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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. Weak post. I find nothing wrong with Perry's honest answer. Too many people read way too much into what team officials say. It's not an oracle but nearly all spin.
  2. Doesn't mean that every "expert" considers the Pats favorites. I've yet to see anyone who doesn't put them in the AFC Championship.
  3. The Pats are not SB favorites? You may want to alert the media, players, coaches, this board . . .
  4. Looks like Poz is out for 6 to 8 weeks, so he wouldn't have to learn overnight. From what I can tell, it didn't take Suggs (no doubt a special player in a 3-4 system) to become an elite LB.
  5. I thought another massive tea broke out in DC this evening, but it turns out people were on line for Julie & Julia. The police did not ask them to disperse.
  6. Does Maybin have any LB experience? He's got speed but may not know the position. Too tough to learn on the fly?
  7. That's what I meant by "even more dubious internet source." I could have said that if the WT said 75,000 attended you could easily cut that in half, if not by two thirds, but I'll give tinfoil boy something to suck on.
  8. We know you'll never accept that you live in a fantasy world. But it was 50K-75K tops. That's the number the Washington Times reported, not some even more dubious internet source. As for the rest of your post, cue conspiracy soundtrack and launch the black helicopters.
  9. I'll even split the difference. If you weren't on the Mall you wouldn't know they were there. Hell, there wasn't even a public notice re: warning of traffic/metro issues.
  10. Confirmed: You're Nuts. (BTW, 1.5M marchers? You're only off by 1.45M)
  11. A right wing propagandist citing "internet reports," brilliant. I hope they produce more evidence how Hillary murdered Vince Foster.
  12. You are a coward. Can't even honestly answer a question. (You mean the right for women to control their own bodies without government interference? It's libertarian, not that Right really believes in those principles.)
  13. You seem to be particularly upset but I can't tell why.
  14. Any particular reason you target "America's inner cities?"
  15. I don't know anyone who is "pro-abortion." Is that some kind of cult, like those who follow Glenn Beck?
  16. I'm not saying he's unAmerican, but many find it curious that he has not denied possible traitorous behavior and yet to address unasked questions about his patriotism.
  17. What does that even mean? I highly doubt he pays more taxes than I do. No matter, the responses here prove the point of this entire thread.
  18. Touchy. Dude, I don't know anything about you and I don't want to. But you do make me laugh. What's especially funny is that you don't even get the joke. (By the way, I think there is a very good chance I pay twice as much in taxes than you. Not that it would matter in your narrow world). Oh, and I don't get the Two and half men reference. Never saw the show.
  19. This coming from a guy who won't deny he spends 24/7 in his basement covered in Cheetos posting on the internet.
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