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Everything posted by Observer

  1. LA says he won because he's black. Period. He says Obama would be a stoner in Hawaii if white. He says Hillary will win because she's a woman. He cuts through all of their appeal and boils them down to race. You're all missing that point. When your daughters, moms, sisters become CEOs and you overhear some douchebag say, "She got that job because she's a woman," maybe you'll get it. When your black friend becomes chief of the fire department and some white firefighters at a bar say "He's there because of affirmative action," maybe you'll get it. When your son in law gets a promotion over a co-worker and the co-worker tells his buddy that "We all know why he got that job" and you hear it, maybe you'll get it. Or maybe not. Obama is flawed. Hillary is flawed. Their flaws are not their skin color or sex. Peace out.
  2. Continue diminishing him based on his race. You return to it. He won because he was and is an amazing campaigner. Bush and Carter were single term minimal experience governors. And the others had even less experience. Truman was a bad choice.
  3. Jimmy Carter says hi. George W says hi. Abe Lincoln says hi. Harry Truman says hi. Benjamin Harrison says hi. Obama got elected because he was a master at the political game. You discredit yourself by attributing so much to his race. He didn't get elected for the sake of electing a black guy. He got elected because he was a top notch campaigner and speech-giver who connected with a lot of people and frankly as much as it pains you to admit it, still does. He'd mop up any person alive except maybe Bill Clinton. Race is only a part of the stew and mostly works against minorities, at least according to 43 white dudes.
  4. Thanks for the absurd overstatement.
  5. PPP running for president.
  6. You say he's president because he's black. Period. Got a wife, daughter, sister who has heard that they got their position because they are a woman? That's the demeaning argument you're making. You don't get the presidency by race, especially minority race. He worked hard, played politics, and rose. I never voted for him so I don't have to do your dance.
  7. Irrelevant. I've already said I despise her. Based purely on her resume and not her competence, she certainly has the qualifications. Senator. Sec State. Been many less qualified presidents.
  8. Try a search on this board for the beautiful keyword "vagina." Or try this quote: "Hillary will win for being a woman like Obama won for being black."
  9. I said it's a weak argument and one that LA in particular brings up often. Racism is always a factor in any election. 200 years of white male presidents agree. When you often harp on race being the reason he's president, it diminishes how he got there. "She got there because she's a woman" or "He got there because he's a minority" is how people diminish the accomplishments of minorities. It's a common arrow in the quiver of the people who got passed by or the armchair racist. If you don't see that, you're living in a world of ignorance. One I know exists, but it's still ignorant. If we had been talking about a moment when Obama played the race card or an instance Hillary overplayed her woman card, this would be a different conversation. But this didn't come up in that context and LA brings this up frequently. You can backfit the arguments to support claims that she relies on her sex (I haven't followed your links...Samuel L. Jackson really?) but that's not what happened here.
  10. Yes. Congressman are already contemplating running ads encouraging people to stay away from Trump but vote for them. It might be their only hope to retain power. Anyone in a tight district who rides the Trump bandwagon is making a bad decision.
  11. I'll end this by giving you the benefit of the doubt that you're ignorant, and not as racist as you constantly hitting this drum makes you sound. Obama got ahead because he got ahead. He's an extremely smart guy who played the political game well, maybe not as well as Bill Clinton, but pretty well in his own right. In the process, he got a lot of people to believe in his message of "hope." How you can't look at this election and the rise of Trump and not see that people loved "Obama the outsider" is beyond me. Attributing his success to race is weak.
  12. Relevant how? Rubio was doing well until he showed a lack of maturity under fire. He was holding his own until Christie skewered him in the debate. Then he went on a crash and burn. See how you can discuss a candidate without attributing their success or failure to race? Just like that.
  13. You discredit them (and yourself) by attributing their success to race/sex. It's an ignorant point to make. "Obama wouldn't be president if he were white" ignores his success and appeal as a candidate. Attributing Clinton's success to "vagina" is the same ignorant argument. If the argument were being made in the moment that Clinton was hiding behind her sex, it would be relevant. It's not here. And as I said, you've brought this up often.
  14. But he played the card. It didn't come up in this thread. LA plays it often and it's stupid. There are plenty of reasons to attack Obama and Clinton. Attack them for those reasons.
  15. You continue to be small minded and stupid on this line of reasoning. Obama had plenty of support that had nothing to do with race. Clinton too. Attack the ideas not the chromosome and genetic hand.
  16. The effect of illegals on good jobs in the US is a huge red herring issue hat feeds uninformed fears. It's a better story than reality and plays to passion and not reason. The left plays the same game with climate change. Whip up a frenzy over something that we're more likely to solve with technology than tax and regulate to any solution.
  17. We had a guy here in 2012 who dedicated a novel's worth of posts to debunking the polls. He was 100% wrong. Good to see history repeating itself. Unless Clinton threatens to chut down Disney World and defund social security, she'll do just fine in Florida. Doesn't look like Florida will be necessary for her at this point.
  18. It's not a good sign when only your children can testify to your character.
  19. The media doesn't feed Trump his stupidity. He brings that all on his own.
  20. If you think Trump says "Second Amendment" and thinks about the deeper implications of second amendment meaning revolution, you're out of your mind. His train of thought doesn't run that deep. Ever.
  21. Well, a presidential candidate suggested that people shoot his opponent. That's moderately newsworthy. Agreed. We are all responsible.
  22. No end to Trump supporters' delusions. Not sure if moderates were ever really in his corner. They just hated the establishment and no one is more establishment than Clinton.
  23. The hits keep on coming with big name defections from Trump support. Those who blame the media miss the point: You get who you choose. Atrocious that the choice on the other side is Clinton. I keep thinking about what could have been if Romney had come now instead of against Obama.
  24. If you're working as an HVAC repairman, cargo shorts are functional. Totally different argument. 90% of people are not working as the HVAC repairmen and therefore look like total morons. Just like all the people driving pickup trucks "because."
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