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Max Fischer

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Everything posted by Max Fischer

  1. IMO, this post, and many like it, is littered with false premises. First - "They" are not around anymore. Entirely new front office. The "they" of today at least deserve a chance to prove themselves. Second - Have to say it, it's easy to "call" moves after a few years. So, Iet's just say that's an unprovable assertion. Third - "Because they don't want to be wrong" is again unprovable. No one but the decision makers will really know the reasons behind a choice. Fourth - "Do whatever it takes to get him." Really? Life doesn't work that way because it's not a computer game. What if the Giants want Rosen? What if no amount of trade bait will make them change their mind. What could you possibly do about it? (Except, perhaps, get into a time machine and make the Bills lose 15 games. Though the time machine would help correct all the hindsight picks as well - Super Bowl!) "In 5 yrs remember the crazy guy on the Bills forum that told you that and then look at whatever excuse the McBeanes give for not getting him and it will all make sense" We have no doubt.
  2. Good thread. I'll be a little different - I'll put down best and worse case scenarios Darnold - Best: Face of Franchise (Stafford) Worse: Solid to Weak Starter / Cousins to Cutler Rosen - Best: Face of Franchise (Eli Manning) Worse: Bust (agree: concussions/injury/David Carr - if healthy - Solid Starter - Cousins) Allen - Best: Face of Franchise (Flacco-plus) Worse: Bust (Ryan Leif) Mayfield - Best: Solid Starter (Cousins) Worse: Back-up (Sanchez) Jackson - Best: Face of Franchise (Vick) Worse: Weak starter Rudolph - Best: HOF pace (Brady) Worse: Weak starter (Bortles) Was going to mention this as well. I think team and situation make a huge difference. I just went on theory that each QB has an equal chance to shine.
  3. So, who are this year's franchise QBs, Swami? If you are so sure, why would any other team trade with us? As far as I could tell, Browns and Jets need a QB; a good case could be made that Eli might only have one more year with the Giants, Denver wouldn't be shy, etc. It's what I love about sports, political and economic punditry, there is no accountability, no consequences. For each front office, their very livelihood is on the line, that's a pretty good incentive to do what they believe is right. As for me, I have faith that McBeane will do what's best for the team and will reserve judgement until the end of next season.
  4. They'll all potential projects, each with flaws. There is no sure fire starter in the draft.
  5. Who are your top 4? There doesn't seem to be a consensus on this board.
  6. Shocking Bills fans would vote to do something Giants fans would not.
  7. Well done. I’d rather read this interesting, “non-football” piece fifty times before one paragraph debating whether Buddy Nix was a good GM. I wasn’t raised in Buffalo nor I’m a religious but Catholic imagery is one of my indelible characteristics of the town. My grandmother’s best friends were nuns, the houses were decked out with crosses, pictures of the baby Jesus and a statue of Mary in the backyard. All the items foreign to where I grew up but they felt natural because it was who she was she didn’t expect us to follow along. Now dead 30 years and it’s those memories come back first.
  8. I highly recommend Netflix’s Tabula Rasa. Belgian 9-part mini series. Good writing and acting. Wouldn’t be right to say anything about the plot.
  9. Why not have a draft that has Darnold or Rosen dropping to #22, then we can get a Roquan Smith at #12?
  10. Fine with me, I think Smith is more of a McDermott player. He’s a field general, anticipates the plays and very fast.
  11. Fact is, no one should be surprised where each QB could be picked. There's a ton of analysis, but in the end, most selections come down to gut instinct. Even harder is predicting the career for each one. Chances are, every fan will find their QB analysis didn't meet or exceeded expectations.
  12. We have no idea what happened. It’s not a !@#$ up if the Colts didn’t want to move to the 12th pick. For all we know the Colts pick up a haul of picks and still end up with the player they want. You can’t force teams to make trades against their own interest.
  13. Well, I kinda remember Aikman as a highly-touted, can’t miss QB who turned out to pretty good.
  14. Nope. I just don't see a QB worth that haul (except perhaps Peyton Manning, Troy Aikman and John Elway)
  15. There is no way to know if Jackson is franchise QB. Someone could certainly guess the probability but many a fan and GM have lost bets on many a player year after year. For Jackson (and every player), the jury is not only out but the trial has yet to begin. And, of course, FO could believe Jackson is their franchise QB at #12.
  16. Lamar Jackson is not Tyrod Taylor. Other than the obvious, there is no comparison. Please point to one transaction that supports the theory that this front office will make a decision "because they listened to fans."
  17. 1. Rosen. Likes: Makes all throws, very smart, accuracy, Game 1 starter Concerns: Will he get better? Passion for the game? Winner? Best case: Aaron Rodgers Worse case: Matt Schaub 2. Lamar Jackson. Likes: Superior athlete, high ceiling, arm strength, game changer Concerns: Consistent accuracy, can his throwing game work on NFL level? Best case: Michal Vick Worse case: Tyrod Taylor 3. Mason Rudolph. Likes: Very smart, accuracy, pocket management, progressions Concerns: Arm strength, mobility, translate to NFL, ceiling? Best case: Tom Brady Worse case: Kyler Boller 4. Sam Darnold. Likes: Winner, high ceiling, smart, good arm, mobility Concerns: Many mechanics to fix, not game one ready Best case: Matthew Stafford Worse case: Jake Locker 5. Baker Mayfield: Likes: Competitor, smart, good arm, accuracy Concerns: NFL ability? Ceiling? Scheme QB? Russ Wilson height without athleticism. Best case: Drew Brees Worse case: JP Loseman 6. Josh Allen. Likes: Rocket arm, athletic, high ceiling, game suited to NFL? Concerns: Accuracy, accuracy, short game, takes too many risks. Best case: Joe Flacco Worse case: Ryan Leif
  18. JM57 post is great and I think this one is good reinforcement. Bottomline: the Taylor comparisons are lazy and flat out wrong. Jackson may not have the high floor like Rosen (or maybe Darnold) but I don't think anyone could exceed his potential ceiling.
  19. Yes, because LJ was the entire Louisville offense. Coaches ran a good number of designed run plays where he average seven yards a carry. (Yes, seven yards, which included 18 TDs)
  20. But . . . he's NOT a run-first QB. There is a ton of articles that say the opposite.
  21. Research and reading will illustrate why I don't agree with anything in your post.
  22. If there is one thing I’m sure it’s that we have no idea what the staff wants.
  23. How is this a shock to anyone? Moving up even without a new Jets market price would be steep and now it'll be even tougher.
  24. Everything I’ve read suggests that Rosen’s best attribute is he’s the most NFL-ready, while BM and (especially) JA might benefit from some time with the clipboard. If you rank BM ahead of AJ perhaps you should re-examine your criteria.
  25. Agree, with the season starting next week, this team looks like it was assembled in March. Without reviewing rosters, I'd say the Bills are no worse than average with that current roster of receivers.
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