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Everything posted by bg17

  1. I have been forwarding some of my favorites to a friend. He is not a Bills fan but I want him to know what it's like to be one. Here is his submission: Buffalo implodes New England casts a shadow Beef on weck consoles
  2. When someone other than an NFL insider uses "in this league".
  3. This the funniest thing I have ever read on this board. Thank you.
  4. I am 47 and have been a fan since my first game at War Memorial in 1969. Sad is the word that best describes my feelings since the Jauron announcement. I don't consider myself old, but I'm sure as hell not getting any younger. In my mind, Jauron coming back makes it a minimum of two years from now before the Bills can take the field without being at a competitive disadvantage before the coin-toss. I don't want to wait that long.
  5. Easterbrook at espn.com has some interesting info on two point conversions vs. OT. He writes that 2pt'ers are successful 55% of the time. Going to OT gives you a 50-50 shot. Odds are better with the 2 pt'er.
  6. And the 2006 Lions weren't the Jags. I think Fewell and the Bills will succeed. However, the cautionary tale comes from less than two years ago.
  7. Things have seemingly changed, but he was probably licking his chops for this game too: http://scores.espn.go.com/nfl/recap?gameId=261015008 Lions going in - 0-5, OL decimated by injury. The entire coaching staff should have been fired right then and there.
  8. for Steve Fairchild? I think not.
  9. Looney's or Greene Turtle in Bel Air. Within walking distance of each other at the corner of Business Rte 1 and Main St. Never been, but Port Royal in Fallston probably has it as well. I will be at Looney's.
  10. Anybody that can declare he is not annoying after reading this stuff may have issues. QUOTE (bg17 @ Apr 23 2008, 03:59 PM) If you have access to this issue, have a read. And then see if you can find the letters to the SI editor a couple weeks later. Classic stuff. http://dynamic.si.cnn.com/si_online/covers.../2006/1113.html Love, love, LOVE the SI Vault, and Scott Price is one of the best writers they've got right now. Nov. 13, 2006: The Gospel According To Ray Dec. 4, 2006: Letters
  11. Yes - the way he went down after the contact makes me think he got his brain rattled
  12. In this league. Is this ever said when referring to MLB, NHL, NBA? Seems to be used specific to the NFL. I hate it.
  13. If you have access to this issue, have a read. And then see if you can find the letters to the SI editor a couple weeks later. Classic stuff. http://dynamic.si.cnn.com/si_online/covers.../2006/1113.html
  14. I lived there as a young man from Jan 70 to June 72. In those days, no TV but free movies everyy night at 2-3 screens around the island. The island is shaped like a horseshoe about a mile wide and three miles long. 80 degrees every day of the year. Humid. If you are a beach person, swimmer, snorkler, fisherman, or seashell collector you will have achieved bliss. Most of the working people either flew or ferried to islands further down the atoll for work. Not sure I would want to live there now, but I would kill for a visit.
  15. People can wear them however they want. They just need to be prepared to be called douchebags. I'm with the codger.
  16. I am as pleased as everyone else with the results of the first two weeks. Seems a little too giddy around here and the airwaves however. Mixed in with all the positives is a run defense that is highly suspect. Thank Meathead for not running the ball more. Time of possesion will be an issue all season. Combine that with an offensive line that nobody will argue is a top-level unit and an offense in general that will probably not be overly explosive and you have a team that will struggle to finish 8-8. Definitely appear to be on the right track but many seem to be expecting something unrealistic for the remainder of this season.
  17. What's up? All Hamptons, Red Roofs, Fairfield are filled for Saturday.
  18. FFS - Not really interested in any thoughts on Beebe's religion or any perceived connection to the Jimmy Swaggerts of the world. Just wondering if anyone had attended one of Beebe's camps and their thoughts on it. Thanks for all the deep thinking, however.
  19. This weekend at RW Fieldhouse. Has anyone attended or sent their kids? Worthwhile?
  20. Jets and Broncs to lose giving the Bills #5 seed. Any idea on previous prognostications from Lincoln?
  21. does anyone have sunday ticket without subscribing to any total choice package? Can this be done?
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