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Everything posted by Cripes

  1. I wonder if the bar's been lowered on being invited onto MNF now that it's on ESPN?
  2. Yeah, we might be better off today in year eight of the Phillips regime, but Wade's got himself to blame on this. If Wade had been half as generous to Bruce DeHaven as Ralph was with him, he would have much better special teams and probably a winning record in 2000. Instead, he put his ample ass on the line to protect his buddy, Ronnie Jones.
  3. Naw, the Bills would wreck the integrity and competitive balance of Euroball. It would be unfair to the teams that don't get to play us twice.
  4. I don't remember the announcers talking about JP missing somebody. If the open receiver was Evans, then it wasn't cut and dry. Evans cut his out pattern short at about the 10, but didn't draw Samuel far enough away from Aiken's similar route in the end zone. That makes me think JP just threw it too soon, or should have fake-pumped to Evans.
  5. Don't forget Vince Ferragamo. Our man from Torrance.
  6. What was so significant for him about that touchdown that he kept the ball?? That it's his last one?
  7. Our problems would all go away if our front office just did the bidding of talk show hosts.
  8. Whether or not you think McGahee is a selfish, worthless chump who doesn't deserve the money, ithat's obviously an opinion not shared by the Bills. I would think a vast majority of player personnel directors would side with that, as well, so he is premier, in the opinion of people who count. Will he leave at his first chance? Not as our franchise player he won't. And I've heard no hint that he's unhappy here at all. You want loyalty -- he's given it to you for the last 44 games. He didn't gripe about sitting out 2003 when he thought he was ready. He credits Gregg Williams for not putting him out there. The only time he spoke out was his expectation to be the starter in 2004 (that cad!) and was a good soldier during our delusionary 0-4 romp in Travis Henry's buttery fingers. And while I've got no desire to knock Thurman, other threads have pointed out what a crass, selfish guy he could be at times. Who can forget the mother-copulating insult he threw at a 10-year-old once. But I don't really CARE if a guy's a craphead if he can help my team. And that's what Thurman and Willis both have in common.
  9. Well, the reality is that McGahee is very underpaid for his value to this team, now that the risk of his knee injury has been put to rest. Just under one-third of his $3 million a year contract in 2003 was broken out into incentives (five-year, $15.5 million deal included about $7 million in total base salary and $4.5 million bonus). I'm sure Donohoe and Wilson expected they'd be faced with a renegotiation at this point anyway. First-round premier backs (and don't try to argue he isn't - the Bills certainly won't debate that point with Rosenhaus) are regularly getting $10 million bonuses and $8-10 million a year deals. It doesn't seem difficult to see the Bills and McGahee agreeing to those kind of terms next year, even if McGahee does at first demand a Portis-like deal. The Bills are going to have to pay, and there's no reason we should be upset with that.
  10. 1. OK, McGahee's not above criticism, but to have merit it has to be specific. Where has he screwed up on the field? What assignments has he blown? From what I've seen, I see a guy who regularly piledrives a lineman, a backer and a safety forward for that second or third yard. I've never played in the NFL, but I would imagine that's a pretty phenomenal ability that very few human beings can pull off. 2. Can you point me to the evidence that having players filled with nice & bland "one game at a time" and "we win as a team and lose as a team" bromides equal a better winning percentage? 3. When did McGahee start calling the plays and instituting personnel assignments?
  11. Yeah, and I was so looking forward to all that extra money going to Ralph Wilson's trust frund account.
  12. If some Bills fans want to throw McGahee overboard because he doesn't play the quote game right, then be sure to get your Super Bowl tapes backed up on high-quality DVD if you get your wish. You're going to need those highlights to last a few decades to keep any memory of a playoff caliber Buffalo team fresh in your mind. Did the critics - like Peter King - SEE the shot of McGahee on the bench with six seconds left? I saw an embarrassed, bewildered player taking another beat-down on a defensive collapse. If he's laughing and joking an hour after the game, well, fug, so was I and every other Bills fan worn out by this latest collapse. Did they also take note that in the next-to-last drive, McGahee carried the ball eight times up the middle or off the right guard into an eight-man front. He gave his strongest efforts of the game right there. No quit, no "I got mine, I gotta go home" effort. Quit reading the papers to think you can "know" a guy. Press conferences and locker room banalities aren't a window to any player's mind.
