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leh-nerd skin-erd

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Everything posted by leh-nerd skin-erd

  1. I have only the most cursory familiarity with symptoms of Parkinsons, but a quick check of the internet is consistent with what my friend, and his wife told me: The list of symptoms includes problems with anxiety, depression, problem solving, concentration and memory. In addition, the potential side effects of medications to treat Parkinsons are hallucinations, confusion, agitation, inability to concentrate, and compulsive behavior. If, as you suggest, Biden has Parkinsons and has been receiving treatment for it—his handlers are ghouls and the base blissfully dialed out of reality.
  2. Again, interesting that Biden acknowledging groping/assaulting women, Harris viewed the allegations against him as credible, her husband was accused of physically assaulting a woman, and one of the head-liners and prominent Harris advocates in 2024 was Bill Clinton. Good golly you people are obtuse.
  3. That wouldn’t make any sense—the dem collective (leadership on down) felt he was extraordinarily capable just a bare short months ago. Or, to be Morse accurate, he was until he wasn’t, when he got that cold before the debate and was jacked up on Sudafed. Then again, maybe he wasn’t, and the leadership knew they he had Parkinson’s but knew their base could be counted on with something akin to mass hysteria. Or, maybe he was fine, until suddenly on June 26, or maybe the morning of June 27, he took a shower, the room was too cold and he caught the Parkinson’s? Suffice it to say, he does or doesn’t have it. Side note, a good friend of mine developed early onset Parkinson’s and it was no joke at all. I saw him at a bank one day, we talked for a bit and he asked me to give him “a little push” because he would freeze up. The issues he dealt with were varied, serious and quite sad, and in context, pushing Biden along to serve as president if he has Parkinson’s is a complete disgrace.
  4. Where did you get the idea they were in Biden's cabinet? You're plumb crazy! Chi and Frankish need to know if Dr. Jay even has a tv?
  5. You'll know when Oprah is nominated, it'll be in your OldGuy4Swifty newsletter! You're assuming the selections are solely because Trump likes someone on tv. I'll repeat that which we both know to be true---the non-tv, eminently qualified folks in the Harris-Biden circle of trust have shepherded us to the brink of war, have badly botched the fallout of the Hamas incursion into Israel (and giving them the benefit of the doubt, presumably they didn't know of the attack in advance), overseen and have us running full tilt toward $40t in US debt, and most importantly, completely embraced the chaos and anarchy at the southern border----and lost the faith of the majority of American voters. This is why we are here. If Ross Geller is available, I strongly believe he should get a look.
  6. The party moved to action by Oprah, Beyonce, TSwift and the like says "Hey girl hey!". * *I'm just the intermediary here, just passing along messages because Team Harris is a few mill in the hole and Orpah et al like to get paid to provide you with direction.
  7. The threat of tariffs may/may not work over time, especially with the tendency for our government to change direction in dizzying fashion. However, programs like this, with a substantial amount of money gifted over time, don’t seem to be the answer either. Precious little oversight according to the GAO. https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-21-335 Under the Mérida Initiative, the U.S. has spent about $3 billion since 2007 assisting security forces with fighting corruption and criminal organizations—like drug cartels—in Mexico. For programs under the Initiative, there's a risk of funds going to individuals or groups involved in contract fraud, human rights abuses, or other crimes. Yet, the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development haven't fully assessed such potential fraud risk. And although State screens Mexican security personnel for human rights violations, it has cut back on vetting other personnel, such as judges.
  8. He’s a Kennedy, it’s a right of passage. I’d think him weird if he didn’t abuse drugs or leave an intern at the bottom of a dark pool of water in a remote part of a resort community.
  9. We’re now in the Age of 36TrillionismButWeNeedMoreTimeism. When is status quo no longer the best way forward?
  10. Roundy falls into the camp where 76,857,299 (and counting) people that cast a vote this election are low income, low functioning illiterates who don't see the brilliance of the way. A frequent talking point used was 'educated' and 'uneducated', apparently used by frequently by people sharing their political point of view while waiting in line to fill out their application to enter the Biden Student Loan Forgiveness Transfer portal.
  11. I get your perspective, but am not convinced on this thought process. I certainly believe there was a coordinated attempt by the democrats to destroy Trump, and perhaps the initial plan was just to derail. However, at some point, it seems they believed that the opportunity to completely crash the GOP was afoot, and decided to go full speed ahead. To be fair, half the country was completely on board with all that, and bought into the notion of slippage and laws about classified documents that wobbled and most of the msm outlets were as well. Given the opportunity, I believe they would have put Trump away for life.
  12. Sure, elections offer binary choices, but conversations can go in all sorts of directions. It's interesting that you supported him at all, given your thoughts on tanking the economy. Instead of the lickspittle crew, you preferred a career politician who got really, really confused on how to handle classified documents in spite of his decades in government service, who had a fondness for fondling all sorts of women, who has partnered with everyone from klansmen to Senators known to leave their passengers at the bottom of the bay, who apparently traded influence with our political enemies in exchange for power and money, and who's been a critical cog in pumping up the national debt from roughly $800b in the 1970s to $36 trillion as he prepares to slide into retirement. More Joe probably was the solution. I'm certain there is a world in which one might believe that all of that might have turned around commencing 1/20/25.
