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Everything posted by SethinShelby

  1. For years we have had problems getting the tough yards on 3rd and 4th and 1 yard to go. Penningotn had like a seven yard sneak on his 4th and one play. Tom Brady sneaks and stumbles ahead for 5 yards. We go with a quick count or something. I think we need a 3rd string running back the specializes in short yardage. In stead of having Shaud Williams we need a bruiser like a Brandon Jacobs or a Mack Strong. Give A-Train a couple cracks at it in short yardage. He could be the answer and we just havent given him the chance. And of course our o-line might not have the attitude or somthin. I have no idea how to explain our year after year ineptitude in short yardage.
  2. Its not one mistake. He has completely missed, whiffed, or not even made an effort three weeks in a row. He has let someone come in basically untouched straight weeks. It would have resulted in a fumble last week had the refs not blown the whistle. Im not even asking him to block. Just grab the guy, hold him, tackle him to the ground anything other than letting you QB get crushed in the back. I want him to merely commit a holding penalty instead of giving up a fumble. Is that too much to ask?
  3. Im not sure if this play stood out to anyone but the Jets threw a screen to the left and it looked like Clements had sniffed it out and knew what was coming and was waiting to make the tackle. There was a clear lane for him to run and make the tackle but he ran toward one of the Jets blockers instead. It reminded me of when Lawyer Milloy was here and was sent on a blitz and he would just run straight into the offense line and the QB would still have all day to throw like we didnt even blitz. I honestly think that he is afraid to make a play and to make a tackle. Im probably over reacting but I was wondering if anyone else noticed that play because for some reason it stuck out in my mind.
  4. Im not saying trade McGahee but when you think of yourself as one of the elite backs you better not forget that playing running back is more than just being handed the ball. I dont care about learning the game when there is a man coming untouched right in front of you that has nothing to do with learning, it has to do with putting forth the effort. That was a huge play in the game. You cant let guys come untouched on your Qbs blind side its that simple.
  5. Willis ran good and has been running hard this year but He needs to atleast commit a holding penalty when he is attempting to pass block. I mean man up and pass block instead of doing an ole move. If A-Train can pass block put Willis on the bench a series or two until he understands. Last week he had a great pass block against the Dolphins and then the very next play he let his guy just run free. Giving up a defensive touchdown is a killer. D-Line did not apply any pressure. When there is one yard to go we never make it, but when other teams have a 4th and 1 or 2 it is automatic. I mean Pennington gets 7 yards on a sneak. We have to man up one of these years and get the tough yards on offense and stops on defense. Fake punt, 2 yard pass to Josh Reed on 4th and 4, and the 3rd and goal bootleg was awful.
  6. Whitner Signs
  7. I think guys like Leonard Little should be ripped by guys like Theismann, not Ricky Williams. There are numerous guys ahead of Ricky that should be considered a "disgrace" to the game. Theismann is an idiot probably a ploy to get attention for himself for monday night football.
  8. I never look at the glass as half full, but for some reason I did today. After reading Lenny P's column on McCargo saying he could be the third NC State defensive lineman taken in the 1st round, although the almighty Kiper had him projected lower. I have concluded that Marv is a genius. By my calculations we got 3 first round picks. Youboty was a possible first rounder that dropped. We had 1 1st round pick at the beginning of the day and Marv turned it into 3. Jesus turned water into wine and Marv turned 1 into 3. I think you can obviously see the connection. In Marv We Trust. Im a huge tOSU fan. Keep the Buckeyes coming tomorrow Marv. Im sensing that we take Rob Sims tomorrow.
  9. We had needs going into this draft and we filled them. We cannot fill every possible need at every position with one pick. We obviously targeted a safety and we got the second best one. We needed a DT and we got the 3rd rated DT. No matter where they are taken we had to fill certain needs. It was clear from free agency that we were going in a different direction. No more big name players on the downside of their careers, instead young hardworking players with character were brought in, and those are the same type of players we targeted in the draft. Management has changed and philosphy and I dont see why everyone is not willing to give these guys a chance considering what we did before didnt work. We filled some needs and we didnt take any luxury picks. We all knew this was not gonna be a one year project, but I like the foundation we are starting to create. As we have seen in the past you dont draft for luxury you draft for NEED.
  10. People are complaining about how we reached, but I think the draft is so deep that there is no real difference when it comes to grading out the players between picks 10-26. I mean who would have imagined that the Texans actually had Mario Willams graded higher than Bush. There was really no sense in drafting one of the falling QBs. If any of the other top players at a different position fell we would have taken them. DTs are really hard to judge and they take atleast a few years to develop. Bunkley had character issues and Ngata does not fit the shemes, and the more I hear about Ngata the more I hear about taking plays off. I'm a huge Buckeye fan and though Whitner was a fast, smart, hard hitting safety. The only concern I have is that last year he was probably playing on a better defense in college than the Bills had. It is hard to say if his talent was overshadowed by the rest of the first round talent on that defense including Hawk, Carpenter, Youboty. I mean the OSU defense was great at all levels. I'm worried he was assisted greatly by the talent around him. I'm concerned that with Buffalo we are not gonna have that player for player talent defense to help Whitner be that much better.
