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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. I voted against Bush, Sr. twice but I always thought he was stand-up guy and half-decent president. I was actually glad Dukakis didn't win and thought GHWB was a good role model for our nation -- unfortunately, I never felt that way about his son. Great joke by GHWB and I thought Clinton was very amused, and was funny with the dog reference. Last, proud of the work those two have done.
  2. By that logic any change in a recount would be considered fraudulent.
  3. This is a major conspiracy. Even the Republicans in Minnesota are in on it. Of course, they're not "real" Republicans.
  4. Um, what? Because Palin can't answer a question makes it the media's fault? What kind of pansy-ass candidate do you want? A 10th grade debater could have nailed that question. Get over it, your candidate sucked. Stop the excuses. Oh, and Caroline got grilled, couldn't get it done and bowed out. What more proof do you need? Dude, face it, you can't accept the fact that it's not about ideology it's about the ability to get it done.
  5. Exactly right. They evily pointed the camera at her and asked how she thought about the issues and what publications she reads. Dastardly. Also, as a Democrat, I will rejoice if Sarah Palin becomes the face of the GOP. The far right should be careful of what they wish for and if she indeed becomes the "Goldwater" of our time they should start to learn the words "historic landslide." But they may hold Idaho and Alaska.
  6. That's why first impressions mean so much in politics; and why the second look is even more important. You CAN fool people the first time around but the second time is much, much more difficult. If you get through the second then things become infinitely easier. If not, you're poorly branded and either you're politically dead or it takes a lot of time to make a comeback. (see Nixon for comeback and HRC for making through tough second look for Senate). Palin passed the first test with flying colors but couldn't handle the second look -- and neither could Caroline. Many will continue to argue that Palin got pounded because she's an attractive conservative woman. Not so. If she did a good job of looking competent she would have been respected. Problem was: she failed the third, fourth and fifth tests as well. If she nailed any of them there would have been pressure to back off. Instead, she was branded as a lightweight and was unable to shake it off - or just as important, didn't have time to rebrand herself. I doubt Kay Baily Hutchinson or Margaret Thatcher would've had a problem passing these tests.
  7. "There is no debating it?" Your "evidence" is a good example of flawed logic. Jimmy is a fat and likes broccoli. Sarah is fat and likes broccoli. Therefore all fat people like broccoli.
  8. I grew up in Westchester and have lived around the country; believe me it's pretty much the same everywhere. Maybe different degrees of scrutiny, different sets of standards but in the end it all evens out. Yes, the NY media (esp. rags like Post and NYDN) are brutal, they infect any open wound and can make something out of very little - but that's why you have to know your audience and learn how to deal with it. Caroline (though I have some respect for her) was not ready and likely would never be ready for that job. She simply doesn't have the personality to handle the job in NY. Fact is, the NYC area is hard on EVERYONE, regardless of party, ideology and personal preference. They respect those who can handle themselves. For decades, those with nearly identical viewpoints have been tearing each other apart - it's just how it is. The media goes after everyone eventually, no matter who they are, but they want to see how you step up to the challenge. I'm convinced someone from beyond the NYC area can succeed statewide, the problem isn't political ideology it's familiarity, the time it takes to go through the ringer, which can take years of work (and/or a sudden opportunity like KG's). It has little to do with anti-gay views or the NRA, most people in the NYC just don't care that much, they are much more curious on HOW they will handle the spotlight. See: Brett Farve, Eli Manning. KG will NOT be test because of her views but how she presents herself. If she's tough, straightforward, doesn't back down and demonstrates she can stand with the "big boys" people in NYC area will respect her. She WILL get questions because if it wasn't gays or guns it WOULD be something else. Hell, Caroline WAS one of the them and they killed her because she couldn't handle the game. If she could she'd be on her way to DC today. (See: Hillary Clinton; David Dinkins, Rudy Guliani; D'Amato; Pataki; Robert Kennedy)
  9. Her name didn't make her unqualified it was her actions. Not ready for primetime, like someone in AK.
  10. Dont be so quick to have a knee-jerk reaction to your black and white worldview. You can't "Palin-ize" someone unless they are shallow, unable to answer simple questions and see the world through narrow eyes. The "elite media" is in your head and I bet KG has 70% approval ratings by April. Step away from the blogisphere. No matter what you think the Dem party is much more open to anti-gay, pro NRA views than you'll ever believe.
  11. This is laughable. Dude, you can't make 3+2 = 4 no matter how convoluted you arrange your "evidence."
  12. Bueller? Is everyone moving on to the next anonymous blog sourced attack?
  13. Really? Please show us a credible article that supports your claim.
  14. Please post a credible article: - that says every president since 1956 has attended this ball. - that quotes an organizer or participant who expected Obama there and was upset. - that this has any thruth from a credible source (I'll take Fox News and the Washington Times if that helps) In case you missed it, Obama attended the Red, White and Blue Ball for military personnel. It was a big hit. Rev up that blogosphere, "Damn the truth, full speed ahead!" I guess this is what we should expect for the next four years. Well, at least you and the nutjobs will have something to do.
  15. What, exactly, are you trying to say? The Great Depression was not a catastrophe, it did not impose a severe economic hardship on nearly every American household? Or, was it just a conspiracy to increase the role of government? How exactly did FDR make the Great Depression "worse?" How were American families worse-off under FDR's policies? What would have made the economy and the life of tens of millions of citizens better than what was prescribed overall? Do nothing? This shameful revisionist history defames what the people of this country went through.
  16. So, FDR made the Great Depression "worse?" That may come as a surprise to the generations of Americans who literally believed FDR saved their lives. You have no concept of what Americans and this country endured during that time.
  17. Really? I think that sounds stupid, too.
  18. "Dummycrats!!!" That's so funny. I bet your friends in second grade had milk coming out their noses. Keep up the good work.
  19. In other words, this thread is another complete waste of time.
  20. Please tell us the minimum requirements to become a US Senator.
  21. Let us de-code this missive: 1. Because Obama was elected the Russian "nuclear build-up" is being ignored by the media. So if it's ignored by the media then . . . what? Our elected officials and intelligence agencies don't know about it because they only get their information from American TV? Help us here. 2. Barack Obama "ignores world events." You know this because . . . ? Oh, because American TV is only reporting on Obama's attention to the worst US economic crisis since the Great Depression, right? So that means he's not paying attention to world events? 3. The markets are dumping now because they think Obama, Pelosi and Reid will do something stupid in the future? So, the markets have been tanking since September because of a collective vision of a future decision by Obama correcting an economic crisis that hadn't yet occurred? I need a better broker, he NEVER saw that coming. 4. What is the definition of a "Super Power" and how do you oppose we "stop" this from happening?
  22. Good analysis. Obama hasn't taken power and he's already driving these guys mad because by all indications he's not going to easily fall into their right-wing radio world view. "He's a socialist!!!"
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