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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. Good strategy. If the Clay situation is not holding up the pursuit of any other Bill FA targets, then there is no sense in rushing into anything. Get your target under the best possible circumstances (which could mean forcing the Dolphins to drop the tag that could make an even better deal). No one will care WHEN the Bills singed a player, or whether they got it done.
  2. Let me know when they don't have Bill and Tom.
  3. ^This plus -- Incognito > Every 2014 guard Kept Hughes - Excellent Extended Kyle - Excellent Williams and Searcy - Wash Still to come? Would like to keep Easley Sign Clay (would be huge upgrade) Sign Harvin (Clearly a talent but also a head case - can only be positive)
  4. Pretty sure they can do quite a few negotiations at the same time, and nothing you can do if a player doesn't want to negotiate.
  5. This is a "depends on my mood" answer but I'd probably pick "Rubber Soul" - it was my first Beatles record and I played the hell out of it. If I hear a song off that record it feels like I've gone back 35 years.
  6. What if Bell blows, Fred declines and Boobie can't carry the load all season? McCoy would look pretty Great.
  7. Plus, re-signing players is more status quo than making improvements.
  8. Most people like the Stones but if given a chance to see bands in their prime, they would not make most Top 10 lists. Beatles a clear #1, and then depending on my mood it could be Kinks, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Doors, The Band, Queen, Nirvana, Bowie, Hendrix, CCR, Beach Boys, The Ramones, Santana, Uncle Tupelo, Cream, Elvis, Talking Heads, Skynard, The Clash,
  9. Click bait. No better than the guy at the bar who claims to know something.
  10. I'm ready to get my Marpet jersey; red, white, blue and Orange.
  11. I'm also a Ravens fan and watch all the games. Putting aside the domestic violence, his productivity had fallen off the cliff. There are a few good articles that suggest Ray Rice would no longer be a good option and any team would be wise to avoid or sign a cap friendly deal. This article is a good example: http://fivethirtyeight.com/datalab/ray-rice-was-awful-when-he-last-played-football/
  12. I, Claudius - Robert Graves The First Man in Rome - Colleen McCullogh Read in early 20s but 15-20 years later I had a much better understanding of Rome history and like each book even more.
  13. Slightly off topic - go read "The Martian" one of my favorite books of 2014, and maybe all-time. So much fun.
  14. The NFL will be a pass oriented league until it's not.
  15. Yeah, equality is for wusses. Why give the weaker sex a chance to play? That's what's wrong with this country . . . Hurumph, Hurumph
  16. Why would TB or Ten do this? The fallacy of the willing trade partner.
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