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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. Even if Nix had Billick as his second choice, why make the guy who wants the job (and has no other options) feel needed when it comes down to negotiations? Bills know they must shovel a boatload to Cowher, so there's not much room for playing games. It will essentially come down to whether Cowher gives them a number and if the Bills will agree. Billick is a totally different negotiating situation that would favor the team. If anything, Billick should play it a bit cooler (but then again, whatever he's paid has to be more than what he's making now).
  2. Anyone can be a dick, very few are leaders. If players, coaches and the university truly respected Leach as a leaders he would have been on the sidelines last night.
  3. I have an idea, let's go through every draft pick to see how smart we all are in hindsight.
  4. Oh, yeah, and the end of the "stable" Victorian Era (and the destruction monarchical Europe - including Russia), the rise of communism, the spark of fascism, it pushed the USA onto the world stage and the birthplace of modern mechanized warfare.
  5. Not a shot at Lew, but jeez louise, it's not the teachers, it's the PARENTS. Parents are the greatest influence on kids, teachers are far, far, far, second- third or fourth. My kids know about it b/c I told them, then it clicked when the teachers "briefly" went over it. Chances are most adult Americans can name the invasion and a minuscule can name the country or location.
  6. Is Fitz the most inaccurate QB in Bills history? I want Losman back.
  7. I'm sorry, we don't like her because . . . she tells the truth? She talks crap about a Bills player who's not getting it done? I'm confused. Please explain why we don't like her.
  8. Fitz is not a good QB. Very inaccurate. However, he does one this Edwards does not -- throw to receivers down field.
  9. Ironic comment since, under Reagan, Ailes helped create the modern White House communications machine. I'm sure he smiled in approval at the uniformed doctors, as well as your false (ignorant?) manufactured outrage produced by his network. I don't like the guy, but Ailes is a bloody genius. A master propagandist.
  10. "It's guilt-free, hassle-free, and teachings of Jesus-free. It's weight-loss without diet or exercise, marriage without all the sharing, love or compromise, it's the ultimate no-show job! Love they neighbor? F-YOU! Sick, poor? Outta my way, losers!"
  11. So, subscribing to the belief in the sacrifice of Christ is good enough? Then what about the all the other Jesus' works leading up to getting nailed to the cross? Are you saying that I can live as Jesus did: helping the poor, etc; but not believe the last part and be doomed not to live with God? So the most pious unbelievers are screwed but the mediocre believers are golden? If so, what's the point of all that?
  12. Agreed. We should suppress encouragement of individual choice and direct children into work that is best for the state. The state must set up tests to achieve a high minimum proficiency in math, science and reading. The state must indoctrinate students to choose careers they wouldn't ordinarily choose for themselves. We must do what is good for the Motherland.
  13. Anyone ask Scalia why he became a lawyer?
  14. Sigh (I'm asking these question without a shred of hope that you can offer an intelligent, reasoned answer, but here is goes). Why should the insured pay higher taxes, premiums and out-of-pocket expenses because other Americans are not paying anything for health insurance? Forget the jail argument, like state's that require car insurance and a host of other examples, shouldn't every American be required to pay for their health insurance? Why should those with insurance be penalized by paying to costs of the uninsured?
  15. But what if you're a good person who has never heard of God, Jesus, Christianity or even religion. Are you therefore incapable of being "saved?" Does God still keep you at a distance? If so, why? If you accept Jesus as your "savior" what is the maximum amount of sins before your separate from God?
  16. If Joe is right, what is the minimum amount of time I need to be in good standing?
  17. Ah, genius-boy returns. So, you don't want to pay for their medical care? That's bloody brilliant.
  18. With possible exception of a few immediate decisions, overall, Rommel's "absence" had little to do with Germany's failure at Normandy. Hitler didn't give Rommel the reserved elite Panzer divisions because he was convinced that Normandy was a feint for the real invasion at Calais. Hitler and his gang of Yes-Men talked themselves into believing that since Calais was the most logical location, that any other possibility must be a trick. The Germans were most effective (Poland, France, Holland, Scandinavia, Africa) when junior officers were allowed to think on their feet, only when Hitler essentially took command did their efficient system grind to a halt. See: Invasion of Russia. Although the Allied forces had a much heavier bureaucracy (due to "power sharing" - even, at times with that idiot, De Gualle), Eisenhower's strength (most of the time) was letting good commanders take the initiative - and sometimes, unfortunately, not pulling the plug on the bad ones.
  19. If you get sick and don't have insurance, I don't want to pay for your medical care through higher taxes, higher premiums and out-of-pocket expenses. So, yeah, you should pay or go to jail.
  20. Of course, nearly every coach in the league thinks you're wrong; but, please, proceed with the useless rant.
  21. I hope they crush them too, but I wouldn't hesitate too much on the over on whether Brees will throw for 400 yards.
  22. Wow, I'm impressed that all you naysayers have so much time to scout every available O-Lineman in the league in order to formulate insightful analysis of this signing. It's like you sit in on every coaches and scouts meeting to evaluate exactly which OL will fit the team best, except, of course, you are the dissenting vote and these "idiots" simply won't listen to you. Fascinating.
  23. On the radio, Boomer Easiason was right about the Miami Offense - when you can't demonstrate you can pass, you will lose when you need it.
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