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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. I agree. Next year won’t be any easier and the Bills will need to take yet another leap to make the playoffs. The good news: all those teams look at breakdown the same way and likely shutter to think how much Buffalo can improve with a new QB, seasoned rookies and all the draft picks.
  2. Don't see how you can say No to Keenum but consider Glennon, Osweiler or McCarron. (And I don’t want Winston either, even in the very unlikely event they cast him off).
  3. I think the most realistic solution is to draft a QB but not expect them to play the first year (of two). Pick up any of the following: - Alex Smith - Case Keenum - Sam Bradford I believe Cousins would make t(e team significantly better but too expensive. I dont have a QB draft favorite but would prefer not to trade up. I don’t really see any QB a trade up.
  4. The big X-factor is the health of McCoy. I don’t think the Bills can win without a decent McCoy. His presence along scares a defense.
  5. I makes a lot of sense to have all the “playoff”games at the same time. I bet viewership will be through the roof. As for those with tickets, what’s the problem? Flex games are a fact, your team might go to the playoffs, haven’t you planned for this possibility? I bet fans on 15+ other teams would gladly take that problem.
  6. The season could have been over weeks/months ago so, enjoy today. IMO, no matter what happens, I feel the team is moving in the right direction and the off-season is full of positive possibilities.
  7. Strange how the tape is mostly broken plays.
  8. I'd be very happy if the Bills took Josh Allen with a 1st. I can easily see Bradford, Allen and Peterman competing in camp.
  9. This is how I feel about it. My grade on most players starts with how I feel about the coaching staff and talent evaluators. Right now, I have full trust for the McBeane team and I’m excited what they can do in the off season. If they pick Allen, I’m all for it; Cousins, great; Bradford, cool . . .
  10. Who it will be: 1.Alex Smith 2. Draft Pick 3. Sam Bradford 4. Kirk Cousins 5.Tyrod Taylor Who I’d (realistically) like: 1. Cousins 2. Smith 3. Bradford 4. Bridgewater 5. Peterman
  11. Who would have thought a drunk would get hurt by body-slaming a table? Maybe he should try to following to see if something could go wrong: - Holding a loaded pistol to his head - Eating fire - Sticking a needle in his eye
  12. Romo is great but Nantz is terrible. So overrated. Other favorites: Play-by-Play: - Ian Eagle - Kevin Burkhardt - Kevin Harlan - Kenny Albert - Chris Meyers (Wish list: Gus Johnson/Romo for Super Bowl) Color: - Romo (let Romo be Romo - he can call every play pre-snap and I'd never complain) - Fouts - Gannon (IMO: all others are meh - especially Gruden, who is the worst of the worst) Right, his commentary is rendered meaningless when every player and every play is great. He's the Captain Obvious of the Broadcast Booth. "If they got one more yard it would be a first down" (yeah, think?)
  13. One interesting thing: Bills want the Dolphins to lose to the Chiefs. A Miami win can only hurt the Bills' chances.
  14. Week 16: Bills lose to Pats Jets beat Chargers Week 17: Bills beat Dolphins AND Cinci beats Ravens OR Jags beat Titans Therefore, the most important game is Colts over Ravens. If that happens and the Bills beat the Dolphins, then Bills are in if any of the following happen: Week 16: Jets over Chargers Week 17: Ravens over Bengals Jags over Titans Raiders over Chargers
  15. What they’re trying to say is, “winning is for losers.” No doubt the same folks who are lamenting the wins are those who would call for McDermott to be fired if they lost 10+ games.
  16. You’re right, look at the Patriots, they win every year and look where it got them.
  17. Bills can lose next two games and still make the playoffs if the following happen: Week 16 Colts over Ravens Chiefs over Dolphins Jets over Chargers Eagles over Raiders Week 17 Bengals over Ravens Certainly possible.
  18. New York Times playoff machine disagrees. If Bills win next two, they need ONE of the following to happen: Week 16 Colts over Ravens Rams over Titans Jags over 49ers Week 17 Bengals over Ravens Jags over Titans in other words, If Ravens or Titans lose or Jags win one.
  19. This is a broad statement to conclude McD can’t run a team. As I’m sure you would agree, there are plenty of folks with “background or experience”who cannot run a team. Time will tell but evidence indicates McBeane have the team on the right track.
  20. I have no clue if DD and/or his “source” is full of crap but the scenarios make sense.
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