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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. I don't know anything about those two, just saying I'm intrigued by what MT might do on a team that utilizes him.
  2. I watch a lot of Terp football (I know, they generally blow) but they have produced a surprising number of decent players. Always been a Furstenberg fan and perhaps on the right team he could flourish. Hard working, nice tools but had to play on a Terp team that was a mess the last two years, which must have had seven or more QBs over that time (the injuries looked like a Pickett's regiment during the charge) including a converted LB who played the last few games last season.
  3. We are all sorry out missed your calling. But I guess that's the flaw of perfect hindsight.
  4. Wow, it's so simple, man. Hindsight is a powerful tool, if only we could use it to solve all the world's problems.
  5. Goodwin looks bigger than 5' 8". On the surface, doesn't look like Roscoe Parrish but more like a solid running back. I take solace in the fact that Texas QBs were not a much of a downfield threat. I had no problem with Graham either but had wondered what the Bills could do when Fitz wasn't much for the longball.
  6. Please explain how they "panicked." It's one thing to explain what you would have done differently, but your knee-jerk analysis is without merit and lacks even a shred of evidence.
  7. ^this We have no idea if the Bills believe they have a TE problem. For all we know, the TEs on the roster are just fine for what they want to do.
  8. When the so-called "draftniks" like McShay and Mortenson don't like something, I tend to think the opposite. Few of these "experts" have ever held a position of accountability and they get irrationally upset when teams crap all over their "boards."
  9. Notes: - he was our guy right from the beginning. decision made a while ago. - all in it together - When ready to play? that's our responsibility. Need to earn trust of player, learn scheme. - he's a very hard worker - Nassib: all QBs in the discussion. EJ best fit. - 2nd round: believe all rounds are important. - college experience: have a bit more background on players but difficult to predict what a player will be.
  10. What a crock. There is no way his decision to go home has ANY impact on a team's evaluation. On Mike and Mike, Polian was adamant that this kind of speculation is total BS.
  11. One noticeable change this year is the Buzz around the Bills. Yes, "buzz" can be negative, but I have the feeling the response to the Manuel pick mirrors my feelings. Shock, disbelief, wondering why, reevaluation, focusing on the positives and increased intrigue at how good he could be. For me, this progression could simply be my own seven stages of grief, but I feel better that "experts" I respect seem to see a big potential upside. Moreover, I feel better that tools like Todd McShay HATE the pick. Therefore, Manuel = HOF.
  12. Well done, but I'm not a Manuel fan. Saw him on TV a lot and did not stand out much.
  13. Even "in context" it's crazy ****. No, thanks. I have a wife not a follower.
  14. Every player helps you win football games. Even guards. Ask the QB and RBs.
  15. Why would the Rams make that trade when they have so many holes to fill? Who is at 8 that the Rams must have?
  16. Yeah, it must be because the media wants the Bills to fail. (That's nuckin futs).
  17. NO, I don't feel that way at ALL. I don't believe the Bills, especially Marrone, would take a QB at 8 they do not believe in. For Marrone, that decision is much more important to his career than any consideration about fan "feelings" leading up to opening day. I edited this to say it's not rational to believe this is even a realistic possibility. I would make zero sense and this just fuels the fire of nutty conspiracy theorists. As a master of fact, the far EASIER decision is to NOT take a QB at 8. Who could criticize the franchise if they determine that no player in this "poor" (not my word) QB class are worthy of the selection? On the flip side, if the Bills think that a QB is worth the pick (especially Nassib), I will be excited that they think enough of the pick to take the criticism.
  18. "He was our fourth choice, but we thought, 'what the hell?'"
  19. The only team with a foolproof draft strategy is the one with the very first pick. After that, all plans go to hell and its not possible to ever be sure of pick #2, let alone any selection afterward.
  20. Trading assumes that there is a player at #8 that another team wants desperately. Usually a suspect guess. I'd rather have the Bills take the guy they want at #8 than get cross their fingers they'll be there down board.
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