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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. Not sure why fans are all upset about Seymour and JWill. They made some nice plays but also very average.
  2. it's hardly a person attack, just an observation. I just don't understand how fans, no matter how much they spend "watching tape" could possibly be so dug in on their opinion when coaches make decisions that have perfectly logical explanation.
  3. But if the young players are really not that good, that's a tank at a lower price point? I don't think anyone could say that JWill was demonstrable better than any other RB on the roster. In fact, his potential may have capped out, perhaps he's a bad teammate, maybe he's missed multiple assignments, I have no idea, only the coaches would know.
  4. I wonder how you do it. You are wrong in thousands of posts yet you maintain the bulldog confidence of a multiple Super Bowl winning GM. Amazing. Is it pills, psychosis? Our new management may be first time coach and GM, but to crap all over their plan before the first regular season snap is nuts. You, me and every on this board knows nothing compared to them, but they have clearly demonstrated they have a logical plan. You may feel right about it but there is no doubt none of us have any idea what will happen over the next few years. Therefore, to go crazy is immature and just plain dumb.
  5. Wouldn't a "tank" also mean cutting productive veterans for unproven young players?
  6. Your eloquent response says it all. Please cite where I've gone wrong.
  7. You clearly are not management material. Yet, you keep citing a guy who has yet to play for the Bills in the regular season.
  8. Again, he has yet to play a single down for the Buffalo Bills. Way to stack all your chips on a single player and ignore every other personnel move.
  9. Oh, Lord, the Sammy thing again. We have no reason to believe he will make it through a season without injury, and if he did, he would never sign with the Bills for a reasonable contract. Next year, Bills would either get saddled with another albatross contract or he'll be playing for another team without any compensation.
  10. I guess we'll see. He's yet to play a single regular season down for the Bills.
  11. I haven't see one trusted NFL source question any of the moves they've made. You could be upset at not making playoffs for 17 years, but don't blame current management. They clearly have a plan, whether it pans, time will tell.
  12. 100%. I see no reason to think they are not outstanding talent evaluators who have a plan to win a super bowl someday.
  13. He looked fine, but just that. They didn't exactly cut Thurman Thomas or even Kenneth Davis. Good Lord, so many think they cut the next Bills' starter.
  14. Oh My God, not that guy, who ever he is, that I'm kinda sure would have been awesome, but I guess may or may not be picked up by another team.
  15. Nope. I'd rather have long-term plan to win the Super Bowl than a short-term, crippling plan that misses the playoffs by a game or two.
  16. Nope, not even a little bit. I'm not exactly sure what the plan is, but there's a plan. Good enough for me. All other bitching without context is just frustration. I get it, but it's immature and unproductive. IMO, the new management has yet to make a move that could not be easily explained.
  17. History: -The History of Rome (Mike Duncan) - Revolutions (Mike Duncan) Invisibilia - stories that illustrate cool ways humans operate.
  18. Like ALL personnel moves, reasonable people could disagree whether the latest they will have a positive or negative affect on a team - both short and long term, but i believe there is little hard evidence to prove that McBeane is trying to tank the season. If so, they are doing a poor job of it. Moreover, I believe their moves are reasonable and well-thought out, with a plan to build a team for the future. Personally, I think we just aren't used to a management team that is willing to make moves beyond the short-term value. For the record, I'm fine switching out Gaines for Darby because I didn't think Darby was all that good AND the coaching staff didn't think he would fit in with the program. Moreover, while I love healthy Watkins and was OK with the trade up for him, Sammy has proved he's not physically reliable AND Matthews is a very, very productive receiver. We may differ but neither of the moves can be considered tanking. So, again, which moves are clear evidence McBeane believes the season is a wash or that they are building the team the "wrong way"?
  19. Agree. Pulp Fiction may be in my Top 10 movies, but not a comedy. Step Brothers is amusing but not in my Top 200 funniest. Zoolander has many classic scenes but a lot mediocre as well. Agree Vacation and MCV deserve Top 100 status, and D & D is like Zoolander. I really like Jack Lemmon and Billy Wilder but Some Like it Hot seems dated to me. Personally, the Naked Gun is my all-time favorite. To me, every line, every gag is hilarious. Not a wasted moment. Same with Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein.
  20. I believe there is zero chance (zip, none) Beane makes a move without consulting with McD and coaching staff. That would be ludicrous and does not reflect the dynamic that obviously exists between coach, GM and owner. I'd go so far as to suggest that McB was the catalyst of the trades and was on the table since he first arrived. We shouldn't be surprised there are a few similar deals on the table. Of course the first practice will be different, especially since Mathews doesn't know the offense. Let's see what happens on Thursday before making sweeping observations.
  21. Sounds like they have a plan > Sounds like they want their own guys I few things I believe: - New management does not equal same old Bills. It's as clean a slate as we can get. - Bean/McD believed they will not make playoffs this year with Watkins and Darby. IMO, a reasonable analysis. - If NE did this, most would praise their genius. - I believe the new guys have a plan and want to control their own destiny. - Watkins is still a huge injury risk. - Bills were not interested in an either resigning an injured Watkins or break the bank to keep him long term. - I believe Bills think it's a waste spend big money on WR. Better to have four decent receivers, a great QB, a good line, decent backs and a system that plays to strengths. See: GB, NE, etc. - While I like Darby and his contract, he's hardly an elite CB and often the target of fan ire last year. - More important, if McD et al didn't think Darby fit, then by all means, move him now and get something good in return. - I'm very encouraged that the new management don't feel pressure to make unwise short-term decisions that could mare long-term success. - Ive yet to see a football expert find fault in the moves.
  22. Until he doesn't put up 200 on the Bills, it doesn't seem reasonable to brush off concern.
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