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Everything posted by Observer

  1. You mean "blowing up?"
  2. Thanks for the report.
  3. Only so many things you can fix.
  4. Sucks. I stream NFL sunday ticket to watch the games through DirecTV and it's always excellent. This is atrocious. Blurry, jumpy. Yahoo should not be the NFL's partner.
  5. On the play you're all whining about, he had pressure up the middle and sides...and no WRs open. Was hardly worthy of all the vitriol unless you want to pour it onto the Oline. Or the coach who calls a 7 step drop when the run game is working.
  6. This streaming blows. NFL Sunday Ticket streaming is 100000000x better.
  7. Sounds like Biden said the same thing twice regarding his own account. In the meeting with advisors, he said that Obama should wait until he had more facts. The clearer jab at Clinton and hint that he's running is his jab that he doesn't see the US's "chief enemy" as Republicans. That line is going to absolutely haunt Clinton in the General election--Biden would not have said that line if he wasn't running. Why would he take such a personal stab at Clinton otherwise? He's running. May be too late for him but he's a better choice than Clinton (and Carson, Trump, Cruz). My prediction is that Clinton still wins just because she's got too much momentum but Biden will make her look bad. He can expose her in ways Bernie can't.
  8. It's his stellar line that is helping him succeed. Taylor didn't have a great game but played with confidence despite playing bad (like a good QB will do), had zero turnovers, and while his TD pass to Hogan was bad, the long pass to Hogan was perfect. Hard not to like a guy who pulls it together on the road for a win. Most of the 2001-2014 Bills teams would have given up in the 4th quarter and almost all of the QBs would have ended the game with a pick. TT did not and they won. There's no one on the roster who could do better. Enjoy the ride.
  9. On the replay, Tasker circled the wrong guy. Watch Easley at the bottom of the screen and his foot is over the line and down. See above. Tasker called attention to the wrong player on the replay. Easley's foot was down over the line. He was 6 feet from the side judge.
  10. All I know is that when TT went out for that play, I got worried. EJ can't win that game with Boobie, no line and Those wideouts. And I like EJ!
  11. Easy to blame Taylor. Look at his running game support.
  12. I've killed thousands of people in gruesome ways in video games, seen thousands of others die in movies, and if I was interested, I could have watched thousands of real deaths on the web. I played the games and if I watched those videos, I would have done so at an emotional distance. When people in the past saw death and violence, it was personal and touched them, making them fear/respect it. So that's the desensitization part just to be clear. This is all over the place. I'll tackle just the last point. There are more secular cultures with less violence than ours. Churches don't provide morals. Morals provide morals. Church, however, provides at least some people with the community we all need.
  13. There was also the VA Tech shooting before Sandy Hook. Mass shootings are on a hockey stick in the last 20 years, and in particular the last 8. Humans are ever lemmings and sadly, it's not only psychos doing these things anymore. - Easy gun access - Loneliness made possible through web/TV/ecommerce and many other tech advances that allow people to drop out of society and still "survive" - Mass shooting "how-to models" (killers have created a script for these events) - Media/game violence desensitization I haven't seen any sane person offer a solution. Maybe it's just as simple (or hard) as reaching out to people one at a time...not ostracizing and not letting people you know turtle up. People who have friends/support generally don't do this stuff. Someone suggested that maybe gun violence is just going to happen because we are an armed country. That may be true but I hope we can do better.
  14. So the play with pressure coming UP THE MIDDLE and he has to unload quickly, he should have taken the sack awaiting Clay to get open? HE sets his feet just as Clay makes his break and an instant later his lineman (Woods maybe?) is pushed into him. Give any QB enough time and there's a WR open somewhere.
  15. I travel to India a lot, Delhi in particular. Complain all you want about your silly first world traffic jams.
  16. When the coach sets a tone that causes the Bills to get a reputation for dumb play and the team plays dumb, refs look for things. If a ref is looking, they will throw yellow more than not. In a perfect world, that's not true but refs are human. Let's see Rex do more than the mouth breath stare when Hughes gets the second PF. 90% of the coaches in the league pull Hughes outand meet him at the sideline to give him a piece of their mind. Rex is a good guy and the players love him. What they don't do is respect his authority. He has to beg them to stop committing penalties. What kind of leadership is that? Rex can call out Dan Carpenter by name but won't do the same to Bradham and Hughes. That's a bully mentality alright: Man enough to pick a fight with the little guy. Pv$$y.
  17. You should post on PPP. You'd fit in over there.
  18. It's not like Hughes's absence would have been noticed.
  19. Correct. Jesus who even knows what either of those mean? I can't believe I'm arguing about the QBR or the traditional QB rating. Taylor was not the problem yesterday. Guy threw for 270 and 1TD without his star RB, star WR, and 3 of his offensive lineman. Had zero running game and some dumbasf$%^ play calls on the goal line by his OC. And somehow he's getting thrown under the bus for yesterday's debacle? When he threw the chop block TD pass, I said to the TV, Taylor is the only reason the Bills are even close to being in this game. And it was true...until the refs called back that TD.
  20. (rescinded stat discussion)
  21. RIght now they need to address it by not being dumbasses. Reduce the dumbassed behavior and over time--and only time--the Bills will not be scrutinzed for their on-field antics. Hate Brady and Belechik all you want and god knows we all do, they take their penalties and move on. Jerry Hughes and Nigel Bradham could have been ejected yesterday and I would not have been shocked. On top of that, Ryan should have benched them both. Send a message instead of just staring out onto the field.
  22. Yup. All to the same guy. He has to run the right route. If the WR runs an out when the call is for an in, the QB is not at fault when the ball misses. How are you not getting this?
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