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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. As it is, the Pro Bowl is too subjective and political. Those ideas would turn the system into a circus. Would you really trust the Patriots (or any other team) to adhere to open competition? Teams could orchestrate campaigns to ensure their players stacked votes and make sure other (more deserving?) players got the shaft.
  2. Just want to point out that Nancy Grace is a vile creature.
  3. Depends on your definition of country music. I love Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson and Patsy Cline; but I also love "Americana/Alt-Country" (Levon Helm, Bob Dylan, Uncle Tupelo, Old 97s, Neko Case early stuff, etc), which I think is more true to country music than the country-pop crap. I think Jack White could put out a better country album than anything Kenny Chesney or psuedo-country signers could do.
  4. I hate the MNF broadcast. They want to make every game a mini-Super Bowl. ESPN has 90 minutes of pre-game coverage, they do a ridiculous, overblown introduction number and then all the irrelevant "MNF stats and trivia" as if they mean anything. They improved the start time from a 9:05PM start to a 8:35PM start, but I still rarely watch the second half unless it's a good match-up (which does not happen often). The one thing I like is Mike Tirico (who I think is superb) but I loathe Jon Gruden.
  5. I'll take a different viewpoint and predict the Tomatometer. (Over 60% is "fresh"; under is "rotten", though I probably haven't gone to the theatre for a movie under 70%). Also, in parentheses, I note were I disagree on hit, even or flop. Thor: Not a summer movie, and everyone who saw The Avengers is even more interested in what the characters do on an individual basis. HIT - 68% Fast & Furious 6: For some reason people love this stuff. I have never seen a single one of these movies. Adding Dwayne Johnson to this franchise was a great move, and there will be a 7th movie. HIT - 52% Star Trek Into Darkness: Probably the most anticipated movie of the Summer. Huge HIT - 87% Pacific Rim: Giant Robots Vs. Kaiju Monsters. Guaranteed lots of fun at the theatre. Biggest obstacle is female appeal. Bring on Godzilla in 2014. HIT - 61% Man of Steel: Every trailer has been appealing. Zack Snyder's approach could very well be what this franchise needs. HIT. 58% After Earth: Will Smith in an M.Night Shyamalan movie. Can it work? EVEN. 62% The Lone Ranger: Disney has a lot of faith in giving this movie the 4th of July weekend. Depp & Bruckheimer & Verbinski have a proven track record. So it all comes down to Armie Hammer. FLOP (even) - 71% Iron Man 3: The first Avengers character film after "The Avengers". Big HIT - 79% Despicable Me 2: Lots of fun characters return, but they'll have to be very creative to come up with another good story. EVEN - 72% Monsters University: Trust in Disney/Pixar. But a prequel, not a sequel? HIT - 69% World War Z: This movie has taken forever to get to the big screen. Brad Pitt, not the zombies, is the key to this film's success. EVEN (hit) - 78% Percy Jackson, Sea of Monsters: The first outing was decent and Logan Lerman still looks like a 12 year old. A summer release is questionable, even if it is August. EVEN - 60% The Wolverine: Wolverine goes to Japan. What more needs to be said? HIT - 65% The Hangover Part III: Even though Part II was basically the same movie as the first, it still did obscenely great business. A third outing may be pushing it though. EVEN - 58% The Great Gatsby: Alternative summer fare with big name actors and a big budget. Does this movie really need to be in 3D? Will we get the Baz Luhrmann of "Moulin Rouge!" or "Australia"? EVEN (Hit) - 93% Here's more Summer fare. Elysium: Director Neill Blomkamp's first movie since "District 9" has good star power and a relevant social issue for today's times. HIT - 88% The Heat: Sandra Bullock & Melissa McCarthy team-up and exchange crude jokes at each other. HIT (even) - 40% White House Down: Another White House under attack movie, except Channing Tatum is the star, which makes female appeal skyrocket. EVEN - 60% This Is The End: Seth Rogen, James Franco, Jay Baruchel, Michael Cera, Paul Rudd, Jonah Hill, Emma Watson & Rihanna are all at a party as the apocalypse begins. Oh by the way, the actors play themselves. HIT (hardest one - either 40% or 83%) Kick-Ass 2: Jim Carrey steps in for Nicolas Cage, but can that help this sequel that nobody was asking for? FLOP (even) - 75%
  6. Disagree. Wording could make a huge difference.
  7. Too bad he didn't display that same intensity the past few years. Granted, KS might have been a victim of bad coaching and not fitting the current scheme, but he must shoulder the blame for his apparent cluelessness on the field.
  8. Please, no. Nothing good would come of it.
  9. This is offensive, Broussard is an awful analyst and a worse "reporter" who habitually plagerizes scoops from other insiders and passes them off as his own. Total scumbag. Now, what did he say about this story?
  10. It looks Michael Bay-like loud and preposterous. Should make hundreds of millions. I hope it's well done, del Toro's Hellboy is entertaining and Pan Labyrinth is a great film.
  11. This one is a classic (reminds me a of a few people . . .) http://www.footballnation.com/video/2013-nfl-draft-reporter-pranks-fans-radio-city-mus/1106/?playlist=featured-videos
  12. Great Speeches: 1. MLK - I have a dream. 2. JFK - Inaugural speech 3. FDR - Pearl Harbor 4. Ronald Reagan - Shuttle disaster 4. Kiko - I don't feel pressure
  13. Good point. Though I would hope he'd use the machine to correct the mistake rather than just post (again?) after the fact on a message board. Or maybe he did make the correction and this is new timeline . . .
  14. Excellent, I love hindsight, could we use your time machine in a few years? What happens if you're completely wrong? By the way, I like the receivers they got much better.
  15. Kiper and others are required to issue grades so that they could be held accountable . . . Sorry, I was thinking of those with real jobs.
  16. Oh, Good Lord. You "feel bad for Marrone in trusting Nix"? What fantasy land do some of you people live in? You don't think grown men with years of football experience cannot make their own reasoned analysis of their OL needs? Don't you think it's possible that the entire coaching staff personally evaluated each of the team's own lineman to determine who could fill each position? "So, Mr. Nix, what about a lineman here?" "Oh, don't you worry yourself, young man, go play with your new QB." "OK, thanks Mr. Nix, sorry for bothering you." This post and others like are ludicrous and I'd be embarrassed if any of the staff were to read this laughing out loud and shaking their heads. I really wonder what some of you do for a living.
  17. Painful. I'd rather watch an analysis by Pauly Shore.
  18. I despise Kiper so much that I don't even want to see him an impersonation.
  19. It might take some time to get used to throwing to someone that fast. Moreover, Goodwin might not even have much experience with a QB who could throw the long ball.
  20. I like Lattimore a lot, when he's not injured . . .
  21. "Productivity" is a subjective word. There have been dozens of "productive" college WRs who have never played a NFL down. It's possible Goodwin didn't catch many balls simply because Texas didn't have the QB or offense to throw it to him. Thus, his apparent use in the Texas run game.
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