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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. Seek professional help. Step away from your talk radio. I think you're on to something. Who would have thought that Obama would be deeply unpopular in deep, rural Pennsylvania? I will seriously question the results of this election if Obama could pull it out in PA.
  2. You guys are nuts. If you don't believe the reported polls, then I guess the GOP pollsters are in on the conspiracy. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0912/81845.html?hp=t1 This is no different than 2004 when my Democratic friends insisited John Kerry would win. Polls suggested otherwise and like 2008, the polls were nearly dead-on. In other words, grow up.
  3. How do you guys get through life thinking everything is a conspiracy? Wow, shocking that certain states have declining percentage of registrations with some in swing states. Effects Ds and Rs. Dems in rust belt though trend of Latino voters could eventually be a huge problem for GOP. None of this is a secret.
  4. http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/09/29/poll-averages-have-no-history-of-consistent-partisan-bias/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
  5. http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/419556/september-27-2012/-skewed--presidential-polls
  6. You seem to think losing is pretty funny. Good luck with your fantasy world - while it lasts.
  7. So, tell me again why Blacks and LGBT vote Democrat and the Rich vote Republican? How are they not "normal?" Why won't Republican states just get rid of welfare and medicaid?
  8. Good analysis. Only bad presidents like Reagan and Clinton used the teleprompter as often. We need good presidents that GW Bush who looked like a buffoon on the teleprompter and had to use index cards.
  9. No doubt the new anti-ref push start on talk radio. Good luck with that.
  10. This is why I rarely listen to sports radio. Embarrassing and lame.
  11. If a only the Bills had a GM that made good picks.
  12. It's a sin to compare Marv Levy to Isiah Thomas in any way, other than they both worked in sports.
  13. As the Bills enter a new season trying to break the umpteenth year streak without a playoff appearance, I continue to be dumbfounded by the comments some fans make about Marv Levy. I could throw around words like "disrespect" or question whether anyone who downplays his fantastic contributions to the Bills could still be a real fan. I could rattle off word after word listing his tremendous accomplishments. For example, in the 90 year history of pro football, the Hall of Fame has only inducted 21 coaches. 21. And only two who became a head coach after Levy (Joe Gibbs and Bill Walsh). Instead, I will say why I love the guy. It's simply because he makes me proud to be a Bills fan. Fans talk a lot about winning a Super Bowl before they die, I hope Marv gets to see it as well.
  14. Yeah, it's not like he was voted into the Hall of Fame. Wait, they put THAT guy into the HofF? I get it, in the 90 year history of pro football they must have let in, what, 200 coaches? Oh, 21? That's it? That can't be right, even Bills fans say he's a loser.
  15. Perhaps not that sophisticated. Maybe Carrot Top?
  16. Let's re-phrase - he replaced Trent with Fitz, he replaced Jackson with Lynch, we didn't have any LBs better than Kelsey and Johnson, he tried Levitre at Center and cut Merriman when he could not play the 4-3. Feel better?
  17. It is a waste of time to engage anyone who truly believes Obama is a socialist/Marxist. The same would go to debate anyone who says Bush was a fascist.
  18. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that this topic degenerated into a debate as to whether Obama is a socialist. Do you guys read your posts? Pretty embarrassing on both sides. Once posters use "townhall" or Mother Jones to back up extreme ideological views, it's a good indication that this isn't the forum for a rational conversation.
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