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Everything posted by Observer

  1. The high priest positions have been filled. But you make a good concubine for gator. Bear him an heir.
  2. Oz is a "fake persona" poster so it's save to assume this particular term was meant to incite. Don't get sucked in: The fake poster act has now been done here for 20 years. The new incarnations are poor copies of the original.
  3. I buy this completely. He's a show. Next time around Kim Khardashian will run. And I don't even know who that is!
  4. He's former/crayonz/hogboy style. Don't waste your energy.
  5. Oh, you're a joke poster. Sorry I didn't realize you were a time waster. Thanks for the fun reading and carry on crayonz/Hog Boy.
  6. Do you think that races should have their own nation state? I apologize for my ignorance of the Spencer guy--only picking up what I read in some articles after you linked to him. And what are the differences between the races?
  7. You are a white supremacist?
  8. Well parroted but misses the big difference. When riding a bicycle or playing on a swing, a head injury is an accident. In football head blows are part of the game. Headers in soccer area already becoming controversial. Some leagues don't allow them and some coaches/parents don't allow them. If you don't think all a CTE linkage will catch up to youth football, you're nuts.
  9. Politicians will blow whichever way there is a prevailing wind. They tax soda FFS! "Repeated head bashing" is not hyperbole, it's football.
  10. Occurence of CTE as "low" is not the standard for this. If you put kids at X times more risk for CTE by playing football, it's not going to be worth it. Government, insurance, pick a group that can put an end to football. Your cigarette argument supports my point. Cigarettes can only be bought by adults. Don't underestimate motherment.
  11. I wasn't talking to you but the party that keeps this sort of nonsense up. Republicans should clean up their yard and not blame Trump on Democrats. If they had a better candidate, Trump would be long-since out of the picture.
  12. I've seen 2 variations of excuses that Republicans didn't create the Trump candidacy. The one you linked and the other that somehow Obama created Trump. What a crock. Take responsibility and work to fix it instead of hiding behind others.
  13. What I was saying is that allowing kids to bash their heads repeatedly is probably going to be a choice taken away from parents before long. The studies now are not convincing at a statistical level (they are mostly only studying brains of footballers who already have CTE symptoms...thus they find CTE). That said, I'd put a high wager on a verified and credible study correlating football and CTE before long. The causal study will take more time but what's the point in encouraging kids to take blows to the head. Play other sports where head blows are not built into the game. Sure you can still get bashed but it's not going to happen as part of regular play. And though "Heads-up" helps, let's not kid ourselves: Football is violent and heads will get hit in football regardless of tackling technique. All of the above from a HUGE football fan. But for kids, the day is coming when it won't be allowed.
  14. This board is a refutation of your position. Gator is god. Tom and Jim are his high priests.
  15. It's a parent decision now but I suspect it won't be for long. Deciding for your own kids should be easy. Would you put a helmet on your son and hit them in the head 20 times a day for 3 months every fall?
  16. Gator is the driving energy to most of the posts here. He is the god of PPP and most here worship at his temple.
  17. Equivocation? Bullies use whatever tools they have at their disposal. Turns out men's mind get weak around religion so the books and rules of religion make for easy bully tools. That's not a condemnation of religion. It's a condemnation of the people who use it to justify their bad acts. At the moment, the Islamic bully is on the upswing. In 300 years, someone will have taken its place. Thetan terror cells.
  18. This article is about NFL football and it's not just hits to the head that cause the brain to rattle. Brain trauma can happen in any sport but there's nothing like football. The argument that grown-ups can do what they want is right on--the issue, and it's a big one--is that kids shouldn't play football.
  19. This is why trading down for MORE picks is a good strategy. The draft is a lottery in a lot ways. Getting more balls in the hopper is always worth it. See New England's strategy for the last 15 years. Always stockpiling later picks. Some miss, some don't. But they have more picks so get more hits.
  20. Gaurdian stupid headline lede: "Company finally apologizes." Yes, sorry world, MS took a day to apologize that their AI got more or less vandalized by some douchebags.
  21. You picked 10 rules you liked but ignored a bunch of other Biblical rules you don't. The Bible is no picnic if you try to follow it literally. It's just that over time, most people ignore the bad parts. Bad Christians could manipulate the Biblical teachings to suit their needs (and have) in the same way bad Islamists can (and do). Both books are just words that can be manipulated to suit any bully's purpose. Jesus...people follow scientology FFS, and it's just another book like the Bible or Quaran.
  22. The real trick will be the superdelegates. Not all of those committed to Clinton voted for her last time around. If they really want to screw her, they can change their votes. Dem voters can make life really uncomfortable for the superdelegate folks if Clinton can't wrap up the regular delegates. With a lot of the South already covered in the primaries, Sanders will make a strong push through the more liberal states and midwest. Clinton may not be a secure as she would have people believe and the Sanders people know that well.
  23. Ideologically, Sanders is the furthest from me. And yet as a person, he's by far the one with the highest integrity and likability. Too bad he isn't more centrist. I wonder what a battle between him and Trump would look like.
  24. Going into Iraq, pulling out of Iraq, and staying in Iraq were all crappy choices. There's no coherent international relations plan in the US and hasn't been since maybe Reagan into Bush I.
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