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Everything posted by Observer

  1. Miss carrying a knife. Travel too much so had to give it up for a silly utili-key. Cargo shorts are absurd. The pockets are either for show, so you're wearing them like faux epaulets like a chick or they are full of useless things and you might as wear a purse...like a chick. Man up men.
  2. Geez. I hadn't been to RCP recently. Trump went off a cliff this week. Johnson up to 8.5%. If he gets to 10% and there's a lot of noise, he could get into the debate.
  3. Are you sure you're not a Trump supporter?
  4. Hillary just needs to feign laryngitis for the next 3 months. Trump is doing all her negative campaigning for her.
  5. Deranged was just getting off the crack. Then here you come with the monkey. Have you no decency sir?
  6. Crowd-flation is hot this year.
  7. It's not even really an editorial. It's just some blather about how Howard Stern has had Trump on his show and something something, voila Donald Trump. A ten year old could have written something better. I lost the IQ points you preserved.
  8. Stop ruining the narrative. It's 2 stories about the "article" about how Howard Stern game us Donald Trump.
  9. Are you kidding? With all the issues she's already dodged, you think there's something that will take her down? Do you believe in unicorns and fairies too?
  10. I made this point above: Johnson is the best candidate but he's a lightweight. Heavier than Trump (who isn't) but he doesn't have the mental engine. And I'm voting for him!
  11. Doubt it. No one has cared much about those emails. Teflon Hillary learned from the best.
  12. Exactly. He marshaled every resource he could to make his vision into reality. Imagine if politicians were able to get the government, private industry, and people to rally to causes in the way Musk did. He started a space exploration company. He started an automotive company. He co-founded an alternate payment system. That is a guy who gets stuff done. (I found his recent biography cold and uninteresting BTW. Still have no idea who he is.)
  13. And yet you have peple here who keep following him because "he's not Hillary." Even his own party is starting to get how dangerous he is. I just wish they'd shift to Johnson instead of Hillary. Just shows that the left, right, and many here are deeply invested in the current two parties. Bush's campaign manager, Whitman, McCain...the parade of defections has only just begun.
  14. You've obviously missed this gem in Trump's assessment of his net worth. Can't make this schit up. I feel like I'm worth 5 billion today.
  15. Plenty of fogies on this board rooting for John Henry.
  16. I've been to Johnstown many times. That's a huge gathering.
  17. Dream big. Shoot for the stars. We definitely need more people like him. He will fail spectacularly in some of these things but we definitely need more Musks and less Wall Street money moguls. Even the people dancing a jig at the Tesla's problems miss the point. He's turned the auto industry, which seemed all but impenetrable to an outsider, on its ear.
  18. He's not good on policy either. He's likely to shift direction mid-sentence and end up who knows where insulting who knows who.
  19. He should be. His role in the RNC debates was to spout a one liner every once in a while. He can't keep up with Hillary in a 1v1 debate--he's an imbecile. "Crooked Hillary" only gets you so far when you have to talk for 5 minutes about the situation on the ground in the Ukraine.
  20. Really? Posters here talk about it almost daily and it's in the media constantly. Hillary is a POS. It's just that in perhaps the only area where Trump could say he was better than Clinton (he doesn't crap on dead soldiers' families), he is now doing his best to catch up. He's trash, bottomless trash. Narcissist to a level that it's hard to measure.
  21. A better note to Trump may be to remind him not to crap on the parents of veterans. It's hard for Trump to show a little class, but this would be an instance where it might be worth it to just STFU. If Trump hadn't said a thing, this moment would have been loud for just a moment. But now he's got Republicans disavowing him. Not that it matters. The Trump supporters here won't deviate from their path. Only Hillary gets vilified for disrespecting soldiers. Trump, well he's not Hillary, so instead let's attack the media on this topic.
  22. Philly: Proximity to the ocean.
  23. I was in Buffalo for the 4th and driving down Delaware at 8pm when about 100 nude bicyclists drove by protesting something (fossil fuel?). Good to see activism alive and well but lot of winter blubber and sag, and I couldn't help but think of the condition of those seats post ride. Oofah.
  24. The litter analogy is about you following the parties off the cliff. Nothing is certain but he's a better choice than Clinton, Trump, and Stein--the only other candidates on all 50 state's ballots.
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