybe considering an impact when Trump take office or at some point thereafter. It wasn't "knee jerk", it was the reality of the choices we had. The plan democrats voted for had the potential to destroy the stock market, and that's from the lips of Mark Cuban, Harris Man. If it makes you feel better, we can run about fretting about what the future might look like on plans not yet implemented, negotiations that have yet to take place, or alternative solutions considered, but why not talk about the reality today? Can we talk about Biden/Harris in any substantive way, the escalation in Ukraine for example, or do we table that too because Trump's in charge now (well, in two months)?
  13. You’re consistently and demonstrably wrong on most of your opinions, like almost pathologically incorrect. I’m not certain your view on deflection is really all that important. I’ll consider it, though, before discarding. From my perspective, it was part of the reason voting for your lady friend was a no-go. There was concern expressed her plan would have devastating consequences on the stock market, and Frank’s post dealt with that. You’re correct, though, we’ll never know and heavy lies the crown. That was my point earlier when you were going to bat for high prices at Walmart. Maybe had you not stayed on the sidelines…anyway, we’ll never know. Good stuff though.
  14. I wonder the impact of the Harris unrealized gain tax would have been on Target stock, had she prevailed? Or, her tax policy generally?
  15. If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.
  16. Ah, liberal supporter from the Biden/Harris camp complaining about high prices but blaming me for pricing models of one of the largest and most successful companies on the planet. Suddenly, shockingly, incredibly it’s someone else’s fault. If, as you claim, I’m responsible for high prices, it’s you who got us here. You should have demanded more when it was your time. Anyway, you reminded me that I may only have minutes, hours, weeks, years and/or decades until the end, and that meant something. Don’t you dare say I’m irrelevant now, that’s hurtful.
  17. Lost (to me) in all this post-election hubbub was the fact that it was reported that DOJ seized documents unrelated to the warrant, including privileged communication with his attorney, and resistance on the Special Counsel toward allowing an independent third party to review the matter and determine what should/should not be returned. @ChiGoose was supportive of the process as followed by the Smith team as a matter of law/procedure. From the perspective of a citizen, my concern was that the Smith team had complete control of the premises for a very long time, and numerous agents performing the search. They had as much or as little time as needed, had full police power to quell any resistance including the ability to dispatch any threats, and clear instructions on what they could/should seize. I understand Smith wanting to control the narrative, and recognize the tendency to push the envelop and grab anything that might be useful to the investigation regardless of the technical aspects of the seizure. I understand not wanting a Special Master being appointed, and using the illusion of fairness of an internal second team independently reviewing material. Of course at that point, the horse is already out of the barn. Now, there is an opportunity for a second look and new perspective. I’m wondering what new information might be shared, and whether or not internal documents might provide evidence of heavy-handed or potentially illegal conduct. We’ll see, I guess, but perhaps transparency will ultimately be a good thing.
  18. @Tiberius was concerned with DJTs decision to forgo an interview with the Leslie Stahl’s 60 Minutes. I surmised, perhaps incorrectly, that Tibsy had a secret crush on her, but he seemed to think it reflected poorly on Trump and might be a factor in the voting booth. Either way, I thought strategically it made sense as the format is tired, old, and the producers have a tendency toward deceptive editing. Full disclosure, I thought Harris would prevail in the election, but I thought Trump handled both 60 Mins and the request for a 3rd debate with the Dems correctly. This clip reinforces my belief.
  19. Obviously! I wanted to say it as the 4thnnnclock says I have precious little time left until the end. Less than a week! Under 24 hours! Minutes probably! Maybe a year or two! 4 years max! 51 months, plus/minus. Soon, or soonish. In the soon family for sure.
  20. Oh yeah, I agree. There is someone for everyone, and if Frankish is all about an Aunt Bea, so bea it.
  21. I think he has the hots for SC Kagan and missed the reference. Or, maybe he just prefers Bette Midler songs.
  22. 4thnnn: “Thy time is nigh!” Regular person: “Excuse me?” 4thnnn: “Thy time…tis nigh!” Regular person: “Night? It’s 2 in the afternoon.”. 4thnnn: “Not night, nigh! Nigh!” Regular person: “I’m not following you… Not night night?” 4thnnn: “Ahhhhh never mind.”
  23. No answers on the Schumer “six ways to Sunday” quote from yesterday? Come on, you have to have something to say about that!!
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