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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. Questions: Can Dawkins play RT and will Glenn ever play for the Bills again? Fantasy solution could be to trade Glenn (and his salary) for a good RT (and a pick).
  2. Unless you expected/predicted the Bills to win 10+ games and make the playoffs, you should be pretty happy with McDermott. I know I am.
  3. I'm not sure the onus is on the DC's to "stop" Peterman. Rather, can the OL provide three seconds of protection and will Peterman find a receiver. Look, I like Peterman but have zero expectations.
  4. Bills might audition Seantrel with a good number of snaps but is he really better than the LTs on Seattle’s roster?
  5. I can tell you the Bills are not worse off without MD the rest of the year and FAR better without him next year, and MUCH better thereafter. From the perspective of other teams, why didn’t the Bills get a better offer? Answer: MD is not and may not ever be worth half of what he’s paid.
  6. Nope. Not one bit. And yet, they are 4-2 with a decent chance at the playoffs.
  7. Get a grip. The Bills now have have considerable cap flexibility, they have good players that fit their systems, have stockpiled 10 picks and they are frggin are 4-2, with have a decent chance at the playoffs. At worse, Beane is a good GM. Barely starting and not even remotely playing to his contract. Several DTs have out played him or matched his performance, he’s one toke from a one year suspension and if we think he’s average now, what would the Bills get for him in a year or two (and tens o millions dollars later)?
  8. From a purely good business practice, why is anyone surprised that players, or any employees, dont want to be thought of this way? Especially since football teams are even more sensitive to employee feelings than most work places.
  9. I think it's completely different. If it weren't for all the injuries, the Bills could have won yesterday. Yes, there are some MAJOR holes and depth issues (OL, WR, LB, QB, etc), and while the injuries have set the team back and may not recover this year, I believe McBean is changing the culture for the better and producing a good football team. It will take another year or two because not all issues can be fixed in one season.
  10. It's OK, we'll just beat you up until something else comes along . . .
  11. Which team wants an expensive, injured player who's condition is difficult to determine?
  12. Last three games I "hoped" they'd win, now I'm concerned that I expect the Bills to win . . .
  13. JM loss will hurt bad. Interested to see how Dennison can switch things up with Powell et al. Probably helps the abills took a lot shots downfield, could help set stage against Bengals by spreading things out a bit.
  14. My take as well. Never struck me as a team player who was interested in doing what it took to win. Like many, perhaps constant coaching changes stunted his growth but he lack consistency in all aspects of the game. Positioning, instincts, etc.
  15. There was no harm in 4th and goal play, if Atlanta jumps they get a free play, took time off the clock and only pushed back five yards, which probably helps on the short FG. Literally nothing to lose.
  16. I only have eyes for Cincy. Will be a tough game. Other than perhaps Cleveland, Bills could lose to any team/any week.
  17. A few comments: "I would literally pay a sack of potatoes $65 million to play CB before I pay Stephon Gilmore." "Worst performances I've seen from a Patriot today. And he's on a 5 year, $65 MILLION deal . . ." "Shoot Stephon Gilmore into the Sun" Most comments would not make through the filter.
  18. And not in a good way. Patriot fans seem upset.
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