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Everything posted by bg17

  1. I hope we get better than a 7-17 performance if the Jets blitz a lot.
  2. You win. Fitz looks good.Hope he plays a little better week 1 vs Jets though.
  3. I'm watching it. I am glad that he led Nelson and made a nice pass. No one is claiming he doesn't make plays on occasion. What quarterback doesn't? Being impressed by a 5-12 performance thus far seems strange.
  4. He's 5-12 for 65 yards. That is not a good 1.5 quarters. No other way to put it.
  5. You can't be serious. Even the medium range pass to Stevie required a fabulous effort to catch. The guy is not making plays.
  6. I desperately want Fitz to be the man, but I just don't see it. Worried.
  7. Yes. Especially when used by everyday joes that never played "in this league". I also despise "franchise quarterback". Who/when/why did that replace "good quarterback"?
  8. Look on the bright side. You'll have a new target for your crusades.
  9. Mayock rates Gilmore from South Carolina higher than Kirkpatrick.
  10. Can he cover Gronk or Hernandez long enough for Mario to get to Brady? If so, take him at 10.
  11. This year's D is thought to be bigger and more physical than that of years prior but they are every bit as bad as last year. Edwards has not done a good job. His blitz designs are ineffective. I don't see him getting the axe, but a change at DC would make me happy.
  12. Haven't seen all the stats from around the league today, but after last week Sanchez, Gabbert, and Bradford were bringing up the rear in ESPN QBR. What is a franchise quarterback anyway? And yes, I know Gabbert hasn't even had a cup of coffee yet and Bradford has nothing around him. That wouldn't stop some folks here from declaring them both busts.
  13. 4) Kudos to McKelvin. Yeah, I said that. Maybe referring to Leo as a cancer last week was a bit overstated.
  14. No OTA's, no practices, no games. Would he dress or get on the field? Not ridiculous to think he could end up on IR if he won't contibute anything. That stated, a previous poster indicated he was practicing and bb.com confirms.
  15. Has Sheppard practiced yet? Can't see him taking up a roster spot without participating in any pre-season practices/games.
  16. I want to come to the home opener and fly out after the game. The last flight for me leaves at 650 pm. Is that enough time to get to the airport assuming game ends at 4:00? Thanks for any input.
  17. 1. Gerbe - insane mojo. 2. Newton - future star at most important position. 3. Gabbert - see #2.
  18. Thanks, all. Except Cage. At 8 AM, it's more of an "appearance before" than a "hot date".
  19. Have a hot date with a judge in Harrisonburg, VA at 8 AM the morning after the Dolphins game. Can anyone with experience making this drive offer up the best route? First thing that comes up on google is heading south on 219. While we're at it, any parking suggestions for a quick getaway heading south after the game? Thanks for any help that you can provide.
  20. BG17 - three tix for me (up one from original request). Check will be mailed tomorrow. This is fantastic! Thanks for your efforts. Bob
  21. I would love two. Would be my son's first game since he's been old enough to actually follow the game.
  22. belinda
  23. http://articles.latimes.com/1999/mar/21/sports/sp-19393 March 21, 1999|JOHN EISENBERG, BALTIMORE SUN BALTIMORE — When the Baltimore Ravens made their interest in Scott Mitchell known, drawing a public response that was tepid at best, Ravens Coach Brian Billick asked the doubters to take a "leap of faith" in his ability to transform Mitchell into a productive starter. During their Super Bowl season, the Ravens went five consecutive games without an offensive touchdown. How is that even possible? Also ran a slack training camp. Isn't that Jauron-ish?
  24. http://articles.latimes.com/1999/mar/21/sports/sp-19393 March 21, 1999|JOHN EISENBERG, BALTIMORE SUN BALTIMORE — When the Baltimore Ravens made their interest in Scott Mitchell known, drawing a public response that was tepid at best, Ravens Coach Brian Billick asked the doubters to take a "leap of faith" in his ability to transform Mitchell into a productive starter. Billick also held sway in the Grbac acquisition following the Super Bowl win. During their Super Bowl season, the Ravens went five consecutive games without an offensive touchdown. How is that possible?
  25. I take this to be bad news. I don't think anyone will be shocked if it's a career-ending. The lack of any doctor's report or word from the Bills makes me think the worst. Thoughts or news that I am not aware of?
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