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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. Well, last year, Ajayi consistently put up 200+ yards on the Bills. I'm very wary of him.
  2. LCG - he's a travesty Cook - just awful Wait . . . Mitch Heberg? That's messed up. One of the all-time greats. His material is genius.
  3. All great in their own way. If you had to pick one - Fargo. I don't have enough superlatives. I'm in awe of the writing. SOA - Outstanding first and second seasons but thought it jumped shark afterward. IMO, didn't have an overall story arc. Peaky - elements of a great show, but story didn't work for me. A bit of a mess. IMO, would have been better to have a more engaging main character. Too many cliches and shallow characters. Deadwood - I liked individual episodes but I felt there wasn't an overall cohesion. Would have been a better (long) miniseries.
  4. Agree, 11 is spot on. 10 would be too few, 12 too many. 13 would be flat out wrong, while 9 comes up 2 short. Yes, a precise count of 11 would improve things greatly.
  5. This is how I feel. Peterman is fine pick-up for where they got him. If he turns into a serviceable backup then it was worth the pick. Anymore than that is gravy.
  6. I guesss we'll see. For all we know, he's a perfect fit for whatever they'll run.
  7. My thought exactly. Gilmore was "good" but also disappointing. Personally, I was surprised the Pats gave him the huge contract. White may not be flashy, but I think he could be more consistent that SG, cost significantly less and Bills get a 1st and 3rd.
  8. On any given Sunday, I think Tyrod is about 50th percentile. That might not be a great test score but it is when I look at the available options next year. I see none better than our current QB. All QB options are either not significantly better, are high injury risks, will cost draft picks and/or are short-term options. And there is zero guarantee any great prospect will be available during draft. If the defense was at 50th percentile, I believe the Bills could have won as many as 4-5 more games. Therefore, pay the man. IF a QB draft pick of good potential falls to Buffalo, select them as well, but I think we will all regret not holding on to TT.
  9. Did this about 10 years ago and never went back. Blades are much better and cost about 50 cents each.
  10. Only one game for domestic violence? Makes sense, because he stood for the National Anthem and didn't smoke pot.
  11. No reason to defend MMJ, as (I stated) they were very good (as were Wilco). Thankfully, Dylan was last so we could leave. I would see MMJ again.
  12. Best: Foo Fighters and Black Keys (both played DC's Verizon Center) - with many a close second. Grohl is from the area and usually ends US tour in DC. Worst: Easy. Bob Dylan at Merriweather He traveled with Wilco and My Morning Jacket, who were great and I was looking forward to Dylan for first time. Just awful. We left.
  13. Again, why do we have Texas? Didn't we win that war to make Mexico keep it?
  14. IMO, the police certainly planted evidence and deserve punishment. However, I also think the Dude is very, very guilty. Technically, he should get a new trial but also deserves to rot in jail.
  15. I recommend the Wynn. It's on the north end of the strip, but nothing is really that far. Wynn is clean, comfortable and well laid out. Nice sports bet/bar, great restaurants, an adult swim area, etc. Next to shopping plaza, which is cool. I find the other casinos either too dated, dark, touristy, uncomfortable and/or the gimmicks wear-off quick (though no denying that some of the gimmicks are cool - Paris, NY, Bellagio).
  16. Had the same issue with college. Got into William & Mary but my dad wouldn't pay for two schools.
  17. Over the last 15 years, what has made this an untrue statement?
  18. Probably an unpopular opinion but I think this movie is highly overrated. Only Hanks makes it bearable for not going "full mentally challenged," otherwise it's one long gimmick.
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