  13. They were already fair game, 2016 was all about claims of illegitimate elections. We can go back further to hanging chads and complaints about elections, etc, but that’s just the way it is. Kudos to the democrats for seeing the light here, though part of that may be due to their own internal division and Biden’s dismissal. I agree with you, on politicians anyway. When you treat classified material as an afterthought, where documents are apparently safeguarded like the self-service checkout at Walmart, chaos and confusion surely follow. The good news is that the American people got a real close look at the process, subsequent politicization of the process and sent a pretty strong message in reply. Perhaps safeguards and guardrails will be put in place moving forward.
  14. Chi, you all were fighting to get in line to vote for a guy who disintegrated during a nationally televised debate, stalwart in your belief that a guy clearly in rapid decline was the one true one. That was reality, and it was only one of several absurd positions adopted by your party and why things went the way they did. In the spirit of healing, though, I offer: Dear Mister Fantasy, play us a tune Something to make us all happy Do anything, take us out of this gloom Sing a song, play guitar, make it snappy You are the one who can make us all laugh But doing that, you break out in tears Please don't be sad if it was a straight mind you had We wouldn't have known you all these years
  15. I think reasonable people understand that politicians are rarely held accountable for things that would have put any one of us behind bars. Recognizing that, the bs meter starts going off when the party in power launches multiple attacks on multiple fronts. The Dems oversold just about everything this election cycle: Biden’s cognitive fitness; Biden’s ability to debate; Biden’s ability to pass the blame for his economy; Harris’ likability; Harris’ electability; Legal action against Trump; The believability of novel concepts of slippage and special rules for electeds; Reliance on voting blocs they’ve long taken for granted;
  16. Wait…be these closing walls or doors and windows opening wide? If you see the Kempster will you ask him? I asked a question the other day but haven’t heard back.
  17. Or, fascist or something similar. Be that as it may, I'm convinced that partnering with Elizabeth Cheney (or Dick Cheney) wasn't the score of the century for Team Harris. It really hit right at the heart of "Who is this Kamala Harris, anyway?" problem your objective Das Bot might have delved into. A left-leaning lefty historically would not align with a Cheney and certainly not crow about landing the Cheney endorsement. It is consistent with Harris inconsistency, though--she was a vocal advocate of victim rights during #metoo, seemingly abandoned her principles in that regard when she partnered with JB, and completely nuked the narrative by making Bill Clinton her mouthpiece on the campaign trail.
  18. Not everyone, I guess, just the reasonable non-extreme moderate liberal or indey. I think as a rule, those voters aren’t really here to any great degree. Here, we see those who tread toward the extreme liberal position, and they likely too entrenched in their dogma to be rational.
  19. It just always seems to be the money that saves the world….
  20. @Kemp I was thinking about this thread and the twists and turns the political landscape has taken since you started it. First, kudos to you for predicting the Bragg case would end in a conviction. Personally, I wasn't sure how it would play out, though in these highly charged political days I had zero doubt a conviction was on the table given the variables in play. It seems we're coming to the end of the case one way or the other--either it is dismissed or Trump deals with it over the next few years. On the other hand, wow, what an amazing last 4 months for those who follow politics! Biden in, Trump forces Biden out after the debate, Trump nearly assassinated, Kamala by proxy, Kamala wins debate against Trump, Trump the target of second assassin, Trump on the ropes, Harris on the ropes, media reports predicting a win for Harris, polls ****ed up again, and ultimately a pretty clean sweep for the GOP riding the coattails of the greatest and most unlikely comeback in the history of American politics. This leads to my question. Do you think the walls that were be closing ceased to represent an attempt at justice (for those who felt they were), and morphed into political persecution in the eyes of independent and moderate dem voters? In other words, were the wall be closing too much? Should your leadership have taken the foot off the gas, allowed, say, the Smith case to be the main focus? The way I see it, perhaps less would have been more.
  21. Pre 11/5/24 Dem leaders: You like and support Joe Biden! He’s strong and mentally competent! You feel secure with him! Ned: I like and support Joe Biden. He’s strong and extremely competent mentally! I feel secure with him. Joe Biden at debate: PENNSYLVANIA SMELLS LIKE TOMATOES! Dem leaders: Joe Biden is sharp as a tack, but you’re a bit concerned he might be getting on in years. Ned: Joe Biden is sharp as a tack, but I’m a bit concerned he’s getting on in years. Dem leaders: You know, Harris is kinda cool. She’s vibrant, fresh and fun to be with. You think you’ll vote for her! Ned: Harris is kinda cool. She’s vibrant, fresh and fun to be with. I think I’ll vote for her. Dem leaders: Trump is done, Harris is going to win this big time. Ned: Trump is done. Harris is going to win this big time. 11/6/24 Ned: Republicans can’t think for themselves!! b7niner2466bigelow9
  22. As a child, you must have read “The Little Engine Who Couldn’t” and “Trudy: The Untold Story of Rudy’s Homely And Uncoordinated Twin Sister Who Wanted To Be A Cheerleader But Knew She Couldn’t Make It And Didn’t” . You gotta open your mind, Wacks.
  23. Good God, yes, I can see it happening. The VP runs without the intention of leading the country, then flip flops on the bing bong and does the 23 skidoo smell ya later. I want to go on record as being against that, and I certainly hope that if such a flim flam caper was afoot, they tell us in advance to preserve transparency and democracy.
  24. Well, to be fair, this was for a teen beauty pageant, so I would normally give her a gigantic pass, but it's a pretty funny clip. In fact, what I love about her approach was her absolute determination to see it through when she had to know she was completely turned around and lost. That takes guts. Plus she ultimately delivers a message of hope by ending with "so we will be able to build up our future". That's where I think she differs from 4th, btw.
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