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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. Agreed, they are very good. Though Wilco may be the best live band.
  2. "Trade Down" should not be a possible answer because a team has little control over that move.
  3. I stand corrected. Good luck with all that.
  4. For the "knowledgeable" viewer it's quite good. But it's rough going for the pompous, know-it-all, pretentious cranks.
  5. I thought this was very clever and funny. However, I remembered this was a fan board and you were serious.
  6. CONSPIRACY!!! EVERYONE HATES THE BILLS!!! (Oh, wait, nevermind)
  7. I went double-edge about a year ago, with non-aerosol shaving cream. Makes shaving almost bearable.
  8. More: Tombstone Bourne movies Quiet Man Master & Commander Gladiator
  9. Stalking, slapping midgets, feeding the dog, reporting illegals, giving - then taking - candy from babies, skinning squirrels, slashing tires, cooking cous cous, snuff films, stenciling, cutting myself, quiet evenings with back-to-back Hannity and Olberman while sipping homemade Calamine tea.
  10. I agree. I think they should take some other guy, who I will name among a long list of players I will insist the Bills look at between now and draft day. In the inevitable event one of those names plays really well in the next four years, I will then re-post that name and claim that I am a genius.
  11. Not sure if this fits your criteria, but Santana's riffs during Soul Sacrifice should leave you chilled. If you ever need a pick-me-up, take 9 minutes to watch this:Soul Sacrifice (or Head, Hands and Feet) Should go without saying that Schrieve's drum solo is amazing.
  12. I see little difference in year's past. Other than Northern Iowa and K-State, all other teams are pretty much perennial tournament teams. Given their competition, one loss and Cornell, Siena, No. Iowa, etc may not ever get a vote again this season.
  13. I guess the Fun Police have a new recruit. So, you follow Maybin on Twitter? Jeez Louise, get a life.
  14. He made every move better. I think you meant "Double Indemnity" - one of my favorite movies/books and probably one his best acting jobs. Even in a supporting role his presence drives the movie's tension.
  15. Too bad the Bills and most of the scouting staffs in the league aren't as football savvy as you. I guess the Bills' fate was sealed when you became a toll booth operator or whatever. BTW, I don't suppose there isn't a few dozen of your "can't miss" draft picks that weren't? Just maybe? Or does your powers of hindsight have selective amnesia?
  16. If I could go back in time I'd pick the best team ever, and then bet on the outcome of the Super Bowl and other sports and be really, really rich and stop Michael Jackson from taking those pills (Ok, maybe not that one), oh, wait, I'd stop 9-11 and . . Boy, this is fun. What else did the bills screw up because they couldn't time travel?
  17. You're an embarrassment. I think McCoy's a bit overrated but I'm sure that kid would trade his left arm and right nut to be on the field. Oh, and he's know for his toughness and durability, just a freak injury. Not that you would know anything about that.
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