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Everything posted by Observer

  1. 4. We've been there. There's nothing there worth doing. Why go back?
  2. I'd vote for Clinton 10 of 10 times vs Trump. I'd vote for my toe fungus 10 of 10 times over Hillary.
  3. Trump has zero specific plan of substance on the economy. And his "securing safety" specifics involve building a 2000 mile wall (should be simple enough) and banning people of a religious faith (no issues there). Trump is as close to the antichrist as we've ever had in the US and people here would vote for him. I weep. I see no evidence of this. I just know he made money in real estate. He has not shown any grasp of economic issues. There's a substantial difference. And I feel you on Trump vs Clinton. Given that choice, I choose Clinton 10 out of 10 times. She's awful but literally just more of the same (which is bad enough). Trump could end the country. Bernie is a mess ideologically but at least he's not evil. I don't think he'd get 5% of his agenda accomplished but he would do little harm. He'd be a less effective Jimmy Carter. And here I thought Ted Cruz was going to be the craziest GOP candidate. I'd take Ted Cruz every day over Trump. I still see this as Rubio, Bush, Christie and Cruz. Trump will fall quickly when others drop out of the race. The 70% of GOP voter split between all the other candidates are not going to break for Trump. They will break for others. And I am faithful that the Americans giving polling data now wouldn't pull the lever for this madman.
  4. Following bad analogies with inept predicates doesn't cure your argument's defects. We have treaties with countries, not religions. Setting aside how absurd it would be to even begin trying to enforce such a stupid proposal, and setting aside how morally abhorrent it is and how it flies in the face of what we are as a country, immigration doesn't work in a way that Trump "proposes." I put that in quotes because it was one of Trumps many unsupportable ideas that flow from his ceaselessly blathering mouth with no care for practicality, the law, or diplomacy. Trump has almost no chance of winning the nomination so it's not a concern on that front but that people here choose to defend such an abhorrent and dangerous person is frightening. I thought going into this cycle that Cruz and Clinton would be the two scariest people running...Congrats to Trump for proving me wrong.
  5. A bit different to deny entry of citizens of a country vs members of a religion. But no one is letting that get in the way of a bad analogy.
  6. Are you taking the position that blows to the head (and other long term injury rates) are lower in football than most other sports? In football, players get hit in the head as part of the game. Helmets hit. Heads collide. Hands, knees, elbows, chests, shoulders hit heads. The statistics showing football concussions you quoted have football as twice as likely as other sports for concussions, but as has been said many times, as bad as football is with concussions, this is about accumulated head blows (and even other long term injury issues that kids carry forward). Of course contact can happen in every sport, but only in football are blows to the head a normal part of the game. I played nearly every sport and of course took a few blows to the head here in there in them all but nothing compares with football, as I'm sure you know. I doubt you're even really arguing this with conviction.
  7. For neck protection, especially in heads-up tackling.
  8. How many times does it have to be said? This isn't just about concussions! It's about accumulated blows to the head in a game where getting hit in the head is part of the game. It will happen. In those other sports, (except soccer headers which can be minimized), blows to the head are not part of the game.
  9. I eat wings even though they are not good for me. Life is not simple. But I put my kid's health above other things. Just happens to be a priority.
  10. And smoking doesn't cause cancer. Better to encourage kids to play soccer, basketball, lacrosse, or if he's not an athlete, baseball. Youth tackle football will be extinct in 40 years.
  11. The concussion protocol helps for people with multiple concussions. But it still doesn't address the CTE issue of all the small hits hurting the brain. The protocol only ensures concussed people don't come back too soon. As I stated, there are certainly dangers in all aspects of you life, but you football is a game where hitting your head is part of the game. CTE is associated with repeated head blows. I've not seen a lot of gymnasts consistently bashing their heads on the pommel horse.
  12. But this isn't a discussion about concussions. It's a discussion about CTE. And in cycling, plowing your head into the ground is an exception, while in football, getting a blow to the head even a minor one like happens between lineman on almost every play, is part of the game.
  13. Every time a helmet gets hit, the brain shakes inside the skull. Every time. No hemet can prevent that. Your brain is not supposed to rattle in its skull over and over. Sure you can get contact in soccer (headers are a really bad thing for kids to do and smarter coaches discourage tons of header practice), basketball (head to elbow, head to floor), volleyball (head to ball, floor), hockey (puck, ice, board, helmet)... but football is the only one of these sports (maybe soccer headers to a lesser extent) where you're intentionally getting your head banged, even with smaller hits. There are plenty of other sports for kids to play where brain trauma is not built in.
  14. I think he means Robert Woods, not Eric Wood. Concentrate on your wood and you'll understand.
  15. Gilmore being out will hurt against the pass-happy Eagles. I hope he's OK though I doubt he is.
  16. But the Bills have 2 huge drops to make up for it! Turn it around now. Good running game into a 7 minute drive.
  17. I like how every pregame show talks about "the Rex Ryan defense."
  18. Give TT credit--he does the right things. A good pass to Wood that might have been a TD and a sure 30 yard completion dropped. Shady is back in and doesn't get a touch? How does that happen?
  19. I haven't heard "in the grasp" since the 90s. They don't quick whistle the QB tackle in the age of atheletic QBs. .
  20. The last celebrity speech reader we had was Reagan, and Clinton became a celebrity. Obama was a breath of fresh air that got stale quickly. I had hopes for him even though I voted against.
  21. Obama is a bad president. Trump is bad. Trump won't win. He is leading now but he's maxed out his support around 30%. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/2016_republican_presidential_nomination-3823.html Once the duds (including Carson who polls high still but in the last of his 15 minutes) drop off, the support for non-Trumps will rise. The polls are still just who's on your mind polls--not who will you vote for. Trump will not be the nominee. I predict Rubio, with an outside shot at Bush, Christie, or Cruz. It would be a mistake to underestimate Bush. He's exactly the tried and true milquetoast candidate to survive all the rancor and rise through the ranks as rational people start to realize Trump is actually on ballots.
  22. Gun violence here is much worse and more prevalent than in our European peers, who are the countries we are closest to. Why do you think we're so much different? My theory is access and violent exposure. It's part of the price we pay for having easy access and a cultural movie/game obsession with violence. I love myself a Tarantino movie as much as anyone and I've played Grand Theft Auto and carjacked 1000 cars, so I admit to being part of the problem so I'm just asking the question--not pointing fingers.
  23. You want a gun to protect yourself from what exactly? The US Army turning inward? Or some sort of home invasion? Do you think having a firearm in your house makes it more or less likely that someone in your house will be hurt by a firearm? By the way, I am fine with your right to own a firearm, but most people's rationale for wanting one doesn't make sense. If I ever got a firearm, it would just be because I want one. I know it would increase the risk of an accident in my home. I once had our elderly dog walker come into our house at 11pm confused about the day he was supposed to walk our dog--would I have shot him? I hope not but let's just say that my nerves were pretty high strung that night and if I'd have had a handgun, it would have been in my hand. And owning a gun would not stop the US Army from marching down my street.
  24. Your overconfidence is amusing. Way too early to make any predictions with confidence. It looks like Hillary vs ?? and we're a long ways from November. The only truly nightmarish candidate is Trump.
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