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Everything posted by Observer

  1. He's not run an ad. He spent no money last month. He's in a dead heat with Clinton. Tell me how he's not managing his campaign wel again. Now if your point is that he's not presenting a cohesive message, that he's a narcissist to a degree never seen, and that he has left behind intellect in politics, that's a bad campaign. But you can't argue his popularity with the mouth breathers.
  2. It was a win win for Trump and Cruz. Cruz is betting on Trump being a disaster so he will look prescient in 2020. Trump is thrilled to have a WWE style convention. He can come out with the doom and gloom tonight and sling mud at the same time. It was not scripted as much as it was totally expected by all involved.
  3. Of course he is. What's his stand on abortion. Gay marriage. NATO. He changes with the wind. He's just less scheming than Hillary.
  4. "Vote your conscience." The Real World/Apprentice is happening at the R Convention. Give it up for Trump for making the convention into reality TV. He knew this was likely and now everyone is talking about the Republican convention, where tonight Trump will deliver a huge (and winning) counterpunch to Cruz. Trump can be in no more perfect position than needing to take the stage after that. No one stands more comfortably atop a pile of shite than Trump. What Cruz did was no surprise to anyone in the Trump camp. It's everything they hoped. Probably would have liked even more mud-slinging. Grotesque how easily he manipulates his feeble-minded minions.
  5. Then leave. It's OUR America no matter who gets elected.
  6. This is a non-issue but it was still copied. A bad PR moment for the campaign and I feel bad for Melania. Someone messed up. It's OUR America.
  7. Trump is anything but the same script.
  8. I agree with this. You have no idea what you're getting into with Trump. None. No one does. That's not a vote for anything but chaos. Get Johnson to the debate stage and into the spotlight at least. He's 100x better than these two.
  9. No one will care. He's neck and neck with Clinton. The reality of "reality TV" is that idiocy is now acceptable.
  10. Trump has the potential to be a lot worse than "meh." "Books'll trick ya" is not a campaign slogan. You have no idea what Trump will do in the White House. Hillary will just work with the strings that pull/pay her. That's some sort of predictable.
  11. Trump will never stop saying stupid stuff. I'm a hell of a lot more worried about the stupid stuff he'll actually do. Hillary is bought and sold. Everyone knows that. On another note, Johnson is polling at almost 12% in some polls. At 15%, he gets into the debates. The guy presents like crap but I'd still like to see a viable 3rd party option to these two nightmares. Edit: Saw 12% in a single poll. RCP has him at 7%. Come on America--get him to the debate stage when those poll calls come.
  12. Post 9/11, there is no debate about declaring "war on them" but only what is "war" and who is "them." I don't have any problem with killing bad guys, and have no trouble leaving the issues of collateral damage in the hands and judgment of the military. The hard part is that "them" are hard to define regrettably. And killing "them" has been a long game of whack-a-mole. We obviously need a better plan.
  13. Trump has run zero ads to Hillary's 14000. Yet surveys show 46% of people think they've seen a Trump ad. Hillary has an organized political machine. Trump doesn't even have campaign offices in most states. Hillary outspend Trump something like 26M to ZERO in the last month. And the candidates are in a dead heat. Trump is a disaster but he is exposing a messed up system.
  14. Live in fear or live a life. The good news is that you have a choice.
  15. You know how strong people get in times of real danger and conflict? Imagine if all the"sky is falling" pu$$ies were that strong in a time of relative peace like now? Easier to wine and cry. No I'm not you ninny. I even made fun of that limited definition. It's a shame that the people stopped caring about the expansion of executive power. War is war, though any generation in the US would happily trade the post-Vietnam wars for their generations wars. And that has been my limited point in this thread. The "wah life is so hard in 2016...world is falling apart" people have a seriously limited perspective on human history. Things are pretty great in 2016. Anyone who travels internationally or reads a lot can't but help feel like what we have in the US is an absurd sense of peace.
  16. Sorry FireChan. I forgot which crazy bastard thinks we're all entitled to nukes so long as we can afford them. All credit to you.
  17. The US hasn't been at war since WWII. See expansion of executive authority chapter 1, verse 1. The last major conflict the US was in was Vietnam. Iraq, Iraq II, Afghanistan, WoT have been drops in the bucket compared to Vietnam, Korea, and the WWs. Those generations would be happy to be in your "longest war." Anyone whining about rich people isn't doing what's necessary to one of said rich people: Dream big, get smart, work hard.
  18. I don't care if my mom supported the "last term of presidency reasoning," it's crap reasoning. Constitution says advise and consent. Do your job. Don't punt it. But Tom is eminently consistent like the poster here who says we're all entitled to handheld nukes: No need for Congress to ever act on any nominee according to his rationale. Congress's procedure can be to hold a hearing on pres SC nominations every 999 years if it wants to.
  19. There is ALWAYS some conflict. That this is a down time for wars is inarguable. One of the gifts each generation gives the next, and it's accelerating, is the gift of prosperity. 300 years ago, extremely few people could imagine giving a domicile to a succeeding generation. Now, even in some of the poorest countries this is happening. And we're also giving roads, railroads, boats, airplanes, knowledge, liquid wealth, medicine...and so much more to each succeeding generation. Any of these things was unthinkable even in your grandfather's time. My grandfather lived the first 3 quarters of the 20th century. Worked hard, had a nice blue collar job. He passed on a home, some hand tools, and a dining room set to his children. His grandfather passed on a pocket watch to his entire child set. I will pass on who knows what to my kids, but something more. Where we are has never been better, especially anyone who can post on this board. But the sky is falling. And get the hell offa my lawn.
  20. Abortion in a doctor's office vs abortion in a back alley? They'd probably take the former.
  21. If there's nothing in the Constitution about what Advise and Consent means, there's even less about this "last year of the president's term" BS. In a few years, there will be no SC because all the Justices will die or retire. And that's exactly what a President Trump would want. Muahahahaha. Deranged Rhino, amiright?
  22. Why would the Ds hold a hearing on any R president's Supreme Court candidate? Precedent is a B word.
  23. World largely at peace, a prolonged peace. Food/famine violence less than ever. Race/religion issues while headline dominant in the moment not causing widespread safety issues. Violent crime on the decline. Some people (old ones) claim the 50s, 60s were better. Ask young draftees or minorities if they agree? Ask the kids coming home in body bags. And the children in bomb shelter drills. The media was Mayberry. The reality was not.
  24. The expansion of the executive, growing powerr of congress to legislate (how much can you justify under the commerce clause? A whole lot), and triumph of the federal over state government was well in hand long before 2006. Thanks Obama.
  25. Gotta think Ginsberg would like those remarks back. No Justice should ever comment on an candidate--completely out of line even when the target is so inviting.
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