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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. I won't know or care. I mute the TV when that awful song comes on. Only thing worse is the Kenny Chesney crap for the college games.
  2. Yeah, but that still makes them "uninsured" regardless if they "choose" to be.
  3. Exactly right. And guess who pays for uninsured health care right now? Why would anyone have a problem with this plan?
  4. So . . . if no one is complaining then Title IX is probably a widely accepted and well crafted law. Thanks for making my point.
  5. That is a bit of an overstatement. The difficulty in repealing a law usually doesn't stop public discussion on whether a law should be changed. (I have to say I have not had one conversation about the merits of the law in over 20 years.) Could it be that Americans it difficult to justify its repeal, simply believe it was the right thing to do or there isn't solid legal grounds to overturn?
  6. Nearly every Republican in the Senate (and Ronald Reagan) would disagree with you.
  7. Can you explain why there isn't a call for its repeal? Is it because Americans are entirely satisfied with the (IMO, outstanding) results or are the opponents simply cowards?
  8. Max Fischer = height, weight of Steve Tasker. Where's my contract?
  9. Typical "debate." WH puts out a summary of the objectives and the moron patrol complains about "spam." Nice response.
  10. Uh, do you really think it would be a few pages long? More like 500+ You can also make a bad law with one sentence.
  11. So, he does what the GOP wants and you have a problem with that? Or can we simply assume that anything passed is evil?
  12. Wait, I thought Obama hates big business and capitalism? This does not compute. Must be a socialist conspiracy somewhere in there.
  13. Of course, you're "analysis" is at best misleading. Even if you eliminated every lawsuit you'd only cut "waste" by less than 18% and more likely, less than 10%. Yes, that's a lot but certainly not a panacea. The study even says that of this 18%, the cost is not all due to lawsuit concerns but the fact that doctors could make more money or - gasp - they believe the procedures are "the right thing to do." There probably is a "better" system to hold down inflationary pressures due to lawsuits BUT the "fixes" will cause just as much outrage. The GOP has kept tort reform alive because the "cures" are more politically dangerous. "Rationing" "star chambers," etc. It will take an awful lot of fixes to tackle the out of control costs. Anyone looking for a silver bullet is kidding themselves.
  14. I know agents as well. Some are VERY successful and very decent people who can persuade a lion to give up a steak. As far as I can tell, they are successful because their clients believe they will get them the best deal - plain and simple. You don't get clients unless you deliver what they want. Parker, or anyone else, is putting their livelihood on the line every time they go to the negotiating table. One bad move and - poof - no more clients. There is no point in doing something completely stupid if it means losing out on future business. It is likely the agent is much more rationale and pragmatic than any client (and client's family/friends) on their list.
  15. Again, not the agent's fault. Just doing their job.
  16. And this is the agent fault because . . . ?
  17. If a client is not signing off on what an agent is doing, then the player is at fault for letting it happen. If YOU know what the agent is doing then what makes you think the player doesn't? Or could it be that YOU have no friggin idea what is really happening? Either way, why would any fan be upset at the agent? If anyone, be "mad" at the player.
  18. I don't understand why fans get on agents who are hired to do what their client tells them to do. Get a life. "I hate that cop, he gave me a ticket for doing 80 in a 30 zone."
  19. Can someone just run the season so I don't have to watch any games? BTW, who will win the Super Bowl?
  20. Thanks for the translation, that's much clearer. I couldn't understand a word of it.
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