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Everything posted by Observer

  1. Knowing the workings of government is pretty important if you're the top of the executive branch, don't you think? Do you see that "Obama Bad" is as Pavlovian and unhelpful as "Bush Bad?"
  2. Carson knows nothing of government and has a batschit crazy streak to be sure.
  3. How deep is your hatred of your president? Do you agree with the writer's premise that Obama is to blame for this?
  4. This will come down to Cruz vs Rubio. Everyone not named Trump/Carson is fighting for the same block of voters (maybe not Fiorina supporters). That's a huge block and as these other candidates drop out, they will not go to Trump/Carson. That's why so many candidates are hanging in--they want to see what happens as people fall off. Trump and Carson represent an unhappy group--but few in either camp will defect to the other. They will leave for only more mainstream people.
  5. I actually doubt you blame Obama for much. He's a US president. Influential, yes...but less influential than many people would give him credit for.
  6. What a horrible person.
  7. What is your point? I will give you the benefit of my substantial doubt.
  8. Liberté, égalité, fraternité. Vive la France. "Killing these people" is what we've been trying to do for years. It's hard when they are not confined to a specific geography and with an open military machine we can identify. Some will always get through as long as we have freedom. And freedom is always worth it.
  9. You win the Internet today by a long margin.
  10. If Carson suggests a healthy GOP to you, what does Trump's ascendence mean?
  11. Dareus was sick right before the game--he almost didn't play. Not that it's an excuse for other weeks but it might be why he was off today. Amazing that the defense is so many people's concern, isn't it? But we are all really starting to wonder about them. I can't say if it's the scheme but sure are a lot of people who think so. I don't know what more the fan base would want in a QB. Are you guys really now complaining that TT doesn't throw enough 10-20 yard passes? The guy was 11-12 passing today--nearly perfect with no turnovers. In a game where the running game is just rolling, what better performance could you ask for? One week he doesn't run enough. Next he had a bad half and people are pissed. Let's enjoy the guy!
  12. In the statement from the campaign, Carson's campaign is talking about the "scholarship" angle, which in a Clintonesque way, is correct. But I'll repeat what Carson said 3 months ago, "I was the highest student ROTC member in Detroit and was thrilled to get an offer from West Point." He didn't get an offer from West Point. Now next the campaign will say that the encouragement from the General was tantamount to an offer or something. But they are tapdancing. This is just normal campaign stuff but he was getting mileage out of West Point that he didn't earn. By Monday, this will be gone from the news.
  13. Ben Carson on August 13, "I was the highest student ROTC member in Detroit and was thrilled to get an offer from West Point." You can spin that any way you want but it's not true even if you're Minnesota Fats. I didn't say he was stupid. My best friend is a surgeon. I wouldn't want him to fix my car, run the no huddle offense, manage a Starbucks or a lot of other things. Carson doesn't have a grasp of pretty fundamental parts of government and economics. That's a problem in a president.
  14. I see there are 2 pages of responses coming, no doubt about Carson lying about West Point, but I'll chime in on this. It's not just the GDP error that he made. He double counted capital gams and business profits. Now I have zero problem if you, me, or Tom make that error while arguing over beers but Carson did it while defending his flat tax plan. He doesn't understand basic parts of how government works or his own platform. No doubt he's smart and I understand that his faith resonates with many. I also understand why his civility has great appeal--probably more so in a cycle that includes Trump. I get why the electorate likes Carson, Trump, and in her moment in the sun, Fiorina. That said, Trump and Carson at least have not shown the judgment and brainpower necessary to hold the office. Fiornia wasn't in the lead long enough to get much of my attention. The Republican electorate will figure this out. As noted after the last debate, Herman Cain was leading in November 2011.
  15. Carson's quote, ""If you're talking about an $18 trillion economy, you're talking about a 15 percent tax on your gross domestic product. You're talking about $2.7 trillion. We have a budget closer to $3.5 trillion." He went on to say you make up that difference by taxing capital games and corp profits. In case you don't see the issue, the GDP includes corporate profits, capital gains, AND government spending. So not only is Carson proposing to double tax corporate profits and capital gains, he's proposing to generate 500 billion from taxing the government's 3T in annual spending. What the what? You can't take this guy seriously. He's just a different flavor of Donald Trump and a poor reflection of whatever the Republican Party currently says it is. To your second question, which was not directed at me: I have no problem with a flat tax. Put a threshold or gradient threshold that excludes or has lower impact on low incomes and it makes sense.
  16. "What is your biggest flaw?" FU CNBC. Really.
  17. CNBC is hardly a network: The most credible person asking questions was Jim Cramer. They would have been better off in his TV studio with the bells and horns. I despise Ted Cruz but he was completely right when he threw the moderators under the bus. From that point on, the questions got better but to that point, the questions and talking-over candidates was horrible. Winners were Rubio by a mile and Cruz. These two will be fighting over the establishment votes and supports of candidates that start dropping out of the race. I can't imagine either of these two more intellectual candidates cutting into Trump and Carson for a while. Trump did his normal thing. No doubt a hit with the red meat crowd. Carson did his normal thing (looked humble and not particularly insightful). Probably a hit with the people who support him and aren't looking for substance. Christie did well but it's too late for him. Kasich is the GOP's Jim Webb: Angry old guy who makes sense. He's not long for this field. Bush was a disaster. Warm kiss for someone who cuts spending? And why attack Rubio--he had to know the moderators would do it for him. Idiot. His loss will be Rubio/Cruz's gain. Huckabee--sort of forgot he was there. Fiorina is good in this forum but her star is fading.
  18. Taxing the GDP at 15%...we can conclude definitively that Carson is a lightweight. The GDP.
  19. I know a lot of people with real experience (whatever that means). That doesn't mean they'd make good presidential candidates. There's something to be said for the head of our government having some government experience. Carson on policy and how the government works is very weak. It will come through tonight. Tonight's topics will play to Carson's weakest points, Trump will do Trump things, and Rubio and Bush should win the night. Carson will play the "I have to balance my checkbook, I don't see why the government can't do it" line or its equivalent to a roar of appeal from the crowd, while the candidates with depth will give practical plans. The best thing I hear people saying about Carson is that he's a nice guy. Pretty shallow praise. Tonight's topics are more about policy and governance--the outsiders will have their soundbites ready but I don't expect them to be substantive.
  20. First injury was a pulled muscle. You cannot play through that because (1) it doesn't allow you to perform, and (2) it will only get worse. Second injury to his ankle, I assume, was similar. Last year the guy played with broken ribs, which is about the most painful injury I can imagine playing with as a WR in football. Anyone who questions his toughness is an idiot. He's right. Probably shouldn't pick fights with idiot fans on Instagram...and idiot fans on Instagram should maybe not choose a photo of him and his daughter at Disney World to be dbags.
  21. Rex doesn't run this team. You could see it when he didn't react to the Hughes personal fouls against NE. He didn't bench him. He didn't meet him at the sideline and read him the riot act. He defended his players. Like most bullies, he's got no balls.
  22. The offense scored way more points than I ever could have imagined they could today given all the injuries. But the turnovers neutralized all of those points. And I won't blame the D...but they don't make a lot of big plays. The Bills needed more today. They weren't terrible...but they need more. Get them healthy and this season is a long ways from over.
  23. In his defense, Poz was in the Bills lockerroom a long time.
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