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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. Good topic. Until recently, I never occurred to me that I was a huge "sci-fi" fan but it would take time to list all the sci-fi movies, books and TV shows that are favorites. Perhaps the "sci-fi" stigma? Anyway, in addition to Primer and Moon (both outstanding), I'd add Source Code and Time Crimes. I'd welcome any recommendations based on these movies. BTW, I couldn't stand Starship Troopers (the movie) and the Forever War (book). I'm now wary of military sci-fi as fantasy stuff for the Cheeto-eaters who live in their parents' basement. A few of my book recommendations: The Wool series Dune (will try the others) Altered Carbon The Martian Wayward Pines series Hyperion (will try the others)
  2. Facebook and chat boards are littered with posts that could be avoided with an extra 15 seconds of research.
  3. I'd love to have job where I could make as much or more than I do and have zero accountability. I don't know about most people, but iI make recommendations that could mean millions (won and lost) to my clients and my firm. That's what's so useless about analysts who who don't have to own up to what they say. Whaley and Marrone, like most executive/coaches in the league actually have their livelihood on the line. I think it would entertaining to have Kiper et al actually have to debate a team's leadership on whether or not the picks made sense. Won't happen, but that's why most sport, political and other analysts can be infuriating.
  4. I bet a gay Manzeil drafted by the Patriots would get his own ESPN channel. I wish he was gay because I'm disappointed this morning's ESPN Manzeill segments only lasted 25 minutes.
  5. Good thread. Which begs the question, Why doesn't the Bills have Hall of Famers at every position? FAIL
  6. The Bills failed to get 12 early round picks to fill every need.
  7. Of course I'm upset we didn't get that guy, I told you he'd be good. Damn Bills.
  8. Way does a OT need to run a quick 40? Probably the most useless metric in football.
  9. Why would you be "concerned?" If Marrone takes him at #9, I'll assume ZM is worth the pick.
  10. Depends on your definition of lousy. Every team has had their great share of busts. Bills have also drafted a nice handful of outstanding players. I'm not excusing the playoff drought, but your statement is overly broad.
  11. Actually, the docs/researchers have a pretty good clue; and for a vast majority of humans, smoking and (most) "fast food" are really bad for them. Statistically speaking, there are always exceptions. My grandparents smoked like chimney's and lived into their 90s, but still died of smoking related disease (lung cancer and heart disease).
  12. Last night, saw Jake Bugg at DC's 9:30PM Club. An amazing talent, a great show and his new songs are excellent. If it wasn't for his youthful appearance it'd be hard to believe his only 19.
  13. 12. Except for those who were leaving when only down six. IMO, before you head to the gates, the Bills bill better be down at least three scores with less that two minutes left. Otherwise, inexcusable and you should not be allowed back in.
  14. I'd take him in a heartbeat. Hardnose, smart player. No doubt lost a step but could make up for it in a system he knows well. On Ravens and Jets he always seemed to be around the ball. I don't know the circumstances of his roster cut but it might be that lost out younger, cheaper players.
  15. I'm with you guys, I can't believe the Bills haven't picked up pro bowl talent on the waiver wire.
  16. More important question: Do we really need another Batman movie?
  17. This would be a good post if any of your facts were correct. Relax dude, don't panic.
  18. Saw it in Maryland. First time I'd seen MMJ live. Jim James is a good entertainer. I liked the songs I know, but struggled with the unfamiliar ones. I'm a huge Wilco fan, but they're at their best over a two to three hour concert, when they could blend in all their different albums, changing rhythms and styles. However, I was glad they did a bunch of "old" favorites like Passenger Side but disappointed they didn't play with MMJ or a special guest. First time I had seen Dylan. I'm a big fan, and really like the "recent" Modern Times, but Dylan was unlistenable. It was painful and we didn't even stay until the end. Someone said we would miss "Blowing in the Wind," but I replied, "How would you know?" He never touched a guitar. What's worse is Dylan stood back stage, sometimes behind the piano, barely lit. I'm not sure I saw his face. It could have been some random guy growling into the mike. Disappointing. I guess I'm about 20 years too late.
  19. Of course, a great deal of those people are tourists and not from DC.
  20. Well, since hundreds (thousands?) of books, documentaries and serious academic papers have not questioned the date, I'd say there is a good chance it's true. Adams last words were that Jefferson lives, but TJ had died hours earlier. JA should checked Twitter.
  21. I never liked Forrest Gump. I thought it was a contrived, dull gimmick.
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