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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. Lonesome Dove and Band of Brothers Lonesome Dove and Band of Brothers I got nothing re QB
  2. You can tell she's a liberal? Is there a mark on her forehead?
  3. Didn't look clear at all. Just as much chance it's called a fumbl out of the end zone.
  4. Although he took them to the SB, I think Ryan is very underrated. His one flaw is to take unnecessary chances. Reminds me of a poor man's Jim Kelly.
  5. Very surprised it took so long to mention Foo Fighters. The band, Dave Grohl and their set list is made for stadium rock. Dave Grohl might be the most electric live rock performer today. Jack White could be another good choice but other than a few songs (Seven Nation Army) I don't think many know his set list.
  6. On TV, the Dallas-Arizona game in Glendale sounded like a Cowboy home game.
  7. Far as I can tell, the protests did not disrupt the games for one second. All started on time and did not have any effect once the games began. If by "distraction" the protests have called attention to a major social issue, well, then mission accomplished. You don't believe American Muslims have the right to protest?
  8. Ah, I get it. You are expressing your opinion. That does look like an interesting article though.
  9. Why not at a football game? It was a two minute, non-violent, undisruptive expression of how they feel. What could be more American? Who else is being stopped from doing a similar expression? Spoon fed what story? What different point of view? This straight-forward. The players are expressing their concern over racial justice. The President decided to dismiss those concerns and more players joined in. What "side of the story" is being suppressed? Please, tell us.
  10. I see, you equate a billionaire buying a casino to fix a personal annoyance to players expressing their concern over racial injustice. Got it.
  11. Dude, protests are what the country was founded on and a vital part of our nation's history. For a large portion of our country, "racial justice" is a HUGE issues. Ignore if you want, few issues are rise to the level of CR or founding of the country but it is unproductive to dismiss the issue. It's not going away until folks on all sides have the courage to take it on.
  12. You mean your Facebook friends all believe what you believe? Amazing. It's almost like it's a self-selected sample. I'm all for people using their checkbook to express their feelings. Go ahead, cancel. I'm just amazed that people could be so upset that someone is expressing their beliefs over a major social issue. To me, the right response is, "Huh, I wonder why they feel so strongly about this issue?" ignoring it solves nothing.
  13. Why don't you stay in your cocoon to protect you from news you don't like? You sound like a crazy, leftist Berkeley student.
  14. Funny how you and others are so bent out of shape over the protest yet you call them pansies. They are human beings and American citizens first, then football players. Not sure why you are unable to even acknowledge why they protest. Perhaps you don't want to admit they have something legitimate to say. Who is the real coward?
  15. Ah, so you agree the anthem is about freedom of expression? So why get bent out of shape that the players were exercising the very freedom the flag symbolizes? You may not believe it's the best way to make a point but you should feel good that it can happen and defend their right to do so. Unlike you, I've just defended citizen's rights under the Constitution and I believe Castro and his government are abhorrent to our nation's values. On the other hand, you seem more at home under Castro's system where people are persecuted for expressing themselves. Unlike, say, the Founding Fathers, the abolitionists, the Suffragett's, the Civil Rights movement, anti-war protestors, Pro-life/Pro-Choice advocates . . .
  16. What is the National Anthem all about? That may be lost on you. You need to follow the threads. Poster said that only sports writers are keeping the story alive and it would be fair to say that at the Alabama rally, dumped a tanker full of gasoline onto the flame. Get it now? Ah, so in your opinion this gigantic, 400-year social issue is the fault of sportswriters? Got it.
  17. You do realize that its the President who packaged a few megatons of explosives and lit the fuse? God forbid he would talk about health care, the economy or say the disaster in Puerto Rico.
  18. Oh, and I think the President has done more to keep this alive than all the sportswriters in the country.
  19. You mean sports writers and Americans who care about the country . . .
  20. Math maybe hard for you, I said 30 years, so 1987. You sound like every every generation who complains about the previous generation. No doubt the players in 70s were criticized by players from the 50s.
  21. Other than the Patriots, few teams are easy to predict. Bills seem to have a good thing going but there are far too many tripwires to believe more than 8 wins, and I would not be surprised by any win total between 5 and 9.
  22. "Millennial?", "Old days?", you do know this has happened for at least 30 years . . . Wow. Can we expect more qualifiers? Anyone who watches sports knows this is not a generational issue.
  23. I'm always surprised by obsessions with former coaches and players.
  24. I agree. The Berkeley carp is terrible and campus censorship needs to stop.
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