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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. I'm glad you brought this up on a new thread, it's a topic this board has not discussed.
  2. Those "interviews" were so awkward. Made me cringe.
  3. Unfortunately, the more you post the dumber you get. Pretty soon you'll start threads like, "What food gives you gas?"
  4. The Bridge to Nowhere is now on the Highway to Heaven.
  5. Let's put it this way: they are no better than #25 and after that it doesn't make much difference.
  6. I wanted to like the book but found it unreadable. I'm not a history Nazi but I stopped after slogging through five anachronisms per page. Cardboard characters written like "Must See TV" show. Hopefully Starz can improve it. Another disappointment: Bernard Cornwell's "Agincourt" - made it through but his characters were awful. See McCullough's "First Man in Rome" for good historical fiction. Any other recommendations?
  7. Still faster than my printer in college (20+ years ago)
  8. Also, Elmer Gantry. One of Burt Lancaster's great roles.
  9. This is too good not to share Conducting an interview on abstinence with his mistress Oh, and I think she's very cute. Good lord, what was she thinking?
  10. I think Gailey can make this an "average" offense, and that value should not be underestimated. This may be achieved with a combination of: 1. More experienced line/QB (I still think Edwards will start) 2. Confidence. It's not hard to believe that stable, competent coaching will instill significantly more confidence. 3. Playcalling. Another confidence builder and hopefully playing to the strengths of the team. 4. Spiller. Bills haven't had a playmaker in the backfield for some time. Teams have to prepare for his speed. 5. Philosophy. The Bills offense hasn't had a defined philosophy for a few games in a row, let alone for a season. Hopefully Gailey can get the players to buy into winning personality and philosophy. Yes, you need talent to win but there are many teams who have done well with less potential than the current roster.
  11. Baltimore. Great stadium, good fans, good food, fun town. Bills fans welcome. My next choice is Kansas City. Underrated city (great football food), sweet sports complex (Kaufman Stadium is one of my favorite ballparks). Green Bay is a nice (obvious?) choice but the town pretty much blows. Friends rave about Gillette Stadium but I don't think I could stomach watching the Bills lose in Foxboro.
  12. Saw him a few weeks ago. Very funny, but I agree, not for everyone. He is NOT a stand up comedian, he essentially reads his essays. Still, a good time.
  13. I live in the DC area and, unfortunately, watch a lot of Redskins games. I can say I've NEVER seen a series of plays and thought, "I wish Campbell was on the Bills." I don't see what were missing. He's no better than Trent Edwards, or for that matter, Ryan Fitzpatrick.
  14. Agree on Campbell. As a Maryland fan I was surprised how much draft hoopla he got. Just not that special.
  15. I watch all the Maryland games and Campbell just isn't that special. Reminds me of Jamie Nails. Lazy and not that tough for a big guy.
  16. Or see if Trent gets there in his third year. I don't have the answer, but I am amused by those who are so sure they do.
  17. Clausen may, but Bills don't have three years to find out.
  18. If you have to ask, she may not be the one.
  19. Dude, how can you be bothered so much by something that may not even be true? Lighten up.
  20. Uh, Okay . . . . History of Alternative Country . . . Uncle Tupelo -----> Wilco -----> Drive-by Truckers. Is that alright?
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