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Everything posted by sfbillsfan

  1. Happy for him & his family. I'll be happier when Ms.Sfbillsfan is cancer free herself
  2. I made my call today & after a couple of nice conversations, basically got 2 months credit. I haven't called retention yet, nor played my "ace in the hole". My wife kept her name & could be signed up as a new customer!! I'll give retention a call in a day or 2.
  3. "Oh yes, the Bills will stay in Buffalo"
  4. It's time for Our Buffalo Bills
  5. Nice to be on the west coast. Wine is opened, grill is on, just waiting for Andre's time
  6. $1,5 ninety to the Broadway Market, in a stunning home town win
  7. Many long snappers still on the board. Do we trade down? Love all the discussions
  8. I get to see him every week now, in a new stadium.
  9. On hold, listening to Brewer & Shipley, One Toke over the line sweet j....one toke over the line
  10. True That from the west coast
  11. Don't worry, we recovered it
  12. The Raiderz only sign asst. coaches for 1 year at a time. That's been a sticking point, although they did just give a 2yr contract to 1 of them.
  13. Agree totally. I live out here & am tired off Harbaugh, & Colin, but would love the 9er's d in Buffalo
  14. Nothing like Sun. am football. Gives me the rest of the pm for chores. Once watched a game from Hawaii, 7am, nice
  15. Ditto Glad this "game" is history
  16. I'm calling them tomorrow & will use everyone's name as proof they should be paying me!!
  17. I'm doing it for the team & Bills fans everywhere. Smart diets & good eating habits = Super Bowl!!!
  18. I'm thinking of siging this week to be training camp food critic
  19. All freeway, except for the last mile, snail crawl then. The parking lots are already there as it's next to Great America. Saw the stadium again today & the changes are coming along.
  20. Chrissy Field is beautiful. The Presidio was designated as a National Park & had to be self-sufficient with in 15 years & did so a couple of years earlier than the deadline, I believe. Many of the former houses have been updated & are were made avialable as rentals. More changes & improvements are still being planned.
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