  11. I love the Bills, but your currnet unis are probably the worst in the league(except for the Fins, I mean orange and aqua, what kinda sissy colors are those for a football team?) Our current unis are too busy with too many colors and too many shades of blue. I cannot bad mouth anyone elses until we change ours. I don't like this trend of new jerseys in the NFL. Everything has piping and the stripes down the sides. Not to mention the 83 stripes we have on the helmet. NFL unis are looking more and more like Arena League gear. I like the simple traditional stuff compared to this sleek hip new modern look.
  12. I agree that Bunkley is a reach at 8. I mean with Vince Young coming out early and the emergence of Cutler as possible top 8 talent we do not to to reach for a guy. Why reach when talent should be falling? Every year someone falls and with the depth of talent available someone is going to drop. In the past Sapp, Moss, and so on have dropped. This draft just seems so different from years past. There is such an uncertainty at the top of the draft this thing could play out in so many ways. We should be getting an instant impact player at #8. I realize we need a DT, but they take a year or two to really start being productive. In 2003 you had Dewayne Robertson, Jonathan Sullivan, Kevin Williams, and Jimmy Kennedy taken in the top 12 picks and none of them have really become elite players at the position. A year later Ryan Sims taken at #6. Maybe I'm just tired of drafting guys early that do not contribute immediately. McGahee had to wait a year. Losman has started like 7 games in 2 years. Parrish taken with what was our first pick last year, missed half the season. Everett although taken in the 3rd missed the entire year. Mike Williams, I don't even want to go there. Lee Evans has been the exception.
  13. I like many wanted a coach with head coaching experience, however I did not have this in mind. I mean Jauron come on. How? Why?
  14. Can someone explain to me how this guy even became a head coaching option besides the fact that Marv knows him. I though all this my buddy crap would end when Donahoe left. I mean he went 35-46 as the Bears coach. That include a 13-3 season in which the Bears got so lucky and basically the stars aligned for a dream season. Can we ever get a coach with some charisma? Look at the 4 coaches this weekend does Jauron seem like he would ever fit in with any of those guys. This organization becomes more of a joke literally by the day. Oh and Ralph is still cheap.
  15. Alot is made of JPs QB rating what is Holcombs so far this game? just curious.
  16. Out with a knee injury. He all but sealed his fate to be drafted by the Bills. Knee injury in final game of the season. He is probably injury prone. We will draft him. He did have a nice block on that fake punt maybe we could convert him to oline.
  17. So this year we were suppose to compete for a playoff spot. We were suppose to have a great defense and special teams and run the ball. We were suppose to develop our young quarterback. Instead we take two steps back after a huge letdown in the final game last year. JP has hardly any more onfield experience than at the beginning of this year. Our defense has went downhill. I could see if JP was the complete reason for our inability to compete this year but he was not. So now we are even further behind in his progress. We have nothing at all to play for and he still is not getting experience. He is supposedly hurt. I'm tired of Buffalo being Spin City. Nobody knows the truth about anything. There really is no real honest straight forward explanation for anything that happens in the organization. We need to clean house because we might be worse off now than we were in G. Williams last year here. We have not made any strides forward. We have hardly any wins this year and we have one win against the jets and one win against the texans. Half our wins this year may come from two of the 4 worst teams in the NFL. 1 road win maybe 2. This franshise is just getting absurd. I love the Bills but what is happening to us?
  18. Holcomb was good, but come on it was not like he put the team on his back took single handedly won the game. Our receivers got some good YAC. We had a good number of rushing attempts although many of them were not for big yards we still had the attempts. Our defense bent but did not break and forced turnovers. We still were not that great in the redzone. We had 3 field goals and McGee had a defensive touchdown and a special teams touchdown. Time and time again the special teams gave us unbelieveable field position. IU have not heard mention after our onside kick the pass into triple coverage he threw for pick when we had tons of momentum. I will admit Holcomb managed the game well and the one pass he threw that I said I do not think JP could have done that was the 3rd down pass to Josh Reed. That was a heck of a pass. This team goes as the offensive line goes. The offensive line did not allow our QB to get murdered every time he passed and our QB did good. Special teams, turnovers, and rushing attempts were our supposed recipe for success and the beginning of the year and for one game it worked. We won it feels good, but have we quickly forgotten the rest of the season.
  19. Since Holcomb is starting I say between 23 and 27 attempts for Willis. If Losman was starting it would probably be 10-15 carries.
