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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. Even though I strongly support Obama I'm surprised how mediocre McCain was on Meet the Press. I think he's far from giving up but McCain looked tired, frustrated and unprepared for the closing argument.
  2. I guess the WFTV reporter didn't get to ask Biden if he still beats his wife -- or whether Bush is a great president or the greatest president. In fact, those questions were either written by Limbaugh or Steven Colbert.
  3. IMO, the final product is the greatest video ever.
  4. You can start here Rednecks or the dozens of other self-described rednecks who are proud to be rednecks. Can't recall anyone thinking that not being a "real American" is anything but defining a "patriot" and a "traitor." If you don't get it, you'll never get it.
  5. The Fairness Doctrine is not a Sedition Act Redux. There is no restriction of speech. On the other hand, we were much closer to the a defacto Sedition Act Redux when Americans actually spoke out against the Iraqi invasion and were shouted down and accused of being traitors. (Remember that proud time in our Nation's history?) Having said that, I think it's rather doubtful this would be on the Congressional agenda and should be opposed simply on First Amendment principles. Stations should not be forced to have fair and balanced programming. I also think talk radio's influence has run its course for the time being.
  6. Ok, that was cool. That guy can kick. That would have been good from 65.
  7. Even on the big pass, Russell saw the blitz coming 20 yards away and was back peddling. Dude, he's at least 7 yards away when you threw the ball. Stand in there.
  8. Farve looks 39. Also has that, "I could be hunting right now."
  9. Russell is a bad QB. Quite a ways to go to prove he's a starter let alone a #1 pick.
  10. By the way, Derek Anderson of CLE has looked terrible. Doesn't look like the same guy as last year.
  11. I can't stand the timeout before the kick. Has that ever worked?
  12. Agreed. I'd rather be good and they ignore the Bills than suck and they talk about them.
  13. A conservative columnist doesn't think Obama is ready to be president. Not surprising, has no effect. A conservative columnist doesn't think McCain is ready to be president. Now that could get some attention.
  14. How did your tinfoil confirm that conspiracy? That' supposed to be secret. Rats foiled again.
  15. Why don't you conduct a simple Google search or perhaps get a clue? Do you mean 6,000 years ago when people and dinosaurs roamed together? Yup, CO2 levels are now higher than they were since the dinosaurs roamed the earth. Of course, if you did just a little research or even read the article that I posted earlier, you would see that the levels remain nearly constant and in balance up to the industrial revolution (do you want me to research "industrial revolution" for you, too?), then they started to rise steadily since then. Natural CO2 is not a problem but the questions is whether the industrial CO2 is contributing to dangerously high levels -- and are the high levels having a negative effect on our health and environment. If you believe that humans did well when they roamed with the dinosaurs then there's nothing to discuss. If you think that humans did not live with dinosaurs and the situation may be different then maybe you'll want to look up the facts.
  16. I don't know. Maybe. Though I have to say if Obama picked a Dem Palin he'd likely be in a world of hurt. I would certainly be disappointed and likely appalled that the Dem nominee would choose such an unqualified VP when there were so many better choices. The Democratic Palin would be so cringe-worthy I don't think I could stand to watch or listen to them and I'd seriously question my nominees judgment. Though you have to admit - other than Spiro Agnew and Dan Qualye, there haven't been many more unqualified and divisive VPs in a long time. Even Cheney didn't have nearly the "Dr. Evil" characterizations at the time, but he certainly was considered qualified. Generally, I think the Republican VPs have been well selected, which makes the Palin choice by McCain that much more puzzling. Kay Baily Hutchinson would have been a much better selection.
  17. I did not make that argument. The discussion began with CO2 pollutants -- YOU interpreted that to mean a ban on ALL CO2 -- including natural CO2. That was your straw-man, Comic Book Guy, not mine. You are the one who brought up the blanket condemnation of all CO2, not me. Good God, man; shelve the pompous arrogance and take a breath. The first article is about "emissions limits on power plants and manufacturers." Did you read it? That's what this thread is about, genius. You started your breathless attack not on the article, not on what I said, but using the straw-argument that I was against ALL CO2. No, not even close. To prove that point I provided two scientific articles (you call offering evidence to debate "parroting" - sorry, I'm not a expert on the subject - are you?) making the point that the earth's natural CO2 balance is out of whack and due to the UN-natural emissions. Why is that so hard for you to understand? Your rush to win an argument again clouds your basic common sense.
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