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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. Life is too short to plan my afternoons around a perpetually disappointing team.
  2. Sugar was also a great band. Mould is supremely underrated and under appreciated, and to too many music fans, completely unknown.
  3. Did he kick off a tee? Not sure if they do that anymore.
  4. Chronologically - 1986 - New York Mets (too young for 1969) 1994 - New York Rangers (not around in 1940) 2002 - Maryland basketball Knicks - never (too young for 1973)
  5. I could easily say that Larry Fitzgerald is my favorite football player.
  6. Agree. Ive been a supporter and thought Fitz would bounce back after the rib injury. Instead, I've been horrified by how poorly Fitz has performed. Every QB must suffer through dropped passes, but Fitz simply can't make consistent passes and that really hurts the offense. Unfortunately, there isn't a viable solution, as I don't believe Thigpen is an answer and if Jackson was half-decent he'd have passed Thigpen on the depth chart.
  7. I just called out a half-dozen or more by name. You, one. Bair. Wow. I just put up a few names. You: ZERO.
  8. Of course, the point of all this was to discuss the better, more informative reporters. Still waiting to hear if anyone has better options.
  9. And who has "demonstrated" her bias, oh yeah, Fox News and other conservative media outlets. Nice try. If you expanded your worldview just a bit, you will know that she was recently criticized by the left for going after David Axelrod and Governor Markell. Guess you won't get that fair and balanced coverage. What is?
  10. When you imply Joe Scarborough is not a RINO and dismiss Chuck Todd as somewhat with liberal media bias, how can you NOT be a partisan Republican.
  11. Uh, no. She destroys Democrats as well as Republicans. Step away from Fox and maybe you will see that those who conduct brutal interviews of Republicans can be fair journalists. She ain't perfect, but up there with some of the best interviewers. I'd love to hear who you think is "fair." Fox & Friends? The greatest fraud on TV.
  12. Dude, I hate to tell you, but you are a partisan Republican. Care to share who you like?
  13. I don't mind Bair, he has the closest thing to news show on Fox. Felt the same about Shephard Smith. Others: Soladad O'Brien might be the best interviewer on TV, Morning Joe has good segments but Mika annoys me (self-righteous and zero sense of humor), Joe is amusing and has some good (if repetitive) insight, I'm a big fan of Chuck Todd and most of the people he puts on his show, John King is OK but tries too hard. I rarely watch network news but if I do, it's Brian Williams. IMO, the worst include: anything after 6PM on MSNBC, Fox & Friends (my God, so awful), followed by almost anything else on Fox, Kudlow on CNBC (what a tool), Up with Chris whoever, and anything on HLN after 5PM (though not technically news)
  14. Thanks again for telling me what I think. I'll be back with you If I can't decide what I want for breakfast.
  15. Yes, we can certainly agree on Tantaros, but I have a feeling I would need to keep the TV on Mute. But seriously, you watch Ed Shultz? I can't watch MSNBC after Morning Joe and The Daily Rundown. I had to look up the "Young Turks" . . . and couldn't even tell you how to find Current TV. Most of the TV "news" programs are complete crap.
  16. It's just a fact that conservatives consistently oppose alternative fuels research and development; and continually attack any investment on the campaign trail. It's a knee-jerk reaction. Yes, your Fox News talking points are right on Solyndra (yes, it failed), but the GOP is ALWAYS picking "winners and losers" in government funding, tax incentives, programs, etc. Try as you might, but that is not a partisan concept unique to Democrats. Your talking points suggest you favor some kind of "free market" but it has rarely been that way for either party in control. And, last, Ethanol is only considered a failure of conservative talk-show hosts. Funny how the GOP has never truly tried to get rid of it. Until proven otherwise, I believe ethanol could be a part of the overall energy solution that would include oil, gas, wind, water, bio fuels, etc. There is no one solution, and it would help if the right was a bit more productive in the finding a solution and the crazy left didn't rely on utopian ideas. We can always count on you to "know" what other people think. (Hint: you are not even close).
  17. I find it amazing that conservatives latch onto every report on the demise of alternative fuels. It's almost gleeful. Ethanol is far from a bust and the electric vehicle is still in its infancy. Why so quick to dismiss the overall goals of conservation, etc? Why are conservatives resistant to researching viable alternatives. Why do conservative view this as a "liberal" thing? I just don't get that attitude, it makes zero sense.
  18. Sorry, I should have realized you can't resist showing how smart your are. But if you couldn't read between the lines: the Middle East, Russia, etc.
  19. Jobs numbers are positive and you guys are upset? When did job losses start? Can't remember.
  20. A video that "surfaced" on Fox News in 2007.
  21. Aren't the polls skewed? Oh, only when Romeny isn't doing as well? Now I get the methodology. Can't wait for the post-election "voter fraud" excuse.
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