  20. Mularkey is awful. We will most likely go 0-8 on the road. To be good in this league u need to win on the road. Donahoe awful. To win u need to be able to run and stop the run. Our D-line and O line is horrible. I knew because im aBills fan that with a 11 minutes left after that JP int we were gonna lose. You could just feel it and come on we all know THE FEELING. Although Miami had 4th down with no timeouts and they seemed to be unorganized. You knew they were gonna score to win. The odds for any other team to stop them in that situation is 50-50. With the Bills it is like 99-1 that we fail and lose. I thought after that Jax opening game when we lost on the final play we were not gonna play prevent. We looked like we were in prevent after Sage came in. How does the pass rush just all of the sudden vanish? Everyone had to think that the 1st quarter was too good to be true and ofcourse it was. Mularkey thought he was genius after the 1st quarter. Well Mike I hate to remind you there are 3 other quarters and again you made yourself look like a complete moron. Why do you keep running rollouts and play action rollouts over and over again when their d-ends were sitting on them waiting to destoy losman. Why at the end of the half with decent field position and 40 seonds and 3 timeouts do u not try to get in field goal range? U were conservative. Then when u need to be conservative and take a 26 to 3 lead you get pass happy as usual and throw on first inside the 5. Just try to run. Please just try. Try 3 times take 2-3 minutes off the clock kick your field goal and take a 26-3 lead. If you cannot score on 3 straight runs from 4 yards out against a team that is all but beat you do not deserve a touchdown. So take you field goal and take home you first road win of the season. If I was Willis after that play call I would have punched MM in the face. Up 23-3 in the 4th quarter against Miami with Sage at QB for Miami. Someone needs to be fired. We are losing games getting straight out spanked on the road and will this sam adams stuff and eric moulds stuff he is losing this team.
  21. How bad is Mike Williams when he cannot play on this offensive line? He should just call it a career because if you cant make it here, where are you gonna make it? There is always Houston. Anyways the offensive line is worse than any description. I mean pressure up the middle and from the ends every play. We try to fake a pass left and throw it back right on a screen and JP turns around and their is a defender in his face. On third and 8 they almost take the handoff from Losman on a draw play. They should have had 3 or more sacks if it wasnt for losmans ability to scramble. I think if holding was legal our oline would still get torched. I have to give JP some credit for moving around and for the most part keeping his head upfield looking for an open receiver. How come we have to bring 8 guys to get any pass ruch and teams against us rush 3 or 4 and collapse the pocket nearly every pass play? Does Teague know the snap count? How about before putting your head down take a gander at the play clock and then if that dosent help when your QB lifts his leg or better yet when he is back their dancing/doing a jig/jumping up and down hike the damn ball We come out of timeouts and we get false starts. I could rant and rave forever. Who would have thunk we would hold tomlinson under 100 yards rushing and get beat by 38? Oh the agony of another Bills season.
  22. I know that there a a million what ifs and should'ves would'ves but on the last drive I would have like to see more running. We run Willis on first he gains five and then on 2nd and 5 throw out of the backfield to Shelton incomplete. I just thought with it being 4 down territory and gaining 5 on 1st. Why not take 3 more shots at running? It was frustrating how we should no urgency. We wasted alot of time getting plays in and we had 1 timeout. If we show some pace on offense we would have had plenty of time to run the ball considering our field position. Sidenote with all the Bruschi stuff and the "hero" song in the background showing a video montage was pathetic. I mean you would have thought at halftime Tedy pulled 8 kids out of a burning building. Lastly the pregame stuff was over the top. The word Bills or Buffalo was not mentioned until about 7 minutes into the opening segment when they finally let Paul talk after Mike and Joe went on about u know who. Someone tuning in would not even had known the Bills were playing until basically the kcikoff
  23. Holcomb was exposed today. The coaches helped expose him for what he is today. Every game so far he has either mishandled a snap or messed up a simple handoff. The first 2 games Holcomb played Willis got over probably 23 carries and we won. The defense did not force any turnovers Collins gave them a turnover. When we do not commit to the run and we do not get 3 turnovers we do not win. Losman and Holcomb are about the same. So why not play the young kid?
  24. The o-line does deserve a little blame. I mean the pressure right up the middle was constant and Holcomb did take a beating. He probably got hit 80 percent of his pass attempts. Holcomb should have also criticized the coaching. RUN THE BALL. Our o-line can run block better than they can pass block. We have the 4th leading rusher in the NFL. I beg the coaches no matter what before the game say hey we will be patient and we will not get pass happy and give Willis ATLEAST 28 rushes every single week.
  25. Didn't we keep burning timeouts during that drive? We deserved everything we got this game. I suggest that we should have tackled someone. There are no rules that say you have to take a knee. Our defense knew they were gonna run it and our defense knew they were gonna run it up the middle with their second string runningback and we STILL could not stop them. More power to the Raiders they outplayed us and as usual we were outcoached.
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