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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. Why do so many fans rail against the moves by distorting basic facts? Gilmore - We've seen the good SG and the terrible; but certainly you can make a logical argument he was not worth the contract he signed. (Would you have signed him? I know I wouldn't at that price)) At the very least, SG might not fit in the current defense and we have yet to see TW play a single regular season down. A strong case could be made for "Let's see how it goes," but TW is hardly "very little." Watkins - Same for Watkins, this board and other places has debated ad nauseam about the deal, but Jordan Mathews is no doubt as productive, if not more productive than SW. Perhaps not as dynamic, but over his career, no doubt a much better asset. At worse, this one is a wash. Woods - Oh, please. A good, average player. Did you really want to sign him for what he got? We'll see, but I feel pretty confident that Zay Jones will more than fill Woods shoes. Ragland- Really? The guy may not see the field this year. Darby - Again we'll see, but Darby does not fit this defense and time will tell if his replacement is a bit more than you think. J. Williams - He's an average RB. Tolbert et al have already demonstrated they are as good. JW may not even play this year.
  2. Perhaps, but then I don't get all the handwringing over the "dime for two dozen" back like JW.
  3. Yet . . . it wasn't obvious to many people, including the professional coaching staff and talent evaluators. Could it be that JW does not, infact, have "the potential to be a better runner than the other three." Appears to be the case.
  4. Not sure I understand this point, but I would have no problem drafting a RB with great potential. To me (and apparently the coaching staff) JW was not back-up material, let alone a potential starter post-McCoy.
  5. Yes, would also be crazy drop-off if JW was #2 and perhaps worse than current back-ups. Not every team has a great player to back up a superstar.
  6. Message boards are littered with many a poster who perished while repeatedly charging up the hill crying about some player we never heard about again.
  7. Those are a few excellent reasons, in addition to: "Not good enough," "Not in our long-term plan," "We got a better return on investment," etc; all of which can be reasonably argued.
  8. I don't recall anyone stating he was crowed #2. If anything, folks (i.e. fans) simply handed him the job and then were shocked that it didn't happen. Doubtful McD/Beane every made that assumption.
  9. Great, how are the Bills gonna tank if they trade for decent players? Will miss Darby getting toasted at least twice a game.
  10. Not sure why you can't accept that it's possible that jwill might not be good enough to keep. Simple as that. Maybe jwill just isn't that good? That sounds like a logical explanation.
  11. That's amazing, you know all that without the Bills taking a single regular season snap? Do you have stock tips and Lotto numbers, too? To think, I was going to give them two tears to make progress. Glad I didn't waste all that time.
  12. You are assuming VD will be on the roster, will play and will suck. I wish the Bills had other options but we'll see. One player doesn't make a roster.
  13. How would you possibly know that? I have never said a word about VD. You and I know nothing about what goes into the team's decision making. I readily admit that, while you fantasize that you are on the team.
  14. This is a lame way to defend your flame war against the team's decisions. You are the one who kept bringing up Ducasse as if he's the only player that matters. Has he played a single down as a Bill? No. Do you know if VD will start? No. Do you know if he will be bad? No. Do you know more than the management? Certainly not.
  15. But the coaches who watched him every single day did not. What if he was a bad teammate, missed assignments, was not coachable and/or had leveled out as a player, would you still be OK with jwill?
  16. 26 is going down with the ship no matter how much water it takes. Too many fans dig in on indefensible positions and bring down the entire website with their intransigence. Sad!
  17. To quote one of the sports writer, folks are apologetic over a backup RB as if the Bills just cut Jim Brown, a player who may not get picked up by another team. No longer will I defend Bills fans as savvy and knowledgeable, the trolls have gone off the deep end . . .
  18. "indefensible" It's "indefensible" to cut Jonathan Williams, a 5th round draft pick . . . Dude, he's a 5th round draft pick who was OK and you jump all over the cut as if he was a 1st round can't miss player. You're the one who needs to defend your football acumen . . .
  19. What if he's capped out and not at all "promising?" What if he's a bad teammate, misses assignments, hasn't grown as a player? Would you thoughts mature?
  20. Put another way, if they were on the waiver wire, I don't see many on this board scrambling to pick them up.
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