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Posts posted by Observer

  1. And, the point of the whole thing, IMO. While Imus still had a sizable audience (relative, of course) NOBODY talks about him anymore. He has become irrelevant. His popularity has been dwindling and...most importantly, the BIG rumor is he is trying to get out of his contract. He wants a Stern-like satellite radio deal.


    He would never get Howard's money of course but he might be suited for satellite. He has little bits of an audience in a bunch of cities (and no audience in any one city so his ratings suck). He could probably keep his career alive going to satellite but it's hard to imagine he'd make much money doing it. With the exception of Howard, the satellite stations aren't dishing out huge money to talk radio DJs.


    Sirius has the more talent-oriented lineup so they'd be more likely to bid for him.

  2. I don't really like Imus but think in this case he was more stupid than racist.


    Seems like the smartest things he's ever done. When was the last time he was in the news? 1986?


    His star has pretty much fallen off the map like most of the shock-type jocks except Howard. The only talk show hosts I can think of that are hot right now are:


    Howard Stern

    Rush Limbo (ugh)

    Sean Hannity


    After that, I'd have to shrug. Maybe Schlesinger... who else? I like some of the Sirius-only personalities (Martha Stewart's daughter and Jennifer Koppelman-Hutt do a great show on Sirius) and Teri Gross on NPR but they are hardly on the national stage.

  3. Bitching about Imus and his racism on "Federally Protected Airwaves". Way to hate on the Constitution, "Reverend".


    Howard did a great line by line deconstruction of Imus's apology today.


    Imus's apology went something like this (I kid you not). "I was wrong but let me explain. I am not a racist. I make fun of everyone including me. I have black friends. I run a charity that gives money to kids--including black ones. I have dinner with black kids though my charity."

  4. I hope you are all watching the HD broadcast of this. My wife (who never watches nature shows) and myself watched last night. It was breathtaking.


    It's not showing on anything but Discovery HD here in Philly. Bummer.

  5. From all accounts Ricky wasn't smokin just to get a buzz. He suffered from some real psychological problems, for which he should have taken RX. meds for but found his answer in pot early on. He has since found relief by way of Yoga and meditation. His last suspension wasn't for pot but something in a healthfood suppliment he unknowingly took. As far as him leaving the Fins high and dry , there was more to that story also. Dave Wadsdead is rumored to have helped that decision.


    So because he's crazy and that's why he smokes pot and quit on his team the day before training camp in 2005, leaving his team completely forked--it's for those reasons--that you think the Bills should sign him.


    Makes sense to me! Get 'er done Marv.

  6. As per Dolphins web site Ricky Williams has officially applied for reinstatement.




    Really wish team would take a serious look at Ricky.


    What the guy did--smoking pot--is not that bad. What he did to his team because he couldn't give it up is absurd. Who would want a team leader who can't give up the happy pipe and thereby waste the team's draft picks and flush several seasons? That is not character. Not leadership. If the NFL reinstates him, someone will take a chance on him but it won't be the Bills.

  7. I tried the sample movie on my 34" Sony. It looked good to me. Maybe it's not DVD quality (imagine the download time!) but it kicks the hell out of the "on demand" video quality, which I've noticed sucks balls. I couldn't tell the difference between the unbox and a normal TV show.


    If you have an HDTV, you're sure to be disappointed but to me, Borat and Lady in Water looked like any normal cable signal.


    Not sure I'll use it much. The catch is that you have to finish watching the movie within 24 hours of starting to watch it. That could be a pain in the ass.

  8. Yeah. It's not like a super bowl ring that you have to earn. It's just a big clunky ring that looks ridiculous. Why anyone would pay more than 5 bucks for one is beyond me. I'd rather buy a throwback Sabres jersey.


    I recently ordered a throwback jersey. They must be stitching it one thread at a time because it's not here after 3 weeks.

  9. I am reading a biography on George Washington.  And there was a point in history as the French and Indian War was just getting under way and the Colonists were trying to get the Indians to not fight for the French and come over to fight for the American Colonists to help England claim the Ohio territory,…..the Indians asked Washington why they should fight for the American Colonists instead of the French…Washington responded by saying:


    “The sole purpose of the English military efforts was “to maintain your rights”…to make the whole country sure (available) to you”.


    He claimed that the English had no other goals than to recover for the various Indian tribes “those lands which the French had taken from them.”




    I thought that was pretty funny.

    The BS flies out of Washington everyday.  Back then it was flying out of the man the city was named for.



    If it's a good biography, like Ellis's, you'll get the continuing story of Washington's efforts to do right for the Indians. He promised them huge swaths of land where no white man would settle, and they took "the great white father" at his word- only to have that word broken by later administrations.

  10. ...already knows how to play in the NFL, if someone like that existed.  Make up your mind folks.  You want to bench JP and play Holcomb.  When is JP supposed to get better?  Oh that's right...he's a bust at 3 starts.  Then you get people suggesting we tank and draft Leinhart.  Hmmm...another rookie QB...BRILLIANT!





    Most rookie Qbs bite nowadays. The defenses are too good and the talent is too raw. Rothelsberger and Brady are extreme exceptions. The problem right now is that the Bills are probably good enough- even with this D- to make the playoffs. But that might not be true under a rookie QB. I like JP a lot-- but he may not be the answer right now.

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