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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. Not tacky, just not a very good commercial. Looks like the concept took third place in a middle school contest.
  2. Lewis (and the press) have never shied from this incident. It was huge news for a long time and he's still asked about it. But the fact is, the district attorney dropped the charges against him in exchange for his testimony against the two other guys. The DA did not have any evidence that Lewis was involved and the two other guys have never implicated him in the stabbings. Lewis did plea to obstruction (or something related) but there's no evidence the incident didn't happen the way the court ruled. (This is ripe for a tell-on/investigated book, but none have surfaced), Lewis often talks about how this changed his life, that he should not have put himself in the situation but there is also no evidence that he initiated or participated in the deaths. Civil awards are not unusual and for someone of Lewis' stature the money he paid out was likely worth prolonging the situation any longer, and there was a good chance he would have been dinged for his role based purely on his plea bargain anyway. However, the settlement does not necessarily mean more evidence would emerge or any admission of further involvement. I get that some fans don't like him but it's annoying when their prejudices allow for accusations that are not true (or at the very least, cannot be proven).
  3. Yup, we should go back to a time when we didn't care about anything unless a clear majority cared about it. Stop progress now. 1813: "This country is doomed for whining about the darkies" 1913: "This country is doomed is cuddling to women"
  4. Is there ANY proof that freezing the kicker works?
  5. At this point, if Marrone/Hacket feel strong enough to take Nassib at #8, I won't have a problem.
  6. Ha ha. Good impression of a insane fan. Wait, what? You're serious . . .?
  7. I'm not shocked that people freak out. For all we know this guy is a friggin genius.
  8. I liked Season 3 (I'm a Neal McDonough fan) but there was the inevitable let down after the outstanding Season 2 story line, which had one of the great villains in TV history, Mags Bennett (Margo Martindale). Great acting but as a character-driven show, it will rise and fall with them as well.
  9. Nope. I'm not into dudes. Not the crazy girl either.
  10. On TV (ESPN or NFL), they mentioned a 2PM press's conference.
  11. Agree. Though could have waited until the morning of the Super Bowl to completely fly under radar.
  12. You are somehow implying that the timing is suspicious as if the Bills are trying to hide or sugarcoat the hire. Which is nuts or juvenile. I gave you the benefit of the doubt.
  13. Or it was announced when the deal got done. What the hell are you trying to say?
  14. I think we will see a lot of this: Ian Rapoport (@RapSheet) 1/6/13, 7:20 AM @BillsObserver I don't know Doug Marrone. His resume is OK. But many smart football people are head-over-heels with him. Like Parcells
  15. Agree. Though the well reasoned approach will get ignored here. If so many football analysts, NFL coaches, players and GM's say he's worthy choice, who are we to say he can't do well? For me, Marrone was my second choice behind Kelly, principally because of what inside experts thought of him. I know what the re-retreads have done (and inside reports on Lovie's low ceiling left me less than enthused), so I''m willing to take a chance with Marrone than go with the same old. Bottom line: a few months ago, I never would have had Lovie Smith on my list of coaches, so why should I get upset to lose out on him now?
  16. Same. I moved to MD in 1997. IMO, Ravens are an easy team to root for, passionate/knowledgeable fans, good owner, management, fantastic stadium, etc. I have always disliked the Redskins (the name, the fans, that horrific stadium) but, week after week, I do find myself in awe of RGIII. Not going to happen, but nice to think about an all-Maryland Super Bowl.
  17. If the guy who represented Pensecola in the 90s isn't a "conservative" then Reagan must have been a liberal. No wonder the GOP is moving farther to the fringe.
  18. Again, one of the best football players (or even sports stars) ever. I'm glad I've seen him play many times. Absolutely electric. If not for the freak injury, he could have played another three years.
  19. One of the best ever at any position. He is universally loved in Baltimore, on and off the field; right up there with Cal Ripkin.
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