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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. Crusade much? Don't worry, when Ralph dies, the team will move and you'll have something brand new to obsess about.
  2. Two different markets, two different owners. If Ralph Wilson really wanted to make money he would have moved the team years ago.
  3. You make a good point. What if the Bills had the foresight to draft Tom Brady? What if Scott Norwood didn't miss the FG? What if Ralph Wilson made a smart business decision and left Buffalo 30 years ago? Good thing we could come up with limitless scenarios so we can talk about this endlessly.
  4. If there is an actual plan, I'm OK with a crappy season.
  5. Sorry, worst post of the day. If anything, the past two days only demonstrated that we should have had Nix years ago.
  6. Do you troll for these all day long? Not saying it means anything but . . .
  7. I'm still coming to grips with the fact that there are Fitzpatrick "fans." Really? I didn't see much last year to get excited about. He has to be one of the most inaccurate passers in Bills history. I cringe every time he drops back to pass. You could make a drinking game on whether he over or under throws the receiver. On the other hand, at least he actually throws the ball down field occasionally. [sigh]
  8. It's worse. At least Don Beebe caused the fumble. This dude just dropped it.
  9. Better than the first. A tighter storyline.
  10. 1. Yeah, it's only been a year. We should trash the guy for implying we're stupid. Good call. 2. Exactly, why would we want to litter this fan board with useful information when we can talk about JP Losman's post-Bills career?
  11. Agreed. I put in the same category as burning the flag, the bible, the torah or any other symbolic form of speech; as well as the right to build a mosque where properly zoned. In the same vein, this guy and those like him are no better than those who preach hate against Christians, Jews, whites, blacks or anyone who isn't exactly like them. I just hope he does not burn the Koran for the sake of tamping down the craziness that has inflicted this nation. I'm curious, do you feel the same way, or are you more "selective."
  12. This moron clearly has the right to burn the Koran, that is not in dispute. The question is, why does he want to inflame more US hatred that will put our troops at risk? We get it, you don't like Muslims, go back your distorted form of Christianity in order to try to mask your stupidity just like any other extremist.
  13. I'm all for first week optimism, but quite a few of you are inhaling too much. 09/12 MIAMI DOLPHINS 1:00 pm - WIN 09/19 @ Green Bay Packers 1:00 pm - LOSS 09/26 @ New England Patriots 1:00 pm - LOSS 10/03 NEW YORK JETS 1:00 pm - LOSS 10/10 JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS 1:00 pm - WIN 10/17 BYE 10/24 @ Baltimore Ravens 1:00 pm - LOSS 10/31 @ Kansas City Chiefs 1:00 pm - WIN 11/07 CHICAGO BEARS (Toronto) 1:00 pm - WIN 11/14 DETROIT LIONS 1:00 pm - WIN 11/21 @ Cincinnati Bengals 1:00 pm - LOSS 11/28 PITTSBURGH STEELERS 1:00 pm - LOSS 12/05 @ Minnesota Vikings 1:00 pm - LOSS 12/12 CLEVELAND BROWNS 1:00 pm - WIN 12/19 @ Miami Dolphins 1:00 pm - LOSS 12/26 NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS 1:00 pm - LOSS 01/02 @ New York Jets 1:00 pm - LOSS 6-10 (but Bills are very competitive in 6 of 10 losses)
  14. I don't think 8-8 is "realistic." Optimistic yes, and possibly cathartic, but more likely apostic and emblematic of dyspeptic season.
  15. Yup, he should be crucified for his opinion that is in line with nearly every football writer in the country. Face it, until the Bills start playing good football they will continue to get hammered in the press.
  16. My God, you're right. Where O' where will the Bills find their future 3rd QB?
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