  13. IF we continue to lose? NE, Denver and Cincy up next...and you're counting on the "heart" of the Bills to pull off a finale against the Jets?
  14. I've been a Kansas City Royals fan for 30 years...I lived as a Bills fan in Dallas in 1992-93...I once dropped an F-bomb in front of my grandmother... and I've NEVER been this embarrassed as I am today.
  15. Because it's going to be shown again...and again...and again...on every highlight show...on every weekend blooper reel...on several newscasts...in 2005 highlights of the year package...and for the next 20 years, an NFL Films staple on ESPN classic... Immortality is yours, 2005 Bills!
  16. Insight Magazine And there's so much to talk about. The war. The leak. Jenna's hangovers.. Hope they patch things up soon.
  17. I'm actually surprised that hotels do not have a mandatory ID check for patrons. I'd like my hotel to know if there are 19 Yemen nationals on the OFAC list taking up a bevy of first-floor suites.
  18. At least Robertson is the only ID apologist around with the honesty to admit this was about religious affirmation, not science.
  19. Here's a Fed report that indicates y2k probably didn't have as big an impact as people might think. St. Louis Fed.
  20. Or like 50 former hostages do.
  21. Since you "don't know," I'll take the presumption of telling you it is obviously different. And way off the subject. Try to focus on the question: Does it bother you in the least that American soldiers have fought and died to establish an Islamic republic allied with Iran?
  22. Don't kid yourself. These are Bush officials, releasing carefully vetted information -- otherwise Scott McLennan would be attacking the Post for its irresonsible journalism. What would it take to build up your outrage? For example, does it make you "unhappy" that 1,800 American soldiers died for this noble cause: Iraq Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari shakes hands with Iranian Vice president Mohammad Reza Aref How about al-Jaafari laying a wreath on the grave of the Ayotollah Khomeini during his visit to Tehran?
  23. Isn't the Bush Administration's decision to leave behind the Good Ship Unreality and accept an Iraqi Islamic Republic -- read this -- a worse grave-spitting offense? Where's your outrage over that?
  24. Just arrived two weeks ago to Chicagoland, and will need to find a place to watch the Bills games. Any suggestions on where to go in the Aurora/Naperville area?
  25. Iran and Iraq building a new friendship Some highlights: "Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari and eight high-powered cabinet ministers paid an extremely friendly visit to Tehran this week." "Oil pipelines, port access, pilgrimage, trade, security, military assistance, were all on the table in Tehran." "On Saturday, Jaafari made a ceremonial visit to the tomb of Ayatollah Khomeini, on which he laid a wreath." "When Jaafari met the head of the Iranian judiciary, Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahrudi, on Tuesday, the two discussed expanding judicial cooperation between the two countries. And [shahrudi] urged the Iraqi government to put greater reliance on "popular forces" (local and national Shiite militias) in establishing security." "Iraq will ship 150,000 barrels a day of light crude to Iran to be refined, and Iran will ship back processed petroleum, kerosene and gasoline...In addition, Iran will supply electricity. Iran will sell Iraq 200,000 tons of wheat. Iran is offering Iraq use of its ports to transship goods to Iraq. Iran is offering a billion dollars in foreign aid." "The previous week, Defense Minister Saadoun Dulaimi had made a preparatory trip to Tehran, exploring the possibility of military cooperation between the two countries. At one point it even seemed that the two had reached an agreement that Iran would help train Iraqi troops. One can only imagine that Washington went ballistic and applied enormous pressure on Jaafari to back off this plan. ... But the Iraqi government did give Tehran assurances that they would not allow Iraqi territory to be used in any attack on Iran -- presumably a reference to the United States."
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