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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. Yup, nothing to see here, move along . . . just a former VP candidate and Governor resigning less than three years into her term . . . nothing to see here . . .
  2. They weren't Muslims. I'm not defending extremist Muslims but knee-jerk accusations are stupid.
  3. Couldn't even finish the first one. Just terrible. Lame plot, lame jokes, dumb "characters", loud and pointless. Read the sequel is worse . . . if that's possible. I kept my mouth shut until my then-13 and 10 year olds turned to me and said, "this is kinda of stupid." Another Michael Bey extravaganza.
  4. Oh My God. You mean the plan is actually working? We can't have that. Bring back government that doesn't work.
  5. No, it's because the effective tax rate is much lower than 27%, with many corporations paying practically zero. Fact is, our tax code is a joke, I'm all for dropping it to 22% or so but with no exemptions, incentives, loopholes, etc.
  6. Of course, one thing the Right always ignores is the difference between the statutory and effective corporate tax rates. What if we lower the tax rate to, say, 27%, but eliminate the boatloads of exemptions, incentives and loopholes? I'd venture that corporate America would have a heart attack since their effective tax rate is much, much lower.
  7. Hans Gruber: McClain's wife: "You're nothing more than a common thief." Gruber: (Gets pissed) "I am an exceptional thief."
  8. "What an unfortunate incident." (Doesn't have the same lyrical quality).
  9. It's a tough call, but it's also what makes America unique and worth defending. Agree on flag burning. I think it's stupid to burn the flag but by permitting the act we strengthen the nation. To ban the act is to create a fatal fault in the foundation of the country.
  10. WORKER: "They said you was hung" SHERIFF BART: "And they were right!"
  11. I "agree" with this troll. It's still freedom speech, even if he's a horrible human being. This douche bag (I mean the radio host, not the troll) shouldn't be arrested. He may be close to crossing the line but I still believe he's engaging in free speech.
  12. Yeah, if by "interesting" you mean "nonsensically partisan." Jeez Louise . . . keep it up boys, the Cliff of Irrelevance fast approaches.
  13. Honorable Mention: If it was a "movie" and not a "mini-series" then "Lonesome Dove" would rank as an all-time favorite. I remember the first time I saw it on TV I remarked, " This is how I pictured the book" almost scene for scene.
  14. Good books/movie I read/saw: Found a list: American Psycho Catch 22 A Clockwork Orange The Day of the Triffids Devil in a Blue Dress The English Patient Fight Club Get Shorty The Godfather The Hound of the Baskervilles Jaws LA Confidential Lolita Lord of the Flies The Maltese Falcon One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest The Outsiders Rebecca The Spy Who Came in From the Cold The Talented Mr Ripley To Kill a Mockingbird****** (My Favorite book/movie) Others off the top of my head: Almost all the Raymond Chandler/Daishell Hammett books/movies The Thin Man, etc The James Cain books/movies: Double Indemnity, Postman Always Rings Twice, Mildred Pierce Graham Greene: The Third Man Many other vintage crime novels The Natural Henry V, Halmet, Julius Caesar
  15. I am always amazed that the anti-abortion movement doesn't embrace these strategies. It's like they just don't care because fanaticism gets in the way. It's like their conducting a test of Christianity or righteousness rather than practically dealing with the underlying issue.
  16. Newsflash: a law doesn't curb all illegal activity. Pre-Roe abortions happened all the time.
  17. That's BS. The advocates and candidates simply don't talk about it. They rail against the act but rarely, if ever, about ways to prevent pregnancy or finding productive, positive alternatives to abortion. According to you, this is a genocide. Then where is the daily campaign from mainstream advocates? It barely exists. You rarely, if ever, see a mainstream campaign to lower the rate of abortions. If anything, the last true public discourse came from Bill Clinton ("Safe, legal and rare"). Where are the commercials, the public campaign, the rallies to prevent unwanted pregnancy and alternatives to abortion? The reason you only see the radicals with the fetus posters and insane rants is because that's all there really is. Message: Have an abortion and go to Hell. Gee, that's effective. I mean, this is a "war against abortion" and that's the best they can do? You don't get it. Abortions will ALWAYS occur, no matter what the law says. That's a fact. The trick is to prevent the pregnancy from the beginning or find productive, alternatives to abortion. Unfortunately for everyone, the anti-abortion movement has done very, very little to promote those positive policies. Ironically, I think it's radical, nutballs like yourself who have likely contributed to more abortions than any abortion doctor. What have YOU done to prevent unwanted pregnancies? It's not about supporting anti-abortion candidates but finding solutions that work. Until then, it's all bullshite.
  18. If government should look out for the health and welfare of the "unborn," how come so many of those advocates appear to be against funding neo-natal, infant and children's health care programs? Why does this concern for the child seem to end at birth? How come we rarely (if ever) hear about programs to fund orphanages, child abuse programs, and after school activities? Should this mother who was willing to "kill" their "child" be allowed to parent that child? Shouldn't the government take the responsibility away from this "unfit" parent?
  19. There is nothing to "admit," that's all fair game and I'm just as curious as you how she'll answer that line of questioning.
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